
Teaching Aid For 9/11 Peace Activists Loops WTC-7 Collapse

This video is intended as a "Teaching Loop" for 9/11 activists.


.Using the convenience of a laptop, PDA and Wi-Fi, the 9/11 and anti-war activists can show this video loop of the WTC-7 collapse to individual viewers and mini-audiences in places of casual and spontaneous opportunity.
This could be a fast way to break the ice on the topic of 9/11.
Answers from the viewers also provide a fast way to evaluate the sophistication of your audience and their degree of awareness and acceptance to the topic.
Provide hand-outs following the encounter to provide a comprehensive overview of the issue. No larger than one letter-size page is a good idea. Be sure to provide a large link to AE911Truth.org with a summary of the vast resources that can countinue to enlighten their curiosity and civic involvement.

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