
MSNBC David Shuster discovers need for secrecy with 9/11 conspirator, Larry Silverstein

MSNBC's David Shuster may learn (but never be allowed to report) the need for secrecy in a meeting Mayor Bloomberg had with a most likely co-conspirator in 9/11 terror - Larry Silverstein Silverstein was awarded billion$ by AIG for the so-called "terrorist attack" on the Twin Towers and WTC-7 . But incontrovertible evidence published in April, 2009 establishes that a high-tech nano-thermitic, dual action combination explosive/incendiary was placed inside the Twin Towers and WTC 7 a minimum of days prior to 9/11/2001. Source:
A criminal trial must follow to find out what Larry Silvertein knows and why he had foreknowledge that the Fire Department intended to demolish WTC-7 by deliberate, controlled demolition. A successful petition will be placed on the NYC ballot to force a 9/11 criminal invetigation in NYC where Larry Silvertein will be called to testify and divulge the name of the Fire department commander who "pulled" the building.

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