
BREAKING: NYCCAN Files Petition for 9/11 Investigation

Dear Friends!
On Wednesday, June 24, 2009, we filed the petition with 52,000 signatures! 9/11 Family Members Maureen Hunt and Manny Badillo, and First Responders Charlie Giles of the Feal Good Foundation and Bill Gleason of the World Trade Center Rescuers Foundation, arrived at the City Clerk’s office to deliver the petition and speak in behalf of all the proud and concerned citizens who deserve an unbiased, nonpolitical investigation of the tragedy that has affected us so deeply. Thank you for getting us this far! City Council now has until August 24 to approve the placement of the referendum on the November 3 ballot. As hundreds more family members, first responders and survivors join our campaign and lobby their council members to support the petition, our chances grow. In the unlikely event City Council does not approve the placement of the referendum on the ballot, we will be prepared to deliver an additional 30,000 signatures on August 24 to guarantee it gets on the ballot. Already we have 8,000 of the additional 30,000! Now more than ever is the moment to stand up for what we believe in and convert to reality what we have been working towards for so long. This is how you can help: DONATE IF YOU CAN. We need money to pay our amazing petitioners who are now collecting 4,000 to 5,000 signatures per week. We need money to pay a legal team. We need money to launch a full-scale PR campaign once the referendum is on the ballot. Go to http://NYCCAN.org/donate.php right now! TELL FAMILY MEMBERS, FIRST RESPONDERS and SURVIVORS. We have a Statement of Support at NYCCAN.ORG that every family member, first responder, and survivor is welcome to sign. We have already accumulated over 60 signatories in the last week - THANK YOU to those of you who joined us in calling for a new, impartial investigation. Now our goal is to reach 1,000 signatories by September 11, 2009. If you know someone who was directly affected and wants accountability, send them to NYCCAN.ORG. The more New York-based family members, first responders and survivors who sign on, the more City Council will hear from the constituents it simply can’t ignore. TELL YOUR FRIENDS. Nothing works like word of mouth. Forward this email far and wide. While there is little room for celebration, we deserve to be proud of how far we have gotten and where we are going. Over eighteen months of hard work and selfless dedication from hundreds of individuals, and the generosity and faith shown by thousands of you across the globe, have gotten us here. And now it comes down to the next four months. Thank you for standing with us.
Ted Walter
P.S. We will soon have photos and video of the petition filing up on the website. Be sure to check back!
Thinkers think and talkers talk. Patriots ACT.

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