
The military and the police merge to brutalize peaceful protest

Friday, 2 October 2009

Fascist Pittsburgh: military and police brutality

Luke Rudkowski of WEARECHANGE New York :  It has happened - that which Americans have feared and which Alex Jones and others like him predicted years ago.

The military and the police merge to brutalise peaceful protestors. See for yourself.
It can happen anywhere. Pittsburgh or on UF campus in Gainesville, Florida. 

We all laughed in 2007 with "Don't Tase Me Bro" went viral. The UF learned nothing from that incident. Instead, campus police now carry, and use, military style M4 assault rifles on campus.  The result is that students feel more afraid of the campus police than ever. Campus tranquility necessary to successfully engage academic freedom has been seriously undermined by a "military-style enforcement" on UF campus.

If you think this will go away by itself, think again. When "Don't Tase Me Bro" turns into "Don't Shoot Me Bro", it's time to require a citizen oversight committee.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's only going to get more and more out off control.That was a test. The media is complying,with silence.