Today, one month after the initial Beta launch of this website, and three months before the eight and dark anniversary of the World Trade Center attacks, we are proud to officially release our worldwide petition for a new and independent investigation into the 9/11 events.
We are calling on international governments to support our petition and to pressure the Obama administration for a new independent investigation.
We are calling on journalists from around the world — especially the U.S. journalists — to break the silence and to fully investigate these tragic events. This is your duty. Why is it that a lot of TV show hosts or journalists work hard to make the 9/11 truth movement look bad and “anti-patriotic”, but never had the guts to show WTC Building 7 collapse in 6.5 seconds on TV? You had 8 years to do it. Or more recently, to publicly investigate the unignited explosive residues of nano-thermite in the WTC dust. Stop this manufactured blackout.
We are also calling on the military personnel, the intel officers, and police forces from around the world to support our call for a new investigation. Join your voice to the 41 U.S. Counter-Terrorism and Intelligence Agency Veterans who challenge the official account of 9/11 .
We are demanding every citizen of every country who doubts the Bush administration version of 9/11, to unite and sign our petition — and to spread it far and wide.
It is our responsibility to stand up and ask for a new independent investigation. We must stop supporting the empty concept called “war on terrorism” and the laws that erode our freedoms, based on the official and faulted conspiracy theory of the 9/11 Commission — which didn’t even mention the collapse of Building 7.
“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty or safety”
— Benjamin Franklin, one of the USA Founding Fathers
Finally, we would like to dedicate our final words to President Barack Obama.
Millions of people from around the world demanding a new investigation is not something we can deny. It is not an ‘opinion’ to be debated. It’s a fact we must deal with. The real question is, are you capable of looking into the scientific and forensic evidence of controlled-demolition of the Twin Towers and Building 7? Will you defend and support a fair justice process of a new independent investigation, or will you sweep this file under the carpet like you are doing with the war crime accusations against the Bush administration for torture?
We need to bring those who are responsible for these events to justice, and we certainly do not support the use of torture to produce false confessions in the process.
Lest we forget, the commission was only set up because of pressure from 9/11 victim families, and over the stonewalling objections of the Bush administration — 441 days after the attacks. They didn’t want an independent investigation at all, and when one was forced on them, this same administration ironically chose Henry Kissinger to head it. This scandal is well explained in the important documentary “9/11 Press for Truth”. Mr. Kissinger had to resign due to conflict of interests and was replaced by Philip Zelikow, which was another huge scandal due to his implications in both the George H. W. Bush and the George W. Bush administrations. He never resigned even when pressed by the family members.
If a person was shot in front of the World Trade Center, there would have been more of an urgent inquiry into that killing than was accorded the murder of thousands of people in broad daylight. There would have been a trial, witnesses giving sworn testimony, evidence presented in public for anyone interested to review and discern. Where are the Pentagon tapes?
This petition was launched in the memory of those who have fallen before, during, and after 9/11/2001, of those who still suffer from it every day, and in the name of the 9/11 worldwide activists.
For justice and peace.
World for 9/11 Truth Team
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