
McCain/Lieberman Legislation waiting for Fear Mongers to Air McVeigh Tapes

THE SOLUTION: McCain/Lieberman Homegrown Terrorism Bill
McCain and Lieberman's Nightmarish Detention Bill
March 13, 2010 - by Donny Shaw
 One of Congress’s most notoriously hawkish duos, Sen. John McCain [R, AZ] and Sen. Joseph Lieberman [I, CT], recently introduced legislation in response to President Obama’s decision to try Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Christmas Day airplane bomber, in a criminal court. Their proposal, which they are calling the Enemy Belligerent Interrogation, Detention and Prosecution Act, would empower the U.S. military to arrest anyone, U.S. citizen or otherwise, who is suspected of terrorist associations and detain them indefinitely, without right to a trial.

Here’s an analysis with links to specific sections of the actual bill text and a few excerpts of key sections. I invite your fact-checking:

Terrorist suspects would be given over to military custody for interrogation:
People would have to be given over to the military within a “reasonable time” (undefined) of their initial arrest. Miranda rights would be specifically waived, denying the detainee a right to a lawyer and a right to refuse to cooperate:
Once in custody, suspects would be interrogated by a “high-value detainee interrogation group” to determine whether the person is, in fact, “an unprivileged enemy belligerent” according to any of thecriteria below:
If there is any disagreement about a person’s unprivileged enemy belligerent according to the above criteria, the final determination goes to the President. Once determined to be an unprivileged enemy belligerent, a person, regardless of citizenship status, can be detained indefinitely, without trial, until terrorist threats against the U.S are determined to be over:
So far, the bill has been referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee. It currently has nine co-sponsors, including the newly-elected Sen. Scott Brown [R, MA]. We’ll update on this blog if it gets a hearing or a mark-up in the committee.
Complete Analysis:  http://www.opencongress.org/articles/view/1715-McCain-and-Lieberman-s-Nightmarish-Detention-Bill
Despite compelling evidence the government had foreknowledge, with likely involvement in carrying out the Oklahoma City Bombing, Mark Potok is characterized as an award-winning investigative reporter by backing the government's "official story" of the bombing, without questioning mountains of evidence pointing to government involvement.
Mark Potok  - Director of the SPLC Intelligence Report, leads one of the most highly regarded non-governmental operations monitoring hate groups and extremism in the world today. In addition to editing the SPLC’s quarterly investigative journal, The Intelligence Report, and its Hatewatch blog, Potok acts as a key SPLC spokesman for issues involving extremism. He has testified before the U.S. Senate, the United Nations High Commission on Human Rights and in other venues. Before joining the SPLC staff in 1997, he spent almost 20 years as an award-winning journalist at newspapers including USA Today, the Dallas Times Herald and The Miami Herald. While at USA Today, he covered the 1993 siege in Waco, the rise of militias, the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing and the trial of Timothy McVeigh. He has appeared on numerous television news programs and is regularly quoted by journalists and scholars in both the United States and abroad. He is a graduate of the University of Chicago.
Source: http://www.splcenter.org/who-we-are/staff/mark-potok
Fifteen Years Later: A Grim Anniversary in Oklahoma
Mark Potok - April 14,2010
Next Monday, Americans will mark the 15th anniversary of the bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma City — the worst single act of domestic terrorism in our nation’s history and a grim reminder of the fruits of right-wing radicalism.
Although Timothy McVeigh and confederates Terry Nichols and Michael Fortier were not card-carrying members of militias, they unquestionably were deeply influenced by the ideas of these paramilitary groups and the larger antigovernment “Patriot” movement. Their murder of 168 people, including 19 children in a day-care center, was in many ways the culmination of the movement’s blind anger and conspiracy theories about evil elitists in the government intent on suppressing American freedoms and forcing the nation into a socialistic “New World Order.” They also believed they were exacting vengeance on the government for its role in the deaths exactly two years earlier of nearly 80 Branch Davidian religious cultists.
(Note the Orwellian language twist when groups characterized as "Anti-government" are actually advocating a PRO-GOVERNMENT position.  If these groups are "anti-government" in any way, it's because they reject the new, treasonous and fascist version, not the original document inspired by the Founders.)
Read more... http://www.splcenter.org/blog/2010/04/14/fifteen-years-later-a-grim-anniversary-in-oklahoma/
SPLC's Heidi Beirich Caught on Tape Spewing Hate Speech against alternative media hosts, Alex Jones and Gary Franchi.
Southern Poverty's mission creep is readily apparent when we hear Heidi's wholesale demonization of individuals and groups who fail to accept the post 9/11 world of corporitist propoganda.

It's disturbing when MSNBC and Rachel Maddow publicly endorse the SPLC as providing unbiased and enlightened assessment of "extremists", "militias" "hate groups", "constitutionalists" and "bowling leagues" as being representative of trends so dangerous as to require mixing them up all on the same fabricated list as a potential threat to national security.
VIDEO: http://gators911truth.blogspot.com/2010/03/splcs-heidi-beirich-commits-libel-of.html
Video of events from the day of the Oklahoma City Bombing that reveals two un-exploded bombs were found inside the Murrah building following the inital explosion blamed on Timothy McVeigh.

Newsweek (MSNBC, Rachel Maddow) Trots Out Discredited SPLC Lawyer Mark Potok to Decry 'Patriot' Groups.
By Lachlan Markay
Mon, 04/12/2010 - 18:40 ET
Why does the mainstream media keep trotting out the Boy Who Cried Right-Wing Terrorist?

Better known as Mark Potok of the hard-left Southern Poverty Law Center, he has been trumpeted by a number of media outlets seeking to promote the notion that "right-wingers" are lurking behind every corner to overthrow the federal government.

The fact that he is consistently wrong about, well, just about everything -- from the political views of the supposed right wingers to the supposedly violent nature of conservative groups to the mere presence of violent crime -- does not seem to dissuade Old Media from using him to smear conservatives.

Potok's latest target for fear-mongering is a group called the Oathkeepers. The group consists of military veterans who pledge not to follow orders that would result in the violation of Americans' constitutional rights. I know, this is really radical, extremist, right-wing nutjob stuff.

Read More...http://newsbusters.org/?q=blogs/lachlan-markay/2010/04/12/newsweek-trots-discredited-splc-lawyer-decry-patriot-groups
Why did 2 bombs fail to detonate and who planted them?
International News - Electronic Telegraph
Did agents bungle US terror bomb?
Monday May 20 1996 Issue 387
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in Junction City, Kansas and Andrew Gimson in Berlin

"After taping more than 300 hours of testimony in their own investigation, they have concluded that the government had prior knowledge of the blast."
Read More:   http://whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/POLITICS/OK/ok2.html

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