
Richmond, New Hampshire Passes Resolution For New 9/11 Investigation

On March 9, 2010 voters in the town of Richmond, New Hampshire became the second town in the United States to pass a resolution calling upon Congress to open a new investigation into the events of September 11, 2001. The first resolution of this kind was passed by the voters of Lincoln, Vermont in 2007.

The Vote For Answers resolution instructing New Hampshire’s congressional delegation “to pursue a new and independent investigation to address thoroughly all of the evidence and unanswered questions related to the event of September 11, 2001” passed 48 to 45 in Richmond (52% in favor).

To our disappointment seven other towns voted down the resolutions, though the overall percentage of votes in favor (in towns where exact results were recorded) was 23%. In referendums on social issues that depend more on values than awareness of the facts, 77% to 23% might be a landslide. However, because of the painful implications of 9/11 not being what we were told, and the media blackout on critical examination of the official 9/11 account, about 1 in 4 voters calling for a new 9/11 investigation is an accomplishment we can be proud of – it shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that questioning 9/11 is anything but fringe.

Among the four towns that have yet to vote, Barnstead will vote on Saturday, March 13, and Peterborough, Stoddard and Hanover will vote on May 11.

In addition to passing the resolution in Richmond and getting nearly 1 in 4 voters to vote in favor, Vote For Answers New Hampshire has garnered unprecedented local media coverage. The Keene Sentinel, Union Leader, Valley News, Brattleboro Reformer and Concord Monitor all published entire articles on the campaign prior to the campaign – with more coverage sure to emerge following the results. It has also been mentioned in countless other articles and letters to the editor throughout the region, including these articles in the Concord Monitor and Now! Hampshire.

Moving Forward

While devoting intense effort to getting the remaining resolutions passed in Barnstead, Peterborough, Stoddard and Hanover, the dedicated activists in the Monadnock 9/11 Truth Alliance and other parts of New Hampshire will use the foundation they have built to begin pursuing three new endeavors: 1) working with the Keene City Council and other City Councils to pass similar resolutions, 2) working with State Representatives to introduce a similar resolution in the State House of Representatives that would be voted on in early 2011, and 3) organizing to expand Vote For Answers New Hampshire to several dozen towns in 2011.

On the national front, NYC CAN will push forward with ballot initiatives in other states where voters can petition for non-binding resolutions to be on the ballot. In states where laws prevent voters from petitioning for non-binding resolutions, we will work with supportive elected officials to place resolutions on local ballots directly, without petitioning, or for city councils to pass resolutions on their own.

NYC CAN’s top ballot initiative priority is Boston, where a feasible sum of 3,600 signatures will allow for non-binding “public policy questions” to be placed on ballots in all 18 Massachusetts House of Representatives Districts located in Boston (200 signatures are needed per district). There are also opportunities to petition for resolutions in Detroit and in cities throughout Wisconsin, and a number of cities across the country present opportunities for city councils to place resolutions directly on the ballot.

If you are interested in doing a ballot initiative where you live, or if you have friends on local boards and city councils who would be able to place a resolution on the ballot – or better yet, pass a resolution on their own – please contact us about getting a campaign started.

To everyone who contributed to the campaign, NYC CAN and the Monadnock 9/11 Truth Alliance thank you for helping us bring our message to countless thousands of New Hampshire residents.

Election Results

Town Passed/Not Passed Percentage Count
Chesterfield No Not Recorded Not Recorded
Exeter No 22% - 78% 381-1377
Harrisville No 37% - 63% 35-60
Hollis No 23% - 77% 33-109
Marlborough No Not Recorded Not Recorded
Nelson No Pass Over -
Richmond YES YES 48-45
Swanzey No 29% - 71% 270-945

1) http://www.americanbuddhist.net/node/4868

2) http://voteforanswersnh.com/sentinelarticle.html

3) http://www.unionleader.com/article.aspx?headline=NH+group+cites+need+for+new+9%2F11+probe&articleId=c2822a9b-f0c3-4f03-b8c3-09c3e0765b2f

4) http://www.vnews.com/02202010/6401650.htm

5) http://www.reformer.com/localnews/ci_14481447?source=rss

6) http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100219/FRONTPAGE/2190302/1004/COMMUNITY

7) http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100207/OPINION/2070330&template=page3

8) http://www.nowhampshire.com/2010/02/21/van-jones-911-%E2%80%98truther%E2%80%99-to-visit-school-tied-to-dem-state-senator/


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Ms Bailey said...

I was a sponsor of the petition that put this resolution on the ballot in Harrisville, NH. I was thrilled with the vote -- I had expected that only a very few people would vote for it, especially because we do not have secret balloting, but have to say 'yea' or 'nay' in front of all our neighbors, who may be glaring at us.

Only one person spoke at any length against it, and she read a speech with extreme emotion, tears and trembling. Her main point was that the old 'Pop Mechanics' article is true and David Ray Griffin's 'Debunking' book is false. Obviously, she did not understand what she was reading, although she is an educated and intelligent woman. I felt that the people who voted with her did it more in sympathy with her feelings than from any familiarity with or understanding of the research.

As you indicate, it is this deep emotion that prevents people from thinking rationally about all the new 9/11 evidence that has come to light. They are simply horrified by the implications of all the new facts: to face them would be akin to living 9/11 all over again, too much to bear. It still horrifies me, but the support of groups like Monadnock 911 Truth Alliance help me turn my fear and dismay into action to find out the whole truth, admit it to the world, make sure it can't happen in our nation again.

Harold Saive said...

You have done a great deed for the country.