
The WartHog A-10 and Depleted Uranium Hazmat

This is a good exposition of what lurks behind the simple words: 30 mm. These ugly looking planes, called "WartHogs," go up with a ton and a half of uranium rounds and a lot of bombs on "hard points" on the wings and fuselage. Landing an airplane is always a "controlled crash landing," under good circumstances. So, most pilots Want To drop their bombs and missiles on a "mission".. As the aircraft dive and fire their weapon they are actually diving through a visible haze of uranium smoke from the projectiles catching on fire as they are shot, since uranium is a phyrophoric metal. The ceramicized uranium oxide and nitride sub-nanometer length aerosol particles that stick to the aircraft skin and engine blades hang on with a grip of 100 million electron volts, or 100MeV. Later, the aircraft mechanics are required to scrub the aircraft and engine blades as clean as they can get them.

1 comment:

ebonheart_2 said...

If by pyrophoric you mean turns black cause it covers itself with uranium oxide (rust) than yea.... The slugs in the ammunition shot from the A-10 use depleted uranium btw, not uranium, and it's not pyrophoric either.