
Chemtrails, Real & Fully Documented In Report by NASA

Chemtrails, Real and Fully Documented In Report by NASA
SOURCE:  http://www.nowpublic.com/strange/chemtrails-real-fully-documented-report-nasa

March 19, 2010 at 08:24 pm

The term chemtrail is a very controversial subject that seems to bring the ire of pilots, nay sayers conspiracy theory debunker and the clueless and unaware all the same. Ask anyone and most likely they will say that it is just vapor from jetliners or exhaust contrails that disperse into cloud like cord lines. Well I have observed as well as multi-amounts of others that with the chemtrails comes artificial clouds , and usually cooler and wetter temperatures. The known term for this technique is called cloud seeding. Cloud seeding is a procedure using aircraft and other forms of technology to spray aerosol compounds into the atmosphere with hopes to cause eventual rain clouds and precipitation in sequence.

I have come across a document that completely outlines this program worldwide headed by NASA and by The U.S. Climate Change Science Program:   PDF  CLICK

 What this does expose is a known and utilized program of aerosol delivery systems in an attempt to change our climate by cooling , and dampening it with artificial means. It also states that aerosols also brighten the reflectance of Earth's clouds blocking the Sun's rays from hitting Earth thereby reducing the Earth's surface temperatures. Chemtrails are happening and the purpose may be in our best interest however non-disclosure of "why" we are exposed to these compounds is not acceptable .

See a hypothetical program called Earth 2100 produced and created by ABC . The documentary film covers everything from disease, animal extinction to climate change . It also offers a glimpse of what the misuse of aerosols along with the rapid cooling of the Earth would cause with use of chemtrail delivery methods. I am sure even though this television program was a fictional, possible scenario of the trials of humanity it holds a of wealth embedded truths of current situations. A situation that may happen in our real and near future with over spraying causing a "Nuclear Winter" with rapid cooling and excessive sediment and clouds blocking out the Sun and it's heat.

................EARTH  2100


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