Bearden: Research in Extracting Energy From the Vacuum
Research In Energy from the Vacuum: In 2008, we made additional advances in deciphering the mechanisms and principles of extracting EM energy from the vacuum, and showing the falsities that are presently taught in electrical engineering in all our universities. We particularly did substantial research in the area of negative energy, documenting how world physics leaders deliberately and fearfully tore out negative energy from physics in 1934, by mutilating Dirac's theory. Dirac himself pointed out that one may rip it from the classical theory, but it cannot be taken from quantum mechanics.
Quoting Dirac on the difficulty of the removal of negative energy by the frightened leaders of the scientific community: “One gets over the difficulty in the classical theory by arbitrarily excluding those solutions that are negative E. One cannot do this in the quantum theory, since in general a perturbation will ADAS Technical cause transitions from states with E positive to states with E negative.” [ Proceedings of the Royal Society A, Vol. 117, 1928, p. 610.].
Note that Dirac also was specifying exactly how one easily induces negative energy/negative probability in the local vacuum of a specific region. One simply introduces sharp little lowenergy perturbations with sharp gradients. The pulses pop out electrons from the tickled Dirac Sea, leaving behind the emptied holes which are negative mass-energy electrons. As source charges, they emit negative energy photons, which makes and adds their associated negative energy EM fields. Indeed, the tickle-produced "empty holes" (true antimatter) is the mysterious "dark matter" our astrophysicists are seeking so desperately through their telescopes, and the associated "tickle-produced negative energy EM fields" are the mysterious "dark energy" they are also seeking.
The startling realization is that we can easily change a local vacuum to directly introduce – and tailor – negative energy into that local vacuum, with the use of only minuscule "tickle energy".
A Profound Discovery: The result is that now, since one can not only "theoretically" deal with negative vacuum energy, but can also easily induce it including even in very specific patterns, then in addition to the "positive energy/positive probabilities" usually associated with the vacuum and its tremendous interactions we can easily add-in additional "negative energy/negative probabilities" into those ongoing interactions at will.
This leads to a startling new identity axiom which may be stated in several ways, including: |VPF| H |LLLT| H |Energy| H |Physical Reality| (2-1) where VPF is the virtual particle flux and interactions of the vacuum, LLLT is relativistic spacetime, etc. This also finally gives a definition of Energy, which previously has not been adequately defined as was pointed out by Feynman and others. Quoting Nobelist Feynman: "It is important to realize that in physics today, we have no knowledge of what energy is." [Richard P. Feynman, Robert B. Leighton, and Matthew Sands, The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, Vol. 1, 1964, p. 4-2].
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Also note that "emptiness" is completely eliminated since LLLT is identically VPF. There is no "emptiness filled with virtual particle flux interactions"; instead there are only those virtual particle flux interactions. So spacetime is not an "emptiness" but is a plenum. This substantiates the view of Einstein that there is no such thing as "empty space" without fields and energy.
Quoting Einstein: “There is no such thing as an empty space, i.e., a space without field. Space-time does not claim existence on its own, but only as a structural quality of the field.” [Albert Einstein, Relativity, The Special and General Theory, translated by Robert W. Lawson, Henry Holt, New York, 1920.].
Considering the positive energy/positive probability interactions, then smaller virtual particles interact to make larger structures (particle groups and assemblies etc.) until the quantum threshold is breached, and the increasing interactions from there on are directly creating and sustaining any and all parts of observed physical reality.
This is a shocking discovery: Any and every part of physical reality is continually being created and sustained as a tremendous, ongoing set of interactions between the virtual particles of the seething virtual state vacuum.
The shock comes in realizing that, by deliberately adding negative energy/negative probabilities into a chosen ongoing "bubbling virtual particle creative set", we can "tailor" and change that ongoing creative interaction set as we will.
In short, we can now directly engineer physical reality at will, once the technology is experimentally developed and applied.
Significant Ramifications. The tremendous result is that anything and everything real and physical is not something that happened in the past and then has continued to exist as a Machian structure. Instead, it is continually being created and sustained as a complicated interactions structure of ongoing interacting virtual particles. In short, any physical thing or process is continually "happening", when we consider the positive energy/positive probabilities ongoing in the interactions.
When we consider negative energy/negative probabilities added into the ongoing "happening/creating" bubble interactions of a given physical reality, we reduce the positive energy all along the creative bubble interactions set, and also decrease the positive probabilities.
Hence, for essentially "unpatterned" addition of negative energy/negative probabilities to the vacuum bubble "happening/creative" structure, the structure contracts and the last highest positive energy thing that was being "happened" is "unhappened" and ceases to be (ceases being created). Precursor engineering is thus the direct engineering of "happening" and "unhappening".
As an example, in a container of water molecules, if we "tickle" the local vacuum a bit, we contract the ongoing "happening/creative virtual particle bubble interactions set" that is creating the water molecules. The last and highest energy thing making the water molecule is the OH bond. So when we tickle without specific pattern, we start the OH bonds of the water molecules to statistically start to "unhappen". They literally fall apart, forming H2 and O2 mixtures of gas bubbles in the solution. However, this mixed hydrogen gas and oxygen gas is not verycombustible or explosive there in its container, because in that tickled region it is now extremely difficult to form the OH bond required for combustion or explosion of the hydrogen in the
presence of the oxygen.
But if we then pipe the H2 and O2 gas mixtures outside the tickled-vacuum water container for a few inches and into the combustion chamber of an external combustion engine, then suddenly the H2 and O2 mix is in a "normal vacuum" where the OH bond is very easily established. So in this "normal vacuum" region, the mixed H2 and O2 will now "burn" easily to power the combustion engine, with only water vapor coming out the exhaust.
We have named this type of "reality engineering" precursor engineering, since we are deliberately engineering the virtual particle flux of the "precursor" VPF interaction bubble structure that is creating the physical reality of interest – in this case, the water molecules in the tickled vacuum container so we can easily obtain and burn hydrogen from it with great ease.
The process will also work efficiently in deep space, because the necessary combining oxygen gas is already present in the exact ratio needed to produce the water vapor from the combustion.
Precursor engineering -- as described for the so-called "watergas" process, is a total solution to our present "fuel" crisis and will dramatically reduce the motor vehicle's contributions to global warming and environmental pollution.
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