
Discovery of Super Thermite Proves 9/11 was a False Flag

This "binary explosive" is a cousin of thermite - an incendiary made of iron oxide and aluminum used to melt/weld steel. An advanced form called nano-thermite was used to blow-up the Twin Towers, melt the steel beams and deliberately incinerate 3,000 people inside the holocaust at the World Trade Center. The watermelon was literally vaporized into water vapor by the extreme heat. And there probably were no chunks of watermelon, rind or seeds to be found. See the recent proof on nano-thermite at the WTC (loaded gun) published in a peer-reviewed journal in April, 2009 : Large File - be patient http://gators911truth.org/PDF/Thermit... Lawrence Livermore labs developed a nano-thermite in the mid-90's that would react (ignite) at lower temperatures than traditional thermite. An organic compound was added to cause rapid gas expansion (an explosion). Relatively tiny amounts of the nano-thermite were required to destroy the Towers (and WTC-7) ...and to make it appear that the jet aircraft were responsible. The people who pushed the button for this false flag holocaust are still walking around loose...and there are plenty more buttons to push. After 8 years the National Security of the US remains at stake until they are caught and prosecuted. This is why we need to restore the rule of Law, convene a grand jury and begin a criminal trial. The proof that 9/11 was of a false flag exists far beyond a reasonable doubt....but the dangerous cover-up continues under Obama. Call Congress and the DOJ to demand they begin an immediate criminal trial in the interests of National Security.

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