
Torcher of 9/11 Survivors Continues under Obama

The 9/11 "Jersey Girls" in a 2006 interview with Katie Couric How much longer can Obama's handlers pretend that the most exposed lie in American History remains a pretext for a foreign policy of perpetual war? Today, these women have access to irrefutable and conclusive evidence for the deliberate destruction of the Twin Towers and WTC 7 with explosives. But in 2006 - before this hard evidence was available, these stoic 9/11 widows were courageously silent about their deep suspicions that the official story of 9/11 was a lie ...a lie that continues to be a monumental cover-up of the Obama administration. Listen to Katie's reading of the spewing hate-speech from Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter directed towards these victim survivors of a mass murder almost as heinous as the illegal wars and torcher they spawned. Source: http://tr.truveo.com/Eye-To-Eye-911-Widows/id/2357756893

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