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The Numerology of International TerrorismWritten by: Ziad Cassim on 3 March 2009 (Durban, South Africa)
E-Mail: ziadcassim@hotmail.comIntroduction:This research paper discusses several terrorist events that are inter-connected by date. The dates I will site in this paper are drawn from the solar/seasonal calendar and the lunar calendar.The solar/seasonal calendar equates to the Gregorian calendar beginning 1 January and ending in the 12th month on 31 December.The lunar calendar or the Hijri Islamic calendar has twelve months in a single lunar year. The names of the months are as follows: 1. Muharram2. Safar3. Rabi ul Awal4. Rabi ul Akhir5. Jumada ul Awal6. Jumada ul Akhir7. Rajab8. Shabaan9. Ramadaan10. Shawwal11. Zil Qada12. Zil Haj On average a lunar month is approximately 29.5 days long and a lunar year has approximately 354 days.Abbreviations used in this paper: • The letters [C.E.] are abbreviations for the term ‘Christian Era’.• The letters [A.H.] are abbreviations for the term ‘After Hijra’. • The letters [s.a.w.] is an abbreviation for the Arabic words ‘Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam’, which means 'May the blessings and the peace of Allah be upon him (Muhammed).'The Start of War and The New World Order:August 2, 1990 C.E. is the infamous day that triggered off the first gulf war. On this day the Iraqi army began its invasion of the tiny gulf state of Kuwait. Under the lunar/Islamic calendar August 2, 1990 was also the 10th of Muharram 1411 A.H., an auspicious day for Muslims all over the world. The Islamic year 1411 A.H. also marked the 1400th anniversary of the death of prophet Muhummed [s.a.w.].The 10th of Muharram is a very auspicious day and Muslims piously observe it as the Day of Ashura. Prophet Muhummed [s.a.w.] found the Jews of Medina fasting on this day each year. When he inquired he was told that the 10th of Muharram was the day that Moses and the Hebrews were delivered from Pharaoh. That is, the day the sea was made into a furrow for the fleeing Hebrews to escape the impending onslaught of Pharaoh’s army. Since then it has been the tradition of the prophet [s.a.w.] to fast for two days over the period of Ashura.Prophet Muhummed [s.a.w.] did not die on the 10th of Muharram but approximately fifty years after his demise his grandson Hussein, from his daughter Fatima, was martyred at Karbala, south of Baghdad in Iraq on the 10th of Muharram 61 A.H. (680 C.E.). Further, Prophet Muhummed [s.a.w.] also prophesied that the world would come to an end (Judgement Day) on Friday the 10th of Muharram. The year, however, is unknown. Not even the prophets or the angels know of it.Exactly 40 days after Kuwait’s invasion on 2 August 1990 C.E., President George H. W. Bush gave a speech to a joint session of Congress. In this speech he outlined his vision of a New World Order. In this speech he also announced his plans to send US troops into Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam. Saudi Arabia, the Americans feared, was at risk of being invaded by Iraq under the leadership of Saddam Hussein. This day was September 11th, 1990 C.E.On the following day the 12th of September 1990 the Treaty on the final settlement of Germany was signed between the United States of America, The Soviet Union, France, The United Kingdom and the partitioned states of East and West Germany respectively. The outcome of this treaty is that it paved the way for the unification of Germany. Germany was partitioned in 1949, 4 years after The Nazi’s were defeated in World War 2. The partitioning of Germany came as a result of the Potsdam agreement which was finalized on the 2nd of August 1945 [40 days before the 11th of September 1945] by the leaders of The United States, The Soviet Union, France and the United Kingdom. Incidentally, German president Paul von Hindenburg died on the 2nd of August 1934. The German Airship Hindenburg was named after him. His death paved the way for Hitler to assume absolute power over all of Germany, by proclaiming himself Führer und Reichskanzler (Leader and Chancellor).Lastly the first gulf war lasted only 42 days. Operation desert storm became operational on the 17th of January 1991 and on the 42nd day; on the 27th of February 1991 President Bush declared a ceasefire against Iraq.The Rise of Terrorism:Exactly 11 years to the date since President Bush’s News World Order speech an unprecedented terrorist attack began to unfold in New York City and in Washington DC. On this Day, September 11th, 2001 two large airplanes slammed into the world trade centre towers. A third attack was directed at the pentagon building in Washington DC. Under the Islamic Lunar calendar 11 September 2001 is 23 Jumada al Akhir 1422 A.H.When examining the Islamic year of 1422 A.H. my research shows that the 10th of Muharram 1422 A.H. occurs on 4 April 2001. The number of days between 4 April 2001 and 11 September 2001 is 160 days. The number 160 is 4 multiplied by 40. So once again, just like the New World Order speech of President Bush, the 9/11 attacks are also aligned to the Muslim auspicious day of the 10th of Muharram.Historical Perspective:Apart from being the anniversary of President Bush’s New World Order speech, and being aligned to the 10th of Muharram by the number 40, the day of 9/11 has numerous other historical references. Two of these past reference is the signing of the declaration of Independence of the United States of America in 1776 C.E. and The Mountain Meadows Massacre of 1857 C.E.1. The US Declaration of Independence:The 4th of July 1776 is Independence Day in the USA. The famous document known as the declaration of independence was adopted by the Continental Congress on the 4th of July 1776. American representatives of the then 13 British colonies (now represented by the 13 red and white stripes on the American flag) voted in favour of separation from the British crown. However the document was not signed on the day that the declaration was adopted. The declaration of independence was signed on the 2nd of August 1776. The 4th of July 1776 is Independence Day but the actual document was signed 29 days later on the 2nd of August 1776. The 2nd of August is 40 days before 11th of September and the 2nd of August is the date that Iraq, when ruled by Saddam Hussein, invaded Kuwait in the year 1990.2. The Mountain Meadows Massacre of 1857 C.E.:The Mountain Meadows massacre is the “massacre of 120 men, women and children travelling through Utah in the nineteenth century. The Mountain Meadows Massacre, as it is known, occurred on September 11, 1857 C.E., and was the first known act of religious terrorism on U.S. soil. A group of Mormons, many disguised as Paiute Indians, slaughtered all but 17 small children on a wagon train on its way to California. One man, the adopted son of Mormon leader Brigham Young, was eventually executed for the crime—20 years after the event.”The following flow diagram shows reveals numerous historical references to the dates 10 Muharram and 11 September. Some of these events are interconnected in time by the number 40 or in multiples of 40.
Modern Terrorism, Guy Fawkes Day and the Quranic number 40:The Gunpowder Plot of 1605 C.E. was a conspiracy to blow up King James I, the king of England, and the two houses of Parliament at the opening of Parliament in November 1605. On the night of 4-5 November 2005 Guy Fawkes was caught in a cellar, fuse in hand, underneath the House of Lords with 36 barrels of gunpowder and arrested. Under torture Guy Fawkes confessed the names of his co-conspirators.
Historians have written that the conspirators were in revolt against the anti Roman Catholic laws of England. Since the majority of the English parliament was solidly Protestant, Guy Fawkes and his co-conspirators decided that they would kill the royals together with the members of parliament by blowing up all of them in the House of Lords at the opening of parliament. The plot failed and every year since then Guy Fawkes Night is celebrated in Britain and other parts of the world with fireworks, bonfires, and an effigy of Guy is burned.The gunpowder plot of 1605 C.E. as an act of terrorism on British soil is linked to modern terrorism. Two terrorist events in Europe are connected by date to Guy Fawkes day.On 11 March 2004 a violent act of terrorism was carried out in the city of Madrid in Spain. The bombing of passenger train carriages resulted in 191 passengers being killed and 1800 others injured. Under the solar calendar 11 March 2004 is 239 days before the 5th of November 2004 (the 399th anniversary of Guy Fawkes Day). Add 1 to 239 and it becomes 240 and the number 240 is 6 multiplied by 40.2005 was the year that marked the 400th anniversary of Guy Fawkes failed gunpowder plot. In this year yet another violent act of terrorism occurred in Europe. On 7 July 2005 the London subway train carriages and a double-decker bus in the city of London were bombed resulting in the death of 56 passengers.Just as the number 40 links the Madrid train bombing to Guys Fawkes Day anniversary so too is the London subway train bombing that occurred on 7 July 2005 linked to Guys Fawkes Day anniversary by the number 40. 7 July 2005 is 121 day before the 5th of November 2005 (the 400th anniversary of Guy Fawkes Day). Subtract 1 from 121 and it becomes 120. The number 120 is half of 240 (refer to the paragraph above describing the Madrid train bombing) and 120 is 3 multiplied by 40.The following diagram is a timeline sketch of the linked terrorist events as described above:
Historical Perspective:Historically both Spain and England are intimately connected to the history of the America.It was the Spanish Monarchs, Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon, who financed Christopher Columbus (the discoverer of the Americas) on his maiden voyage across to Atlantic Ocean in the seminal year of 1492 C.E. The year 1492 C.E. was the year of the expulsion of the Sephardic Jews from Christian Spain (this was the climax of the Spanish inquisition) and also in 1492 C.E. the last Muslim stronghold of Granada, in the south of Spain, was defeated by Christian Spain.
The first European settlers to North America sailed from Plymouth England on 16 September 1620. 101 Puritan Christian pilgrims were carried across the Atlantic Ocean in a ship called the Mayflower.
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