
Gordon Brown Calls for EU-US Global Order

European Parliament, Strasbourg - British Prime Minister Gordon Brown addresses the European Parliament, 24 March 2009, in preparation to the G-20 Summit on April 2. Gordon Brown calls for EU-US global rule. But he got his fair share of a grilling, especialy from Nigel farage and Dan Hannan. This collage provides snippets from speeches that afternoon. The speeches are interspersed. The actual sequence was as follows: • Hans-Gert Pottering, President of the European Parliament • British Prime Minister Gordon Brown • EU Commission President, Jose Manuel Barroso • Martin Schulz, President of the Socialist Group (PES) • Graham Watson, President of the Liberal Group (ALDE) • Monica Frassoni, Co-President of the Greens/EFA Group • Nigel Farage, Co-President, Independence/Democracy Group • Daniel Hannan, non-attached, formerly with the EPP-ED Group • Gordon Brown concluded by answering nothing. • Other speakers that afternoon not appearing on this video are Joseph Daul (EPP-ED), Brian Crowley (UEN), Francis Wurtz (GUE/NGL)

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