
Global Warming is a Global Scam


By John Coleman

It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming; it is a SCAM.

With those words, posted on my webpage, I went public as a debunker of Global Warming about a year and half ago. I uttered those same words to open my remarks here at Heartland's Conference a year ago.

I begin this year's talk by declaring:

Nana, Nana, Nana, Nana, Hey, Hey, Hey, Goodbye. Goodbye Global Warming. I first heard that song at White Sox baseball games in Chicago, and I have heard it at all sorts sporting events since. It's a way for the victors to taunt their vanquished opponents. For me it seems like a good way to say so long and goodbye to Global Warming.

Nana, Nana, Nana, Nana, Hey, Hey, Hey, Goodbye. As it taunts the other guys, it also boasts the good guys, the home team. And, I want to do all I can to support the men and women who have devoted their professional lives to debunking the bad science and silly claims of the global warming team. Many on our team have paid with loss of income and professional standing and acceptance.

So here I am, a fan, backing my team. It was at this conference a year ago that I first had an opportunity to meet and mix with the global warming debunkers science team. I felt like a fan who had sneaked into the dugout. There were the stars and I was with them:

There are so many; but let me mention a few. Fred Singer, one of the original debunkers, who has been fighting the battle since 1988. Roy Spencer, Richard Lindzen, Willie Soon and my friend Joe D'Aleo, and so many others. That conference a year ago brought the team together for the first time. And, individuals found themselves part of team. That has given them great, new strength. There are now hundreds of first tier scientists on the team and an army of supporters such as me is telling their story.

Our side has not won the game, but we have knocked out the bad guys’ pitcher. It is like we have battled from far behind and are now very much in the game.

It's a long, hard struggle, the battle to bring an end to the bad science, the barrage of insults and the all those claims of climatic calamity. But, at last, Al Gore's outrageous Global Warming claims have been sidelined and the other side has had to re-invent their platform, switching from global warming to climate change. I think Al Gore and his sci-fi movie claims have been knocked out of the game. Have a nice shower, Al.

As for the science, the error of the basic claim about Carbon Dioxide, CO2, being a significant green house gas is now on the ropes. It had all seemed to all be going well for the bad guys, Keeling curve gang, from the 1950s right up to and through the 1980s and 1990s. Scientist Roger Revelle had put together the first modern scientific paper speculating that CO2 was a significant greenhouse gas in 1957. Then as a Professor at Harvard he introduced Al Gore to the carbon dioxide global warming theory in the 1960s. Al Gore told about that and wrote his version of the global warming story in his book "Earth in Balance" in 1992.

Meanwhile, Maurice Strong had latched onto Revelle's research and formed The United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as a vehicle to tax developed nations for their carbon footprints to fund a one world government. And with UN funding the IPCC computer model predictions came along. They projected continued warming. A warming was happening right through the 1980s and 1990s. Everything seemed to be right on track back then. Things were going great for the Global warming gang.

And, all of this was providing the anti-fossil fuel ammunition they wanted to the environmental movement and that energized the media to climb aboard. And that was enough to attract just about every politician on the planet. Gore was awarded the Oscar and he and the IPCC picked up the Nobel Peace Prize. Gore even cashed in with his carbon credits business.

But alas, after all these years, their case started unraveling.

Nana, Nana. Nana, Nana. Hey, Hey, Hey, Goodbye.

What happened? A major solar cycle that peaked in the 1990s ended in 1998. The sun went quiet, very quiet. That quiet spell continues. Sunspots are now at the lowest level in 100 years. And the ocean currents have flipped to a cold mode, Earth’s warm spell has ended. Global temperatures have started to nose dive. So now, those IPCC computer model predictions have gone totally sour. The so called computer model proof of CO2 radiative forcing global warming has failed. The IPCC computer proof has gone poof.

Its Nana, Nana, all right. Goodbye Global warming.

Now a national Rasmussen Reports survey reveals a majority of Americans, 51% to be exact, now believe that humans are not the predominant cause of climate change. So when will Al Gore admit he was wrong, apologize for the panic be has spread and retire quietly to his estate? Don’t hold your breath.

But in November, Mr. Gore said that he feared that his advocacy work, including his documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” has not done its job. He actually said, “I feel, in a sense, I’ve failed badly, because even though there’s a greater sense of awareness, there is not anything anywhere close to an appropriate sense of urgency”

Yes, public opinion is turning and Al Gore knows it. It is time to celebrate.

Over 650 dissenting scientists are now registered with Marc Morano of the US Senate staff of Senator James Inhofe. Over 31 thousand scientists, over 9 thousand of whom hold PhD’s, have signed a petition debunking significant man made global warming. And, the Heartland Institute for a second time has gathered hundreds of global warming skeptics from around the world to meet together to continue to spread the word that there is no significant man-made global warming. Joseph Bast and his team have made a huge contribution to winning this battle. They have turned scattered and overwhelmed feeling skeptics and dissenters into a unified team and an ad hoc association. We have mojo. We are in the game, but victory is not really ours, not yet.

Do you see it? It's the light at the end of the tunnel. That light, I fear, is not the sunshine of victory, but a train racing this way. The science is on the ropes. Al Gore's wild predictions are failing. But, the environmental, anti fossil fuel agenda is racing forward with the backing of the media and much of big business aboard. And, the politicians are now in the process of making it all law. The Carbon footprint tax plan, cap and trade, is now in the Congress. The Environmental Protections Agency is on the verge of naming carbon dioxide a pollutant. The anti fossil fuel campaign continues at full speed. No, this is not over. And our victory is anything but certain.

A year ago I suggested a lawsuit, a citizens' class action suit, claiming damage from government's actions to tax us based on our carbon footprints. Excellent lawyers came forward. Several interested parties came forward, as well. But, in the end, the funding for the legal action did not materialize. In these difficult times where the well-off seem to have lost twenty to 70% of their wealth, money for such action seems unlikely.

In the past year, I have written numerous papers, made about 100 speeches, appeared on about 50 talk radio programs, and talked global warming on TV ten times. I am not a research scientist, so I didn't do any research. But, I am an eager student and I have continued to read and study the research of many others.

I have placed around this room my latest written speech. It details the history of the global warming scam. When this document went up on my internet page it was linked by Matt Drudge on his amazingly popular site. Four hundred thousand people read my paper over the next three days. Wow, the power of the internet. This is the sort of contribution I can make to this climate change debunking effort.

I pledge to keep battling. No more Nana, Nana for now. I will continue to give my support in every way I can to those who operate the debunkers websites and write and post their research papers. They are my heroes.

I do have ideas on things we should do. One of them is to create a climate change teach-in website with a series of downloadable, first class videos for students at each educational level. Another idea is to produce and distribute science reports including balanced climate change information for TV stations to insert into their newscasts, all underwritten by an advertiser who would barter the science reports for commercial time. In these difficult times TV stations might go for that concept.

I can hardly wait for the thrill of victory. I will not tolerate the agony of defeat.

John Coleman Link http://www.kusi.com/weather/colemanscorner

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