

WeAreChange has a new website.

Thanks to the help of the people from VERX Independent Media we are finally able to have a professional website and not just a blog. I hope you guys enjoy the new website that will help you navigate through the latest news stories, wearechange news and the latest videos. You will finally be able to post your comments, participate in our forum, give us feedback and vote on what wearechange should do next. So please register on the right hand side of the website in order to make comments, submit articles for review and be added to a contact list.

Were not just stopping with a new website, Every Saturday we will continue doing street actions in different locations throughout the city and holding educational events at 56 walker street. For upcoming street actions and events please visit our meetup. We are also working on many big projects including a full length film and charity events for this years 9/11/10 anniversary. We’re not stopping there with the principle of being the change we want to see in the world we will be collecting food at actions and events to distributing it to the homeless population in nyc.

We want to thank everyone for their patience and support of our organization because without you we would not be able to do any of these things. We are not perfect, we were never professionals and we never did this before, but we will promise you that we will give everything we have in order to make this world a better place.

Again this could of not been done without the help of VERX Independent Media, please visit their site and support them. Also special thanks to the people truthalliance.net for helping us with some graphics, they also have a website company that you can get a website at http://yourwebsiteexpress.com

Peace and Respect,


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