Why 9/11 only required a few False Flag conspirators
06/08/2009 09:44:00 PM EST
What does it really take.
'Fixed idea' - an idea that has become imbedded into ones reality structure to a point questioning it becomes next to impossible. I heard you express such when Jesse brought up the 9-11 conspiracy. That fixed idea was 'how is it possible for SO MANY PEOPLE to participate in it without it falling apart or being exposed'.
Below is a very brief clip from a question and answer session Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton gave at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. on 9/11/2006.
But how many people ACTUALLY need to be actively involved in a conspiracy relating to what happened on 9-11. This considering BY FAR the most likely conspiracy was Cheney becoming aware of the Al Qaida hijacking plot from the DOD task force that was tasked to accumulating intelligence on Al Qaida and Osama, and simply made arrangements on the down low to maximize the chances for it to succeed. Hence, after months of completely ignoring Richard Clarke and Osama and AL Qaida, a sudden flurry of exercises were ordered to take place on 9-11 and 9-12. How likely the chance that idea originated in Cheney's office, went to Rumsfeld or Wolfowitz or Feith and became a series of orders. Thats all it takes because THAT'S THE WAY THE MILITARY OPERATES. It only takes ONE person at the top to set such plans into motion. No one else needs to know and why would they suyspect anything. Various exercises and scenarios are ordered routinely. And the military, even more than the Bushco bureaucracy, CARRIES OUT ORDERS WITHOUT QUESTION. For just THAT much to occur, no more than three people were needed to plan and execute it, Cheney to plan it, Addington to assist in the planning and do the person to person no record arrangements, and Rumsfeld OR Wolfowitz OR Feith to issue the orders 'from the top' to set in motion the exercises and restictions that were operational on 9-11 that so contributed to the success of the hijackers. And one person, the DIA officer in charge of that Osama tracking/intelligence task force that disbanded and 'destroyed' all their materials prior to 9-11 (which in the DOD NEVER occurs, the DOD saves everything, they have hundred acre facilities around the country for the purpose, and for SURE materials relevant to someone like Osama) to keep their mouth shut. A sargeant from that task force DID later made a stink that they had found out about the 9-11 plot, in detail, but without those DESTROYED materials to back him up, it came to naught. In a says vs. says situation in the military pitting a sargeant against a colonel or general ... and that officer having already seen how effectively t he Bush administration shut down any meaningful investigation ... And when it somes to the DIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency, which is bigger and better funded that all other intelligence agencies put together, while the CIA and even the NSA have had numerous 'leaks', try to think of another leak that ever came from the DIA. Fricking place is the ultimate black hole. Include the explosives theories and add in 4 more, almost surely israeli, authorization for and a couple special ops types to carry out what was authorized at the black on black level. Cheney, if you recall, kept in VERY close contact with the Mossad and Israeli defense force with Addington attending multiple deep black meetings and tyhe Israelis were DESPERATE to take out Hussein and neutralize Iran.That's all it would take. And at that level and with those people there ARE NO leaks. Not now, not ever.There is no question there was a massive, and mostly successful, effort by the Bush administration to cover up anything having to do with 9-11. It was a massive effort to even get an investigation at all, pitiful as it was. What information that was obtained was like pulling teeth and involved court rulings. Neither is there any question there were glaring and muliple 'wrongnesses' connected with 9-11 in myraid areas. The most glaring and obvious of all being the fact there were NO by the book criminal investions, indictments, trials or prosecutions ALLOWED of the largest mass murder in America's history AND IT WAS SWALLOWED IN TOTO BY THE MASSES. In case you are still a bit hazy on just how insanely effective and knowingly used their propagnda machine was. Keep in mind Cheney was not only by far the most ruthless and effective bureaucracy lever puller and button pusher to ever hold the Vice Presidency, but that he was ALSO by far the most effective MEDIA and PERCEPTION MOLDING bureaucrat to ever hold the Vice Presidency ... and this is important ... THAT HE UNDERSTOOD BEFOREHAND HE COULD AND KNEW HOW TO EFFECTIVELY SHUT DOWN ANY REAL INVESTIGATION OF WHAT HAPPENED ON 9-11 AND UTTERLY MARGINALIZE AS CONSPIRACY 'WACKOS' THOSE POINTING AND SCREAMING AT THE NAKED EMPEROR (cough cough). If you can get past your fixed idea more than a handful of people needed to be 'in on' a conspiracy and consider that same handful definitively DID go on to orchestrate the wanton mass murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians overseas ... well then maybe you can stop doing the work of covering their asses for them with your warrantless pooh poohing of even the POSSIBILITY a conspiracy could have existed.
Unless, I suppose, you think an actual full by the books investigation of 9-11 and all events pertinent therein, followed by indictments and trials, if warranted, should never take place and the utterly compromised by Bush and Cheney investigation that did take place should be the final word on the subject.
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