
12/31/08: Chemtrails, Would you believe, have come to ruin New Years Eve.

Gainesville "Crime" Trails
Chemtrails, Would you believe, have come to ruin New Years Eve.

Uncle Jay Sings Great to Exit Out 2008

It's been a whole year since Uncle Jay has SUNG an entire episode, and here's the reminder why! It's the year-end review of the news, and maybe it'll seem a little better with music.

Israelis attempt to sink Cynthia McKinney's supply vessel "DIGNITY"

Cynthia McKinney OP-ED News Report
Cynthia McKinney reports Israeli attempt to sink the emergency supply ship "DIGNITY"
CNN Coverage

12/30/08: Chemtrails over Washinton and Oregon

AERONET_HJAndrews Subset - Terra 1km True Color image for 2008/365 (12/30/08)

12/30/08: Regardless the underlay of natural cloud-cover, Heavy chemtrails activity over Washinton, Oregon and offshore can be detected with an experienced eye.


12/30/08: Intense Ocean Chemtrails off coast of Southern Cal and Mexico.

AERONET_La_Jolla Subset - Terra 500m True Color image for 2008/365 (12/30/08)
Intense Ocean Chemtrails off coast of Southern Cal and N. Mexico.

12/30/2008: Intense Chemtrail Activity over NW Gulf of Mexico

12/39/2008:  Skymap shows intense tanker activity over Gulf
The consequences of the carbon footprint of tanker operations in burned jet fuel could be a significant
multiplier of Global Warming even without considering the toxins in the trails they spray.

John Bolton says the U.S. should go to war with Iran now!

  VIDEO:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m60s-_kSo38

John Bolton says the U.S. should go to war with Iran now!
Posted: 30 Dec 2008 08:56 AM CST
Copyright © 2008 D. H. Williams.
Visit the original article at

By: George@ 9:56 AM - EST
Neocon mouth piece John Bolton is at it again. In this video he appears on his favorite propaganda network Rupert Murdoch's News Corp's Fox News Network to insist that Iran must be attacked now.
He mentions nothing about a strategy just that America must attack Iran now using the same nuclear punch line used to attack Iraq.

ACTION ALERT: Jewish Youth Jailed for Refusing to fight Palesinians

Sign the Letter Today........... and Pass this message on to your freinds 
Americans aren't suppoed to know this
Contrary to Israeli war party propaganda in the US, not all Jews and not all Israelis support Israel's Nazi-like conduct in the Occupied Territories.

This simple fact is probably the single most censored piece of news in the United States.

Here are some young people heading to prison because they won't join the genocide.

You can support these brave kids here:

Write: http://december18th.org

One of their stories...

Name: Tamar Katz
Age: 19
Location: Tel-Aviv

Why I am one of the Shministim:

"I refuse to enlist in the Israeli military on conscientious grounds. I am not willing to become part of an occupying army, that has been an invader of foreign lands for decades, which perpetuates a racist regime of robbery in these lands, tyrannizes civilians and makes life difficult for millions under a false pretext of security."

First Sentence: 28th Sept. - 10th Oct. 2008 (12 days)
Second Sentence: 12th - 30th Oct. 2008 (18 days)
Third Sentence: 1st - 22nd Dec. 2008 (21 days)

Write: http://december18th.org

Please pass this video on to friends and colleagues.

I'd like to see us generate tens of thousands of letters.


Tankers spray poison on leading edge of cold front

Tankers spray poison on leading edge of cold front out in the Gulf.
Subsequent rain over Florida likely sent toxins into lower atmosphere and ground water.

Pilots For 9/11 Truth Welcomes Nine New Core Members

Pilots For 9/11 Truth Welcomes Nine New Core Members!

Experience and Credentials as follows...

Terry E. Phillips
18,900 hours flight time,
41 years as a professional pilot
ATPL, CE500, CE560, LrJet, NA265, DA10, B727, A320

Charles Dills
27th Fighter Bomber Group
94 Combat Missions
European Theater
P-40, P-47, P-51A
PhD Harvard

A. Erhard, Germany
Senior First Officer Boeing 747-400
Aerobatic Pilot and Flight Instructor
5200 h TT

Guido Fontana
F.A.A. Commercial
Instrument Rating
Single & Multiengine Land
Single Sea
Glider 1000 Hrs
Airplane 2000 Hrs
C337 P68 P44 PA30
Glider aero tow Stinson L5, Robin Dr400, Cessna L19

Greg Madden
Former Marine (non-pilot)
Radio Technician
Martin Co., Florida

Dennis Cimino
Electrical Engineer
Commercial Pilot Rating, since 1981
Navy Combat Systems Specialist: RADAR, ECM, cryptographic communications
Flight Data Recorder Engineer Smiths Aerospace
BA-609, IDARS, Military and Commercial
Millimeter wave RADAR and countermeasures expert since 1973
Two patents held for Doppler RADAR ( Kavouras ):
long pulsewidth RADAR droop compensation network,
and wave guide arc detection for high powered RADAR

James Beardsley
Airliner Transport Pilot
CFI-Instrument and Airplane
Started a flight school in Crystal Lake Illinois circa 1974
Opened a couple of FBO's one in Kenosha, WI
Founded Alliance Airlines a Midwest commuter
Senior Vice Prresident of Great Lakes Airlines, Spencer, Iowa.
Director of Flight training for Tucson Aeroservice Center
Director of a non-profit adoption agency
Researcher, Reporter, Programmer

Tino Desideri
High Performance Automotive Technician
Electrical Engineering Tech

Leslie Landry
Forum Moderator

Its an honor to have you all on the team and thank you for having the courage to speak out!

Click here for full Core Member List.

Rob Balsamo

FBI's Year in Review: Top FBI News Stories of 2008


Each Friday, the FBI issues a press release highlighting the top ten FBI-related news stories of the week. From these releases, we have put together the 'FBI's Year in Review: Top News Stories of 2008', which includes a top story from each weekly press release involving the work of the FBI and our many partners throughout the year.


Criminal Investigation of NIST Scientists in pursuit of 9/11 Truth

Criminal Investigation of NIST Scientists in pursuit of 9/11 Truth

Critical Climate Change Issues are Ignored by Global Events

+ As Ice Melts, Antarctic Bedrock Is On The Move
 Columbus OH (SPX) Dec 30, 2008 - As ice melts away from Antarctica, parts of the continental bedrock are rising in response - and other parts are sinking, scientists have discovered. The finding will give much needed perspective to satellite instruments that measure ice loss on the continent, and help improve estimates of future sea level rise. "Our preliminary results show that we can dramatically improve our estimates

+ Climate Change Alters Ocean Chemistry
 Stanford CA (SPX) Dec 30, 2008 - Researchers have discovered that the ocean's chemical makeup is less stable and more greatly affected by climate change than previously believed. The researchers report in the December 12, 2008 issue of Science* that during a time of climate change 13 million years ago the chemical makeup of the oceans changed dramatically. The researchers warn that the chemical composition of the ocean today

+ Dangerous Sea Level Rise Imminent Without Large Reductions Of Black Carbon
 Poznan, Poland (SPX) Dec 30, 2008 - The world is already close to passing the tipping points for abrupt climate change events, and if strong measures aren't taken immediately the results will be catastrophic, concluded panelists during a side event at the UN climate conference in Poznan Tuesday night. Both scientific experts and government representatives alike at the event sponsored by the Federated States of Micronesia

Give The Heel a Sole to Match his Legacy

Better than WAC-A-MOLE!
Give Bush a "Sole" to Match his "Leg"acy


Iraqi Wedding Party Curfew

Iraqi Wedding Party Curfew

"Till Death do us part"

Is America being Blackmailed by the ultimate SUICIDE BOMBER?

Is America being Blackmailed by the ultimate SUICIDE BOMBER?

Blowback on Bush legacy by Investigative Journalist fired for telling the truth.

CBS newsman's $70m lawsuit likely to deal Bush legacy a new blow

As George W Bush prepares to leave the White House, at least one unpleasant episode from his unpopular presidency is threatening to follow him into retirement.

A $70m lawsuit filed by Dan Rather, the veteran former newsreader for CBS Evening News, against his old network is reopening the debate over alleged favourable treatment that Bush received when he served in the Texas Air National Guard during the Vietnam war. Bush had hoped that this controversy had been dealt with once and for all during the 2004 election.

Eight weeks before the 2004 presidential poll, Rather broadcast a story based on newly discovered documents which appeared to show that Bush, whose service in the Texas Air National Guard ensured that he did not have to fight in Vietnam, had barely turned up even for basic duty. After an outcry from the White House and conservative bloggers who claimed that the report had been based on falsified documents, CBS retracted the story, saying that the documents' authenticity could not be verified. Rather, who had been with CBS for decades and was one of the most familiar faces in American journalism, was fired by the network the day after the 2004 election.

He claims breach of contract against CBS. He has already spent $2m on his case, which is likely to go to court early next year. Rather contends not only that his report was true - "What the documents stated has never been denied, by the president or anyone around him," he says - but that CBS succumbed to political pressure from conservatives to get the report discredited and to have him fired. He also claims that a panel set up by CBS to investigate the story was packed with conservatives in an effort to placate the White House. Part of the reason for that, he suggests, was that Viacom, a sister company of CBS, knew that it would have important broadcasting regulatory issues to deal with during Bush's second term.

Among those CBS considered for the panel to investigate Rather's report were far-right broadcasters Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter.

"CBS broke with long-standing tradition at CBS News and elsewhere of standing up to political pressure," says Rather. "And, there's no joy in saying it, they caved ... in an effort to placate their regulators in Washington."

Rather's lawsuit makes other serious allegations about CBS succumbing to political pressure in an attempt to suppress important news stories. In particular, he says that his bosses at CBS tried to stop him reporting evidence of torture at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. According to Rather's lawsuit, "for weeks they refused to grant permission to air the story" and "continued to raise the goalposts, insisting on additional substantiation". Rather also claims that General Richard Meyers, then head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the top military official in the US, called him at home and asked him not to broadcast the story, saying that it would "endanger national security".

Rather says that CBS only agreed to allow him to broadcast the story when it found out that Seymour Hersh would be writing about it in the New Yorker magazine. Even then, Rather claims, CBS tried to bury it. "CBS imposed the unusual restrictions that the story would be aired only once, that it would not be preceded by on-air promotion, and that it would not be referenced on the CBS Evening News," he says.

The charges outlined in Rather's lawsuit will cast a further shadow over the Bush legacy. He recently expressed regret for the "failed intelligence" which led to the invasion of Iraq and has received heavy criticism over the scale and depth of the economic downturn in the United States.

George Carlin says the Government is Killing you with Chemtrails and more

George Carlin says the Government is Killing you with Chemtrails and they want you to know it.

This is the most serious compilation of outtakes from George Carlin's "comedy" routines I've ever heard.

If you watch this, doen't expect George to make you laugh. He's deadly serious.


Can there be any doubt who the real terrorists are?

Can there be any doubt who the real terrorists are?

28/12/2008 06:20:00 PM GMT           

The long drawn-out siege of Gaza and the numerous military assaults on its people are only the latest (Israeli) crimes in a catalogue of terror.

By Stuart Littlewood
U.S. definition fits perfectly
The patience of all decent men must surely be exhausted.

Yesterday's slaughter of innocents in Gaza, with at least 230 reported killed in raids on "Hamas terror operatives" (as the Israeli military put it), amounted to "a mass execution", said Hamas.
The anti-semitic comments at the comments bottom of the page are frightening.
Also, look at the ad at the top for "jobs".  This is big trouble.

Hezbollah fighters placed on alert to Defend Lebanon

Hezbollah fighters placed on alert

Nasrallah said Israel was either taking precautionary measures or preparing for an attack [AFP]

Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary-general of Hezbollah, has told his fighters to be on alert for any possible Israeli attack on Lebanon following raids on Gaza that have killed nearly 300 Palestinians.

Nasrallah told a gathering in Beirut's southern suburbs that the Israeli assault on Gaza was a carbon copy of its attacks on Lebanon during a 34-day war with Hezbollah in 2006.

About 1,200 people died in Lebanon and 158 in Israel in that conflict.
"I have asked the brothers in the resistance in the south specifically to be present, on alert and cautious because we are facing a criminal enemy and we don't know the magnitude of the conspiracies," Nasrallah said.
Speaking via video link for security reasons, Nasrallah said Israeli forces had gone on alert along the border with Lebanon since Saturday when the attack on Gaza began.

He said the Israelis were either taking precautionary measures or preparing for an attack in an attempt to avenge its failure to destroy Hezbollah in 2006.

"We are ready to face any aggression on our land, our country or our dignity," he said.
'Blunt truth'


UF measures a 30 year low in Florida's growth rate




We think: Florida's not the magnet it was, but there's no reason to panic

We think: Florida's not the magnet it was, but there's no reason to panic

December 28, 2008

In the winter, who wouldn't want to visit Florida?

But for a lot of people considering a place to live year-round, the state's losing its appeal.

Signs pointing to that came from the University of Florida in March, where research showed Florida's population-growth rate grinding to a 30-year low. Numbers this week from the U.S. Census Bureau, however, screamed it.

Florida topped the nation in attracting people from other states in the first half of the decade. But for the first time since Richard Nixon sat in the Oval Office, more people left Florida for other states than moved in during the 12 months ending July 1. The state's growth rate now ranks 30th.

Local governments may panic, taking a moment to wonder what went wrong before scurrying to attract more developers. But it's no mystery. Before the current meltdown, Florida's bargain property values skyrocketed, bringing them more in line with other Sun Belt states. Property insurance rates ballooned, and so did crime rates. Transit systems didn't keep pace. And funding for the state's poorly performing education system lagged. Together, they'd slow any migration.

But all is not lost. As most anyone who does live in Florida knows, the state's climate, its natural beauty, its man-made attractions, the warmth of its people, their desire to make the state a better place and their growing diversity all make Florida a wonderful place to live.

And fewer people choosing to make Florida their home could work to preserve the quality of life for those who do. Fewer people moving to Florida will mean fewer new developments that locally elected officials can't seem to live without, but whose arrival lays waste to so much of what makes the state so attractive in the first place.

Stop the violence in Gagz - Sign the petition


Click here to show your support for immediate and strong U.S. intervention to renegotiate a ceasefire in Gaza.

Dear J Street Member,

Twenty-four hours ago, Israeli Defense Forces struck the Gaza Strip, leaving hundreds dead and wounded - pushing the long-running Israeli-Palestinian conflict further down a path of never-ending violence.

I felt immediate pressure from friends and family to pick a side. Did I think that Israel's actions were fully justified or disproportionate? Did Hamas bring this on itself by firing rockets and provoking Israel or are the strikes an act of aggression against a people trapped in misery and poverty? Couldn't I see who's right and who's wrong?

At this moment of extreme crisis, J Street wants to demonstrate that, among those who care about Israel and its security, there is a constituency for sanity and moderation.  There are many who recognize elements of truth on both sides of this gaping divide and who know that closing it requires strong American engagement and leadership.

Click here to sign our petition demanding an immediate and strong U.S.-led diplomatic effort to reinstate a meaningful ceasefire ending the violence, including the rockets aimed at Israel, and lifting the blockade of Gaza.

Israel has a special place in my heart.  I lived there last year while my wife was studying to be a rabbi.  But I recognize that neither Israelis nor Palestinians have a monopoly on right or wrong. While there is nothing "right" in raining rockets on Israeli families or dispatching suicide bombers, there is nothing "right" in punishing a million and a half already-suffering Gazans for the actions of the extremists among them.

And there is nothing to be gained from debating which injustice is greater or came first.   What's needed now is immediate action to stop the violence before it spirals out of control.

The United States, the Quartet, and the world community must not wait - as they did in the Israel-Lebanon crisis of 2006 - for weeks to pass and hundreds or thousands more to die before intervening.  There needs to be an urgent end to the new hostilities that brings a complete end to military operations, including an end to the rocket fire out of Gaza, and that allows food, fuel and other civilian necessities into Gaza.

The need for diplomatic engagement goes beyond a short-term ceasefire.  Eight years of the Bush Administration's neglect and ineffective diplomacy have led us directly to a moment when the prospects for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict hang in the balance and with them the prospects for Israel's long-term survival as a Jewish, democratic state.

Following a renegotiated ceasefire, we urge the incoming Obama administration to lead an early and serious effort to achieve a comprehensive diplomatic resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian and Arab-Israeli conflicts.

This is a fundamental American interest.  We too stand to suffer as the situation spirals, rage in the region is directed at the United States, and our regional allies are further undermined.  Our goals must be a Middle East that moves beyond bloody conflicts, an Israel that is secure and accepted in the region, and an America secured by reducing extremism and enhancing stability.  None of these goals are achieved by further escalation.

Even in the heat of battle, as friends and supporters of Israel, we need to remember that only diplomacy and negotiations can end the rockets and terror and bring Israel long-term security and peace.  American politicians are already hearing from those who see only one side.  Help us give voice to the large number of Americans who recognizes that justice will only be served when the rights and grievances of both sides are recognized and a peaceful two-state solution to this long-running conflict is put in place.

Click here to sign our petition to show your support for immediate and strong U.S. intervention to renegotiate a ceasefire in Gaza.

We know that many policy makers agree with us privately, but hesitate to express their views publicly because they hear only from the partisan extremes.  This is our moment to show that there is real political support for shedding a narrow us-versus-them approach to the Middle East.
The situation in Gaza could not be more urgent. Who knows how many more lives will be lost before this round of violence is over?  When it ends, will we look back and say if only we had spoken out sooner, more lives could have been saved, more damage avoided?

As far back as I can remember, those who see the world in black and white have overwhelmed those of us who see the shades of gray.  I hope that you'll help us to change that dynamic by forwarding this message to everyone you know - after you've signed our petition.

Thank you so much for joining our efforts at this difficult time. Together, we can achieve an end to this round of violence, a resumption of the ceasefire, and a serious move toward peace between Israel and the Palestinian people.


 - Isaac

Isaac Luria
Online Director
J Street
December 28, 2008


J Street is the political arm of the pro-Israel, pro-peace movement. J Street was founded to promote meaningful American leadership to end the Arab-Israeli and Palestinian-Israel conflicts peacefully and diplomatically. We support a new direction for American policy in the Middle East and a broad public and policy debate about the U.S. role in the region. Learn more at our website by clicking one of the links above.

Don't forget to check us out on Facebook!
Check out our blog "Word on the Street" for J Street's take on recent events.
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Corrupt media profits from NOT reporting important news

Taking a cue from the people at FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy and Reporting) in the USA.
http://www.fair.org/index.php , I decided this very day (Saturday December 27, 2008) to look at another story neglected by both most of  the mainstream news media sources in North America and in Europe.

DEMOCRACY NOW radio had reported on Wednesday that the U.S. press was failing to discuss or really look into the largest sludge spill in U.S. history.  It had occurred on Monday in Tennessee.
I decided to look up online whether many other reports on this toxic ash catastrophe story were to be found on American websites. I found many such stories—but most were the same few stories which had been linked to environmental blogs.

NEW: Robert Novak first to use the phrase "inside job" in connection with 9/11


Source: http://www.911blogger.com/node/18934

Columnist Robert Novak among the first to use the phrase "inside job" in connection with the events of September 11, 2001.

"Security experts and airline officials agree privately that the simultaneous hijacking of four jetliners was an "inside job," probably indicating complicity beyond malfeasance."

"Stratfor.com, the private intelligence company, reported Tuesday, "The big winner today, intentionally or not, is the state of Israel."

On the bright side, we have Rep, Peter DeFazio, D.-Ore., questioning so-called "anti-terrorist" legislation already in the works by the time the anthrax scare hit the country in October of 2001. "This could be the Gulf of Tonkin resolution for civil liberties, instead of a measure meant to fight terrorism," DeFazio was quoted as saying in an article in the New York Post for October 13, 2001, page 7. One sane voice in a sea of predatory spin and political opportunism.

PETER'S NEW YORK, December 27, 2008

Married as we seem to be to the digital age, it is a great comfort to be able to occasionally resort to "hard copy," tangible pieces of inked paper upon which much of the literary wealth of the world is recorded.

Recently, while searching my "hard copy" archives, I came across some issues of the New York Times and New York Post published within days of the events of September 11, 2001.

It is interesting to observe that what are often referred to by defenders of the government's 9-11 storyline as "conspiracy theories" were first articulated by mainstream commentators and experts.

What follows are a few snippets of 9-11 related material gleaned from these early accounts.

Interestingly, columnist Robert Novak was among the first to use the phrase "inside job" in connection with the events of 9-11.

New York Post, Sept. 13, page 59
"Beyond Pearl Harbor"
by Robert D. Novak

Novak's first sentence:

Security experts and airline officials agree privately that the simultaneous hijacking of four jetliners was an "inside job," probably indicating complicity beyond malfeasance.

He continues further down:

In the rage and mourning following Tuesday's disaster, few officials wanted to dwell on how a 10-year hiatus of airline hijackings in this country could be followed by four in one hour. At a minimum, the blame can be put on ill-trained, incompetent personnel performing the screening of passengers. At the worst, security experts fear collusion with terrorists, possibly even extending to the cockpit. This is a subject that the airlines are loathe to discuss.

In the last paragraph, Novak reports:

Stratfor.com, the private intelligence company, reported Tuesday, "The big winner today, intentionally or not, is the state of Israel."

The following article indicates there was time to spare to intercept a plane headed toward the Pentagon.

The New York Times, Sept. 13, 2001, p. A5
"Controllers Say Flow of Information on Hijacked Planes' Course Was Slow and Uneven"
by Matthew L. Wald

WASHINGTON, Sept. 12 - The controllers assigned to United Airlines Flight 175 on Tuesday suspected that it had been hijacked as it flew off its assigned route, But they did not learn that another plane had been hijacked and had hit the World Trade Center until a minute or two before Flight 175 struck the center, people involved in the air traffic systems said.

In contrast, controllers at the Washington Air Route Traffic Control Center had much more warning that something was wrong. Those controllers, who handled American Airlines Flight 77, which dived into the Pentagon, knew about the hijacking of the first plane to crash, even before it hit the World Trade Center, those involved said. That was more than an hour before they watched another hijacked plane, United Flight 93, cross their radar screen on its way to the Pentagon.

Advance knowledge made no apparent difference in the response; nobody intercepted the plane.

"We issue control instructions," one controller said. "Any procedures beyond that point don't lie with us."

Those procedures would, in fact, lie with the Air Force....[etc].

So-called "debunkers" who make their living or idle away their time hounding critics of the government's 9-11 storyline, often disparage comparisons between the collapses of the World Trade Center towers and controlled demolitions. Here's an interesting citation that addresses the issue only days after 9-11:

The New York Times, Sept. 20, 2001, pgs. B1, B8
Engineers Say Buildings Near Trade Center Held Up Well
by Eric Lipton and James Glanz

...the twin towers had collapsed almost straight downward, a circumstance that the engineers said might have reduced the death toll from the terrorist attack.

"It's like controlled demolition," said Matthys Levy, a founding partner at Weidlinger Associates, a structural engineering firm in New York. Mr. Levy, the co-author of "Why Buildings Fall Down" (Norton, 1992), said the collapse of the towers was "an uncontrolled demolition project but it acted like a controlled demolition project."

The following interesting passage is related to ability of the World Trade Center towers to withstand the impact of an airliner:

New York Post, Sept. 13, 2001, p. 18
"Shocked experts ask: Who dropped the ball?"
by Bob Drogin

One unanswered question is whether the attackers read trial transcripts and studies of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. "One of the things we learned was the engineers who built it designed it to withstand the crash from a Boeing 707," said John Parachini, executive director of the Washington office of the Monterey Institute of International Studies. "The crash today was a [757], which is a bigger plane."

Here's another passage that some might find of interest regarding the same topic:

The New York Times, Sept. 18, 2001, F1, 7
"Defending Skyscrapers Against Terror"
by Kenneth Chang

No one designs a skyscraper to withstand the direct hit of a fully fueled 767, and construction engineers agree that such an attack would have doomed almost any high-rise.

An article describing how easy it is to fly a commercial jet into the World Trade Center towers from distant points:

New York Post, Sept. 13, 2001, pgs. 34-35
"AIMING' A JET IS 'VERY VERY EASY" (this was a banner headline over two pages)
"757s and 767's perfect picks for 'weapons"
[taken from Reuters]

Taking control of a big airliner and flying it into as precise a target as the World Trade Center is easier than most people would imagine, aviation experts said today.

"It's very, very easy to aim the plane," said a senior captain with a U.S. carrier. "It's not very difficult to get the experience you need. In three months, you can get a pilot's license."

Here's a few passages regarding the health effects of 9-11 and warnings about the same:

The New York Times, Sept. 18, page F2
"Dust is a Problem, but the Risk Seems Small"
by Andrew C. Revkin

"We haven't found anything that is alarming to us," said Mary Mears, a spokeswoman for the Environmental Protection Agency.

...Overall, though, officials said the only significant health risk remained near the destruction. Workers there should wear masks and protective gear and clean their shoes before heading home, they said.

Some officials expressed frustration because many of the workers--most of them hard-bitten construction workers--were ignoring their recommendations.

And from the same article:

Many officials and experts added that decomposing bodies of victims of the attacks posed no danger.


Agency officials and independent experts tried to quell rumors about other hazards, including the possibility that the fires might have turned freon from air-conditioners into a poisonous gas called phosgene.

The chemical reaction that generates phosgene is possible in extremely hot flames, but not in fires like those still burning, agency officials said. Any gas generated by the initial inferno has dissipated, they said.

Back to the The New York Times. "Truthers," as critics of the U.S. government's 9-11 storyline are sometimes referred to, often speak of the total collapse of a third major office tower at the World Trade Center complex, Building 7. But there was another, later, collapse, that of the remainder of the the south tower, in the late afternoon of Sept. 12

The New York Times, Sept. 13, 2008, p. A12
"As Remnants Collapse, Workers Run For Cover,"
by Jennifer Steinhauer:

The stalagmite remnants of the fallen World Trade Center towers collapsed even further yesterday, sending rumbling debris and clouds of smoke billowing again through lower Manhattan and prompting rescue workers to flee from the site of the destruction.

Further down:

The seeming aftershocks began about about (sic) 5 p.m. yesterday, while workers ploddingly cut through twisted steel and heavy forklifts moved rubble across the plaza in front of the fallen towers....First came a rumble, then one firefighter yelled: ":That part will go! We are waiting for it to collapse." Moments later, the remaining floors of the south tower of the World Trade Center fell to the ground in a heap of rubble.

Rescue workers and medical personnel bolted up Broadway and Church street, away from flying debris, concrete and smoke as ambulances began to scream from all directions, responding to the new collapse.

"Everyone started running," said a red Cross worker from Rockland County, who stopped at last at Canal and Broadway. "We were told there was more danger of another building falling. Everyone ran and ran--kept going and didn't look back."

"I started running, and I didn't look back," Mr. Schwartz said. "And I'm not going back. I'm going home because it's too dangerous here."


Frantic calls to the police and Fire Department workers came from all directions, with reports of swaying buildings at John Street and the intersection of Greenwich and liberty Streets.

Over at the West Side Highway, hundreds of people, frightened of falling debris, raced south away from what the believed to be a collapsing building. They pushed past police barricades and dodged rescue equipment that were hastily being thrown into reverse. many searched for a car to dive behind.

Firefighters and police officers led the stampede, struggling to race along streets thick with dust, empty water bottles, bits of metal and wire. Firefighters in heavy bunker gear yelled at colleagues, who stood looking toward a rolling pillar of smoke to move. "Get out of here!" screamed one investigator. "Run! Run!"

The the fashioning of an archetypal 9-11 villain and the storyline of the passenger revolt on Flight 93 were already taking shape the day after the "attacks." The New York Post, reporting on Sept. 13 (about the events of Sept. 12, of course), devotes its entire back page to a portrait of Mohamed Atta. The caption describes Atta's expression as "The face of utter hatred," and tells us that his name "was listed on a passenger manifest for one of the four death planes."

"In Phone Calls From Airplane, Passengers Said They Were Trying to Thwart Hijackers" (The New York Times, Sept. 13, A21) by Jodi Wilgoren and Edward Wong identifies at least one source for the saga of Flight 93 that would later form the basis for a movie.

"I would conclude there was a struggle, and a heroic individual decided they were going to die anyway and, 'Let's bring the plane down here,'" Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., was quoted as saying in the above-cited article, only a day after 9-11.

The same article identifies Lyzbeth Glick and Deena Burnett and Alice Hogland as three individuals who said they received phone calls from passengers on Flight 93. Another passenger, Lauren Grandcolas, left a message on an answering machine, while still another placed a call to an emergency switchboard, the article quotes sources as saying.

Turning to graphics, we have some of the earliest photos of the damaged Pentagon building in Arlington, Va. appearing in the next day's press. Government sources alleged that a "terrorist" caused the damage by flying a commercial airliner into the building. However, the photos are not what one might expect for a crash site. The absence of aircraft debris is striking. The most plausible explanation is that the Pentagon was not hit by an airliner.

On the bright side, we have Rep, Peter DeFazio, D.-Ore., questioning so-called "anti-terrorist" legislation already in the works by the time the anthrax scare hit the country in October of 2001. "This could be the Gulf of Tonkin resolution for civil liberties, instead of a measure meant to fight terrorism," DeFazio was quoted as saying in an article in the New York Post for October 13, 2001, page 7. One sane voice in a sea of predatory spin and political opportunism.

(Original, with photos, corrections and additions, may be found at www.petersnewyork.com.)

FBI considers petition to consider forensic evidence from AE911Truth

FBI considers petition to consider forensic evidence from AE911Truth

In November, 2008, Gators911Truth sent a letter to FBI Director, Robert S. Mueller, III asking the DOJ to consider the forensic evidence of controlled demolition as presented by Architect, Richard Gage - founder of AE911Truth.org.
The evidence is presented in Gage's 2008 DVD lecture titled: "911: BLUEPRINT FOR TRUTH. The Architecture of Destruction".
See documents:

IBM human inplantable RFID chips will track and monitor the population

 IBM human inplantable RFID chips will track and monitor the population.

The last honest man standing

When Standard and Poor put a "for sale" sign on their ethics in 2001, Frank Raiter resisted the fraud of rating companies that he had not reviwed.  Failure to cooperate with the "get-rich-quick managers" earned Raiter a demotion.  When Raiter went public on the fraud he was placed on a black-list to be derided by his peers - much like being alled a "conspiracy theorist".
A former Marine, Raiter stuck to his guns and became the last (honest) man standing.



FBI responds to petition to consider forensic evidence from AE911Truth

In November, 2008, Gators911Truth under my name, sent a letter to FBI Director, Robert S. Mueller, III asking his agency to consider the forensic evidence of controlled demolition as presented by Architect, Richard Gage - founder of AE911Truth.org. The evidence specifically referenced is presented in Gage's 2008 DVD lecture titled: 911: BLUEPRINT FOR TRUTH. The Architecture of Destruction.
The letter was specifically sent under the provisions of TITLE18 USC § 2382, Misprision of Treason and/or 18 USC § 4 , Misprision of Felony. We received a response today from the Asst. Dir. of Counterterrorism, Michael J. Heimbach.
The November letter to Mueller is here:

Obama Security adviser a hawk on energy

Security adviser a hawk on energy
Retired general is a strong advocate for offshore drilling, nuclear power
By RICHARD S. DUNHAM Copyright 2008 Houston Chronicle Washington Bureau
Dec. 24, 2008, 11:16PM

WASHINGTON — President-elect Barack Obama's choice of retired Gen. James L. Jones to become his national security adviser won bipartisan applause because of the former NATO supreme commander's military and diplomatic track records.
But amid the rave reviews for his military accomplishments, his ability to speak fluent French and his basketball prowess, one line on Jones' resume was widely overlooked: his expertise on energy issues.
Unlike most of Obama's inner circle, the retired general, 64, has been a strong advocate of aggressive energy exploration and development, including offshore drilling and nuclear power.

For the past year, Jones has been president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's Institute for 21st Century Energy. Until his Dec. 1 selection by Obama, he also served as a board member of the Chevron Corp. — just like President George W. Bush's first national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, now the secretary of state.

Energy industry experts, business leaders and area members of Congress from both parties predict that Jones' presence will ensure that the "all-of-the-above" approach favored by Texas lawmakers — pursuing drilling, conservation, nuclear power and alternative energy sources simultaneously — will at least get a hearing in Obama administration deliberations.
"I like the idea that Gen. Jones is for a balanced approach to energy policy," said Rep. Gene Green, D-Houston. "He will be there and talk about that. Having that receptive person inside the room bodes well for the country and our region of the country."

During his 2003-2006 stint as NATO's supreme commander, Jones stressed his view that energy policy was a top national security matter for the United States and a leading international security priority.
As the head of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's energy institute, he delivered a 36-page policy blueprint to the Obama transition team that recommended aggressive drilling and energy efficiency efforts.
"We're very excited and enthusiastic that there will be somebody in the administration and in the White House who has talked about" offshore drilling and energy security, said Dan Naatz, the Independent Petroleum Association of America's vice president of federal resources and political affairs.

Favors drilling
Jones favors expanded domestic oil and gas exploration, including offshore drilling, wider use of nuclear power, rapid development of clean-coal technology and an emphasis on renewable energy sources. He has advocated a reduction in "burdensome regulations" that stymie energy production and industry innovation. He also favors U.S. engagement in global climate change talks.
Jones declined a request for an interview for this article. But his top deputy at the Energy Institute, Karen Alderman Harbert, said he is committed "to enhancing our nation's energy security."

While the oil and gas industry has been very nervous about the shape of a future Obama energy program, Frank Maisano, an energy specialist at Bracewell & Giuliani, said Jones' presence increases the likelihood that the administration will "come to a policy decision that is well thought out and carefully considered."

Open up the Gulf
Rep. John Culberson, R-Houston, said he is pleased that Jones "has voiced his willingness to expand America's offshore drilling capacity."

Rep. Kevin Brady, R-The Woodlands, said Jones "would have a platform to urge the president to resist efforts to reinstate the (offshore drilling) moratorium."

Brady is pushing for Jones to open the eastern Gulf of Mexico to natural gas exploration and to modernize America's aging nuclear energy infrastructure.
Environmentalists and nuclear power skeptics express concern about Jones' record but believe that he will not dictate administration policy.

"We certainly don't agree with everything in that report, particularly the drill-everywhere approach and building many more nuclear plants," said Alan Nogee, director of the Clean Energy Program for the Union of Concerned Scientists.

Still, Nogee applauds Jones' commitment to conservation and renewable energy.

"For the first time ever, we're going to have a national security adviser, a commerce secretary and a secretary of state who strongly support improving the nation's energy efficiency and developing the nation's renewable resources," Nogee said.

Jones' influence on Obama policy will depend on his ability to convince the president of the security component of energy independence.

Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
PO Box 652
Brunswick, ME 04011
(207) 443-9502

http://space4peace.blogspot.com (Blog)

Zionists fake suicide bombing with murder in the street.

Zionists fake suicide bombing with murder in the street.
A familiar ploy to murder to scare the population in order to commit even more murder.
Sound familiar?  Got 9/11?

Progressive breakfast club headlines 12/27/08 23456


Progressive breakfast club headlines 12/27/08
"GAZA IS BUCKLING.  WHILE THE WORLD WATCHES, A PEOPLE IS BEING DESTROYED."  So says Ellen Cantarow, but her article on the subject suggests that the world is NOT watching, at least if the "destroying" power, Israel, can help it.  Israel has recently denied access to Gaza of Richard Falk, a UN special envoy charged with reporting of humanitarian conditions in occupied territories.  The New York Times "reports" to its reading world that the Israeli action was based on the fact that "some Israelis" find Falk's views to be offensively anti-Semitic. http://www.counterpunch.org/cantarow12262008.html
WHAT DOES THE U.S.-TOUTED "REGIONAL APPROACH" TO THE AFGHAN WAR PRESAGE FOR ASIAN NATIONS? According to M.K. Bhadrakumar, this call by Admiral Mullen suggests an intensification of the Afghan war as "politics by other means," a way of advancing U.S. geo-political power in the region. India in particular is vulnerable to being drawn into this "regionalized" conflict as it alone, among the great powers and their satellites in central and south Asia, has hitched its diplomatic wagon to its foreign policy ties to the U.S.  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article21532.htm 
RHODE ISLAND TOWN MAKES A FAUSTIAN BARGAIN WITH U.S. GOVERNMENT.  Town of Central Falls, pop. 1900, landed in the 1990s the construction of the Wyatt Detention Center, designed as a facility in the war on drugs but, with the recent "crackdown" on illegal immigrants, has become a black hole of detention into which many of these immigrants are poured, including many residents of Central Falls itself.  This New York Times feature article highlights a "burgeoning industry " across the country in which localities receive federal subsidies for every detainee housed in one of these facilities.   http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/27/us/27detain.html?_r=1&hp
WILL CENTER FOR WATER ADVOCACY BAIL OUT TIM DeCHRISTOPHER?   The Center tries to raise $1.7 million to purchase as preservation land what an environmental activist bid at a Bureau of Land Management auction of lands for oil and gas development near Utah's national park monuments. With an intention of disrupting the auction rather than purchasing the land, he may be charged with a "false statement" that he had the funds to pay if he won the bid.    http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2008/12/26-1
"IF THEY DON'T WANT TO BE PUBLIC, DON'T ASK FOR PUBLIC MONEY" says an Orange County commissioner in response to resistance to public auditing of the Orlando/Orange County Convention and Visitor's Bureau.  The agency has come under fire recently from revelations of lavish expenditures for "tourism" trips of executives.  Heavily dependent on the county's "hotel tax" which was recently raised, more public figures are beginning to demand public accountability. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/business/custom/tourism/orl-cvb27x08dec27,0,1681273.story
These headlines and following additional stories posted on website today. To read them, click http://www.sunstateactivist.org/ scroll below headlines and click on any article you want to read.
ooo Air war is on in Gaza.
ooo Mexican gays to Catholic Church: we're families too.
ooo Rehab? Throw that kid in jail!
ooo Bush's "ownership" society turns sour in Atlanta neighborhood.
ooo Sorry guys:  last pole dance has been danced in Brandon.
ooo And more.
Quote of the day:
"If I am not willing to take a stand for my generation, then who will? This year I have come to terms with the idea that I might be my own best hope to defend my future. Hopefully all of us will realize that we are the ones we have been waiting for."  Tim DeChristopher,
against whom federal charges are pending for disrupting Utah land auction by making a bid for land in vicinity of national parks which he had no

Amerika Police State Now Armed with Electronic "Torture"

In their never ending pursuit of pain inducing technologies the U.S. government through the Department of Justice is developing not one but two light weight man portable laser and microwave pain bean weapons.

A modified version of a laser rifle originally developed by the U.S. Air Force is being tested for civilian law enforcement. The new weapons will be able to inflict pain on citizens at a distance.


Thank Goodness I Live in a Free Country

Thank Goodness I Live in a Free Country

by Don Cooper

I was talking with some friends over the Christmas holiday break and they were commenting on how lucky we are that we live in a free country where we have the liberty and the opportunity to live our lives the way we want and are not controlled by the government like in other countries.

So I started thinking about a particular day of mine a couple months ago:

I woke up in the morning in my FHA (Federal Housing Administration) approved home that was built in accordance with USDOE (Deptartment of Energy), FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission), and numerous CFR's (Code of Federal Regulations).

I went to the bathroom to clean up for work. I showered with soap, shampoo and other toiletry products that have been approved for me by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) using water that meets federal EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) quality standards.

I took my morning vitamins which had to be approved by the FDA.

I went downstairs to eat breakfast foods that had to be approved by the FDA and listened to my morning radio programs which are regulated by the FCC (Federal Communication Commission).

I then got into my EPA and DOT (Dept. of Transportation) standards approved and FTC (Federal Trade Commission) regulated car and was forced by the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) to buckle my seatbelt and put my daughter into an approved child seat. I then drove on DOT regulated roads and was forced to drive a certain speed while listening to more FCC approved programming on my radio.

I stopped for gas but there wasn't any due to state legislated gas quality restrictions which caused a decrease in the supply of gas and also gasoline price controls that kept the price so artificially low that there was an excess demand such that it sold out as soon as it arrived.

I arrived at my DOL (Dept. of Labor) regulated and EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) sanctioned place of employment, running on fumes, and was forced to work the first 2 hours of my 8 hour shift for the federal and state governments by giving almost 30% of my wages to the IRS and SSA (Social Security Administration) with no compensation.

At lunchtime I went with colleagues to eat and was forced to pay with the only medium of exchange the government approves that is regulated by the FRB (Federal Reserve Board): worthless fiat bank notes.

I then went to pick up my daughter from school where she's learning a DOE (Dept. of Education) approved curriculum. I took her to an HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) approved doctor to get her HHS (Health and Human Services) mandated vaccinations that I learned she needed while watching a Disney family movie which was interrupted by an HHS PSA.

After returning to work I checked my SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) and IRS regulated investments in my now federal treasury owned banks to see if I'll be able to retire someday since the SSA trust fund that I've been paying into for 25 years has been raided by the federal government and is now bankrupt.

That afternoon I had to catch a flight to our office in Detroit aboard an FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) approved plane operating at an FAA regulated airport.

Before boarding I had to pass through a TSA (Transportation Safety Administration) security checkpoint where I was forced to disrobe down to my shirt, pants and socks and pass through a scanning machine that saw right through my remaining clothing.

Onboard I noticed federal sky marshals with weapons so I decided to have a cocktail composed of liquor that is controlled by the ATF (Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms) as are the sky marshal's guns.

Once sufficiently sedated with bourbon, I sat back and relaxed and thought to myself: Thank God I don't live in a country where the government controls your life!

December 27, 2008


Concentration Camps in the United States of ???? in the Americans


News Updates from Citizens For Legitimate Government
20 Dec 2008
All items are here:

Recently subpoenaed Bush/Rove IT expert, is Wellstoned: Pilot killed as plane crashes in Lake Twp. --Witness: 'It blew up and shook the ground a little bit.' 19 Dec 2008 (OH) A single-prop, private airplane crashed next to a vacant house on Charolais Street Northwest Friday evening, exploding into flames and killing the pilot. Michael Connell, 45, of Bath Township, was alone in the plane, according to State Highway Patrol Lt. Eric Sheppard. Connell was a prominent Republican political consultant. He founded New Media Communications in Richfield, which developed campaign Web sites for Republican presidential candidate John McCain and President [sic] George W. Bush.

Ohio Attorneys Seek Protection for Mike Connell and his Family against Alleged Threats from Karl Rove 24 Jul 2008 Sources close to the Ohio Corrupt Practices Act/RICO claim sent us a copy of a letter that asks Attorney General Mukasey for protection for Michael Connell and his family who have been allegedly threatened by Karl Rove. Rove is believed to be the strategic mastermind behind the Bush 2004 re-[s]-election campaign and the possible Ohio election improprieties. The alleged threats appear to be the result of the re-opening, through the Ohio Corrupt Practices Act/RICO claim, of the stalled investigation into the 2004 Ohio Elections.

Stark Co. plane crash: Who was Michael Connell? 20 Dec 2008 Michael Connell was killed when the Piper Supercub he was piloting crashed three miles short of an Akron-Canton Airport runway. He leaves behind a wife and four children. Connell, of Bath Township, is considered to be one of the Republican Party's top computer experts. He led the companies that designed websites for the GOP and a virtual who's-who list of republican political leaders including President [sic] George W. Bush, Senator John McCain, as well as national organizations. Connell developed a host of federal government software and data management systems. Connell is also said to be a close confidant of the Bush family. Earlier this year, Connell was subpoenaed to testify in an Ohio federal court regarding voter fraud just days before the November presidential election. His alleged intimate knowledge of White House and Capitol Hill email systems has been a hot topic of conversation for Washington insiders regarding the Karl Rove/White House email scandal.

Please forward this newsletter to anyone you think might be interested. Those who'd like to be added to the list can go here: http://www.legitgov.org/#subscribe_clg and add your name.Those who wish to be removed from the list can access the same link and click 'unsubscribe.'
Please write to: signup at legitgov dot org
for inquiries/issues/concerns with your subscription.

CLG Managing Editor: Lori Price. Copyright © 2008, Citizens For Legitimate Government ® All rights reserved.

Cost of Government bailout hits $8.5 Trillion

Cost of Government bailout hits $8.5 Trillion,  is a sum that represents 60 percent of the nation's gross domestic product.
The corporate news media is pretending this is not happening on such a gigantic scale, but this is going to affect your life.

First it is important to get a concept of the colossal amount we are speaking about, how much money is 8.5 Trillion dollars?
If dollars were seconds, how long is 8.5 trillion seconds?

One billion seconds is 31 years, 259 days.
One trillion seconds is 31,709  years 288 days.
8.5 trillion seconds is 269,533 years. Measured in time 8.5 trillion seconds would be from the year 267,525  BC until now!

If you lay 8.5 trillion one dollar bills end to end, that's 6.2 inches x 8.5 trillion / 12 inches in a foot/ 5,280 feet in a mile / 24,901 length of the equator in miles, which equals  33,402 times around the earth!
Or, think of it as a carpet of dollar bills which is 7,237 feet wide by 24,901 miles long.
If your mind hasn't been boggled you're not paying attention.

One wonders if most of this bailout will be added to the US national debt. This occurred after the savings and loan bailout. Recently,  almost unnoticed, the national debt has already skyrocketed past the $10 Trillion mark!

Or measured in another way, the bailout so far equals $27,838  for every man, woman and child living in America! That's in addition to the $34,621 which is already your share of the national debt!

Sincerely William Peery

Kleptocracy  [klep-tok-ruh-see]  A government or state in which those in power experience recurrent urges to exploit national resources and steal from the citizenry; rule by a thief or thieves.

Excerpt from the 2008 Republican Platform:  The Economy -- "Rebuilding Homeownership"

"...We do not support government bailouts of private institutions. Government interference in the markets exacerbates problems in the marketplace and causes the free market to take longer to correct itself. We believe in the free market as the best tool to sustained prosperity and opportunity for all. We encourage potential buyers to work in concert with the lending community to educate themselves about the responsibilities of purchasing a home, condo, or land."

Article from the San Francisco Chronicle.

Cost Of Bailout Hits $8.5 Trillion

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The total cost of funds committed to the bailout in its various guises has now hit $8.5 trillion dollars, up from $7.7 trillion in just two days after the federal government committed an additional $800 billion to two new loan programs on Tuesday.

The total amount of funds now committed equals a figure that represents 60 per cent of the U.S. gross domestic product.

Millions of Americans with savings accounts and pensions will ultimately pay the price because, as the San Francisco Chronicle admits today, "The Fed lends money from its own balance sheet or by essentially creating new money."

You'll also find this little snippet in the article, "Most of the money, about $5.5 trillion, comes from the Federal Reserve, which as an independent entity does not need congressional approval to lend money to banks or, in "unusual and exigent circumstances," to other financial institutions.

Just another reminder that the private, run for profit, Federal Reserve has the printing presses cranked on overdrive in order to bailout Wall Street and the big banks, while the homeowner and the middle class see their savings devalued out of existence.

"If you print money all the time, the money becomes worth less," warns Diane Lim Rogers, chief economist with the Concord Coalition, but its an empty threat to delirious traders and investors drunk on a record stock market rally after the government pumped more fake liquidity into the bloated bubble.

Veteran investor Jim Rogers echoed the sentiment, predicting the dollar is "going to lose its status as the world's reserve currency," adding, "It will be devalued and it will go down a lot. These guys in Washington, they want to debase the currency."

"They think that if you drive down the value of your money, it makes you more competitive, now that has never worked in history in the long term," said Rogers.

How long will it be before Americans realize the looming specter of hyperinflation spells disaster for their life savings? How long will it be before we see rioting in the streets on a par with the scenes witnessed in Iceland over the weekend, where the Icelandic krona has lost half its value in a matter of weeks?

Meanwhile, over in the UK, the government assured the vast majority of the population that they will "tax the rich" in order to pay for the bailout on the other side of the Atlantic, with whopping 61 per cent tax bands being levied on those earning over £100,000 a year.

Since when was £100,000 a year "rich"? After tax, even if someone was able to save half of their remaining income, it would take them around 30 years to save a million pounds, adjusting for inflation. That is not rich.

The reality of course is that it is the middle class who will once again foot the bill for everything, leaving the elite to prolong their con game of fiat money and imaginary credit , once again suckering the poor in for a lifetime of indentured financial servitude.


Impeach Bush & Cheney: Use 9/11 Proof to make it happen

Impeach Bush & Cheney: Use 9/11 Proof to make it happen

We now have irrefutable evidence that the twin towers were demolished by deliberate and pre-meditated, controlled demolition yet, the media and even anti-war groups remain silent.

Activist groups say "Impeach Bush" for war crimes - but they seem to cut and run from taking on the Mother of all War Crimes... 9/11. 

Even groups whose members know 9/11 was an inside job would rather be accused as "9/11 Gatekeepers" than take advantage of the seismic evidence currently available to win their battle in court.

I frequently receive pleas from Veterans For Peace asking me to make an extra donation to support their effort to Impeach Bush.  But even this proud Peace group refuses to acknowledge the 9/11 lie as a tool in their costly goal to see Bush and Cheney in prison.  Although I support VFP's considerable good deeds, I simply can't support an impeachment effort that refuses to win. 

Unless we consolidate to act now, the truth about 9/11 will be delayed, only to re-surface after decades as part of the public record of de-classified government documents - just as they always have in the past.   Criminals who could have been found guilty of mass murder, genocide and war crimes will have long gone free or died. No justice will be served with the result that war will continue as the inevitable solution to executing America's "foreign policy". 

Anti-War groups and Veterans for Peace are invited to claim the proof of 9/11 to prosecute the criminals for their crimes and realize America's best chance to stop the False Flags of government sponsored terrorism that threaten to take us to war, again.

After all, 9/11 Truth is an Anti-war group too.


no Chemtrails were observed over Gainesville

NASA agrees with local observers that no Chemtrails were observed over Gainesville or SE Florida on 12/24/08.
Incoming Commercial Air traffic was high to ORL and MIA. Observed approx 3 minute seperation on 2 North/South corridors.
Chemtrails suspended for safety reasons? That's a laugh.

VIDEO: Alex Jones & Kevin Booth on Chemtrails.

Alex Jones & Kevin Booth on Chemtrails.

Threatened by Rove, IT Guru Dies "Tragically"

December 23, 2008

Story of the Day:
Threatened by Rove, IT Guru Dies Tragically, MSM MIA

(updated below)


Philosophical corporate media question: If the biggest potential whistle-blower since "Deep Throat" dies an untimely death and the mainstream media doesn't cover it, did it really happen?

Last Friday evening, Michael Connell, a top IT consultant to Karl Rove, the Bush administration and the Republican National Party died when his single-engine plane crashed into a vacant house in Ohio. No one else was on board. Connell, Rove's IT guru, created the alternate email system for the White House -- the one about which the Bush administration claims an untold number of emails were destroyed -- and was set to testify as a key witness in a lawsuit claiming fraud in the 2004 Presidential Election in Ohio, in which he was alleged to have helped electronically flip votes.

It is Tuesday morning, four days after Connell's plane fell from the sky. What could possibly be the mainstream media's justification for so conspicuously ignoring a story of this magnitude?

According to a LexisNexis search conducted by MediaBloodhound, the extent of US national media coverage, in which Connell is both named as the man who died in the crash and is at least acknowledged to have worked for the Bush administration, consists of one 130-word Associated Press story. It called Connell a "Republican media consultant who helped operate campaign Web sites for President Bush and former presidential nominee John McCain." It also reported, "Connell was the CEO and founder of Cleveland-based New Media Communications, which built campaign Web sites for Bush and McCain, according to the company's Web site. The site says the company also worked with the Ohio Republican Party, the Republican National Committee and other political groups."

That's it. The rest of the information regarded details of the plane crash.

All suspicions of foul play aside -- and while none are being alleged here, it would be neither responsible nor logical, given the context, to rule anything out until more facts are known -- consider what we already do know.

Investigative journalist Larisa Alexandrovna has since gone public that Connell was a major source in her investigation into the email system he set up and related matters. Pertaining to the "destroyed" White House emails, she said that "what Connell is alleged to have done is move these files to other servers after having allegedly scrubbed the files from all "known" Karl Rove accounts."

Alexandrovna also wrote, "I have reason to believe that the alternate accounts were used to communicate with US Attorneys involved in political prosecutions, like that of Don Siegelman" and "Mike was getting ready to talk. He was frightened." She said she visited Connell's home and he'd confided to her that he was being threatened, "something that his attorneys also told the judge in the Ohio election fraud case."

We have the email that attorney Cliff Arnebeck sent to Attorney General Michael Mukasey on July 24, 2008, expressly requesting protection for his client: "We have been confidentially informed by a source we believe to be credible that Karl Rove has threatened Michael Connell, a principal witness we have identified in our King Lincoln case in federal court in Columbus, Ohio, that if he does not agree to 'take the fall' for election fraud in Ohio, his wife Heather will be prosecuted for supposed lobby law violations." (Read full email here; scroll down after jump.) Five months passed; Mukasey never provided protection.

19 Action News in Cleveland reported that Connell "was apparently told by a close friend not to fly his plane because his plane might be sabotaged." Calling Connell's death "untimely," 19 Action News reporter Blake Chenault also reported, "And twice in the last two months Connell, who is an experienced pilot, cancelled two flights because of suspicious problems with his plane."

Connell was allegedly a linchpin in the biggest maze of White House scandal this country's ever seen, yet the national news media is a no-show.

What caused Connell's crash is only one piece of this story. One that, as in many such stories, may or may never be confirmed. Pilot error? Aircraft malfunction? Weather conditions? Foul play? Suicide? Heart attack? A thorough investigation needs to take place. Part of what the media should be doing is making sure that happens.

But everything that has already been confirmed, having nothing to do with the crash, should also have the national media covering this with at least as much gusto as "BlaggoGate" or, say, Britney's comeback or Brangelina's pre-nup. So far, though, in a replay of journalistic fecklessness rife during the Bush years, mum's the word.

UPDATE: Apparently, not long after I posted this piece, CBS/AP actually published a fairly substantive article (h/t Brad Friedman) on the Connell story. This is encouraging, and CBS and the AP deserve credit for getting the ball rolling in the mainstream. Let's hope such coverage builds and doesn't end here. We'll definitely check back after some holiday cheer and see how this shakes out in the coming days.



Bradblog.com server was down at time of this posting. Used Media Blood-hound source, instead.


On-scene Video: Crash of Mike Connell's aircraft

Loel Stein and freind arrive on the crash scene with a video camera sometime after 6PM.
Fire-rescue arrived after Loel was already rolling video on the scene.
Quotes from audio:
"We were outside"
"We heard the plane going down".  
"We heard the engine accelerating"
"We heard the explosion"
This implies the crash was not caused by an engine-out failure.
The aircraft is used in training. It's an inherently safe, high-wing aircraft.
ie: If a student pilot should lose control or go into a spin, the procedure is to take your hands off
the yoke so the aircraft can automatically stabilize without interference from the bone-head student pilot.
It was likely a catastrophic failure with sudden loss of a wing, tail section or damaged control lines.
Picture of a Piper SuperCub aircraft: 

We heard the plane go down, called 911, and arrived on the seen within 1-2 minutes to capture this video. Here is a news report that explains the event in detail;

"Mike Connell- A top level Republican IT consultant who was set to testify in a case alleging GOP election tampering in Ohio died in a plane crash late Friday night.

Michael Connell -- founder of Ohio-based New Media Communications, which created campaign Web sites for George W. Bush and John McCain -- died instantly after his single-prop, private aircraft smashed into a vacant home in suburban Lake Township, Ohio.

"The plane was attempting to land around 6 p.m. Friday at Akron-Canton Airport when it crashed about three miles short of the runway," reports the Akron Beacon Journal.

Connell's exploits as a top GOP IT 'guru' have been well documented by RAW STORY's investigative team.

The interest in Mike Connell stems from his association with a firm called GovTech, which he had spun off from his own New Media Communications under his wife Heather Connells name. GovTech was hired by Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell to set up an official election website at election.sos.state.oh.us to presented the 2004 presidential returns as they came in.

Connell is a long-time GOP operative, whose New Media Communications provided web services for the Bush-Cheney 04 campaign, the US Chamber of Commerce, the Republican National Committee and many Republican candidates. This in itself might have raised questions about his involvement in creating Ohios official state election website.

However, the alternative media group ePlubibus Media further discovered in November 2006 that election.sos.state.oh.us was hosted on the servers of a company in Chattanooga, TN called SmarTech, which also provided hosting for a long list of Republican Internet domains.

Since early this decade, top Internet gurus in Ohio have been coordinating web services with their GOP counterparts in Chattanooga, wiring up a major hub that in 2004, first served as a conduit for Ohio's live election night results, researchers at ePluribus Media wrote.

A few months after this revelation, when a scandal erupted surrounding the firing of US Attorneys for reasons of White House policy, other researchers found that the gwb43 domain used by members of the White House staff to evade freedom of information laws by sending emails outside of official White House channels was hosted on those same SmarTech servers.

Given that the Bush White House used SmarTech servers to send and receive email, the use of one of those servers in tabulating Ohios election returns has raised eyebrows. Ohio gave Bush the decisive margin in the Electoral College to secure his reelection in 2004.

IT expert Stephen Spoonamore says the SmartTech server could have functioned as a routing point for malicious activity and remains a weakness in electronic voting tabulation.

"...I have reason to believe that the alternate accounts were used to communicate with US Attorneys involved in political prosecutions, like that of Don Siegelman," said RAW STORY's Investigative News Editor, Larisa Alexandrovna, on her personal blog Saturday morning. "This is what I have been working on to prove for over a year. In fact, it was through following the Siegelman-Rove trail that I found evidence leading to Connell. That is how I became aware of him. Mike was getting ready to talk. He was frightened.

"He has flown his private plane for years without incident. I know he was going to DC last night, but I don't know why. He apparently ran out of gas, something I find hard to believe. I am not saying that this was a hit nor am I resigned to this being simply an accident either. I am no expert on aviation and cannot provide an opinion on the matter. What I am saying, however, is that given the context, this event needs to be examined carefully."

"Mr. Connell has confided that he was being threatened, something that his attorneys also told the judge in the Ohio election fraud case," concluded Alexandrovna.

An FAA investigation into the causes of Connell's plane crash is underway, but no results are expected for several weeks."