KSM Confessed to Twin Tower Attacks to Stop Torture
9/11 Perpetrators Lied From A to Z. I make up stories. Where is he? I don't know.
Then he torture me. Then I said, Yes, he is in this area, says the ‘perpetrator’ of 9/11.
More and more transcripts and statements about the infamous Guantanamo Bay camp are seeing the light of day.
This is the case with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the prisoner who admitted he was the main person responsible for the Twin Towers attacks.
On Tuesday he admitted that he made up stories because he was afraid of the torture that was occurring every day. “I make up stories. Where is he? I don't know.
Then he torture me. Then I said, 'Yes, he is in this area or this is al-Qaeda, which I don't know him.' I said no, they torture me” he said, when he was giving information about the location of Osama Bin Laden.
Mohammed was arrested by the Pakistani police in cooperation with the CIA, on March 1, 2003 in Rawalpindi. According to an article in the Times from April that year, Mohammed started to talk much earlier than was expected, so some officials were sceptical and believed that some of the information he gave was intentionally incorrect. However, because some parts of his testimony was confirmed by other prisoners, they were more convinced that they were getting reliable information. I was responsible for 9/11, from A to Z Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Mohammed, like many other inmates, was subject to waterboarding, a type of simulated drowning that most people condemn today as one of the most brutal types of torture. During the torture he named people who he does not know and described invented situations only to end the questioning.
He admitted to being involved in over 30 al-Quada attacks.
Beating, abuse and waterboarding
The latest transcript that the CIA revealed to the public, as a part of the law suit filed by the ACLU, only supports previous allegations that brutal methods of torture were used against the inmates, reports BBC.
-.-Reuters-.-A guard tower overlooks Camp Delta in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba in this Cuba National Geographic Television undated handout image.In April this year it was revealed that prisoners were tortured with waterboarding and other inhumane methods. Mohammed was subject to waterboarding over 183 times in only one month, and another 9/11 suspect Abu Zubayah was waterboarded 83 times, and was not given medical assistance after being beat up and abused.
The American president condemned these methods and started disbanding the Guantanamo Bay prison, even though he does not intend on processing those responsible from Bush’s administration. Ahmed Ghailani, a suspect for the bomb attacks in Tanzania, was the first prisoner to be transferred from the Cuban prison to American soil. On Monday, Italy announced that they will accept three prisoners, and the European Union said that they will cooperate with the US president and take some of the prisoners.

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