
Why did 9/11 terror ground all aircraft but not "Aerosol" Jet traffic?

Chemtrails In The Skies While All Airlines Were Grounded
From Lorie Kramer

Dear Jeff,

I thought your listeners and readers would be interested in reports of chemtrail activity which has taken place since the grounding of the nation's normal air traffic which began after the horrific events in New York, Sept. 11.

These are reports filed by members of Chem Trail Tracking USA and are available to everyone on the club calendar and message board.

For overview purposes; spraying was reported Sept 12 in Southern Illinois, Baltimore Maryland, Houston, TX, Ft Wayne Indiana, SE Michigan

From Metro Detroit -

The report we received this am from observer of skies in Metro Detroit during the night shift was that skies were filled with a light pinkish grey haze: could still see stars thru thin veil of haze. Then between 4-6 AM skies became filled with wispy chemtrails could not see planes during this time. Planes sighted about 25,000 ft up making CT's at 5:57 AM: two X's made over skies in northwestern suburbs. One plane made one X and two planes made the second X. They then turned off the sprays and increased altitude and flew out of area going west. X's remained in skies til at least 7:45 AM.

At 8:30 - 9 AM two planes spotted over Livonia area making a chemtrail in shape of a circle.

10:30 AM: Feather like trails and lines present in the southern skies (Noted when out traveling down Telegraph road). Northern skies have lines that have spread out into chemclouds (going east and west). Sky above is pale blue with color getting lighter as you follow down to the horizons which are all white. Chemdome in place from Westland area to Troy and all areas in between. No cumulus clouds visible from ground.

At 3:00 pm could hear a plane overhead but could not see one. (must be above the chemdome).

More Detroit - "I had to take (son) an inhailer at school I noticed the same thing with no planes in sight, wisy trails had drifted into the Detroit area. One looked like a real trail about 3 hours spread."

"I don't think these planes have been in the air for over 24 hrs! The ban started in early am yesterday, yet we continue to see planes and CT's. Just heard another one at 4 PM today but could not see it thru the chemdome that is in place. Also the planes we have seen flew off to the west from northwestern suburbs after spraying the area. So they would not be going to Selfridge air base which is in far northeast.

The news had it all covered last night by saying that military planes from Selfridge air base would be out over the area. That way if we saw planes we would know they were not commercial ones but our military out to protect us."

From Illinois -

Chicago - "Last night between 1:15-1:30 a.m. I saw no less than 10 chemtrails overhead in the classic grid pattern 2 of which were parallel heading south and then hard banked to the east. This were big big trails...biologicals perhaps? God forbid..."

Southern Illinois - "Woke up to find what sure looks like trail remnants in the southern sky. They're still around - high and wispy. Have not seen or heard any planes."

From Houston, TX -

"Heavy grid spraying north of Houston Tx. I could easily hear these planes fly directly overhead. What's wrong with this picture."

"There are trails being laid in semi-circle patterns to the South West of town.

CALL in to area officials. I saw the plane! No, this is NOT normal air traffic ...because there is not supposed to BE any air traffic."

From Los Angeles -

As you all know, the airport here is shut down as well as a lot of other stuff. When the marine layer broke this morning there was an immense Haarp cloud canopy above it from horizon to horizon. Apparently offshore spraying was going on big time all night and probably right up until the attacks took place.

I've heard 4 jets since the commercial flight ban took place, but only saw one, which was of course a white apparently unmarked 2 engine jet. I got a shot of it, but it was pretty high up, so I'll be surprised if I get any detail. It was not leaving a trail of any kind. It's my understanding that the ban only applies to commercial air traffic, and this definitely appeared to be a military jet, going N to S directly over Santa Monica at 7:10 PM.

From Eugene, Oregon -

After watching the horrors on TV yesterday, I at least thought that our skies would be clear here in Eugene, Oregon. Not so. Although I saw no direct overflights, the sky was FILLED, ALL DAY with longclouds that moved in from upwind. The clouds early today look highly suspect.


1) The spraying goes on outside US airspace 2) The aircraft are not based in the US

Here are satellite pictures showing a huge X pattern laid over the Pacific which moved inland and confirms what residents in the Pacific Northwest area reported seeing overhead.


Noticed the Chemtrails over Indianapolis 9/12 page... We had our share here as well. Had to laugh - same deal. If all the "Commercial Aircraft" were grounded, where did the 'contrails from commercial aircraft' come from?

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