
Progressive breakfast club headlines 12/16/08 12345


Progressive breakfast club headlines 12/16/08
"IT DIDN'T BOTHER ME, AND IF YOU WANT THE FACTS IT WAS A SIZE 10 SHOE HE THREW AT ME."    President Bush "laughs off" the action of an Iraqi reporter who threw both his shoes at him during a Baghdad press conference.  The reporter is said to have been disturbed by his coverage of an earlier U.S. bombing of a Shiite area of Baghdad. http://www.mcclatchydc.com/251/story/57803.html
THE BLAGOJEVICH CASE: WHERE'S THE LINE BETWEEN A "POLITICAL CRIME SPREE" AND ROUTINE POLITICAL HORSE-TRADING?  New York Times article interviews lawyers who raise that issue.  For example, on the issue of trading the Senate seat appointment for an ambassadorship, a skeptic notes that Washington is "full of ambassadors" who had hoped to get a federal job with their campaign contributions.  Also, a "legal hurdle" is noted in Patrick Fitzgerald's intention to prosecute Blagojevich: is mere "talking" about a deal a crime if it is never consummated?   http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/16/us/politics/16legal.html?_r=1&hp
ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRESSIVES TAKE NOTE.  Colorado Senator Ken Salazar is said to be in line for appointment as Secretary of the Interior. He has, at best, a mixed record on environmental issues, having for example opposed oil drilling in Colorado but supported it in other people's (off-shore) back yards. Environmentalists lobbied Obama for Rep. Grijalva for the post and some express disappointment though "hope" for a "sympathetic soul" in the office.   http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-na-interior16-2008dec16,0,1792560.story
EDUCATIONAL PROGRESSIVES TAKE NOTE.  Chicago public schools head Arne Duncan is said to be in line for appointment of Secretary of Education.  He has, at best, a mixed record on educational issues, getting high marks for the quality of his administration of Chicago schools but criticism from those skeptical about the expansion of "accountability" standards embodied in the No Child Left Behind federal educational policy. As head of Chicago schools, he presiding over the demise of "failing" schools that failed under that policy.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/12/15/arne-duncan-to-be-named-o_n_151251.html
WILL FLORIDA GO THROUGH WITH ITS EVERGLADES RESTORATION SUGAR DEAL AND PUT THE COST ON THE STATE'S CREDIT CARD?   That is the issue faced today as the South Florida Water Management District prepares to vote on what Governor Crist calls an "historic opportunity" and fiscal conservatives call an impossible drain on a severely-stressed state budget. http://www.miamiherald.com/news/miami-dade/story/814516.html
These headlines and following stories posted on website today.  To read them, click http://www.sunstateactivist.org/ scroll below headlines and click on any article you want to read.
ooo  Regional integration proceeding in Latin America, southeast Asia.
ooo  Anti-tobacco forces win one at the Supreme Court.
ooo  "Affordable housing" arises for many with housing downturn.
ooo  Tampa jail: turn off that cell light, we're trying to cut the electric bill.
ooo  West Palm Beach can't fight Food Not Bombs, will join them.
ooo  And more.
Quote of the day:
''Six months ago, people worked for Lehman Brothers. Six month ago, AIG was the largest insurance company in the world. Six months ago, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were on solid ground. We've had incredible change, including this country going into hock for $2 trillion.'' Member of the board of the South Florida Water Management District, reflecting on the state's financial stress which is threatening a decision of that board, slated today, on whether the state can afford to fund the "sugar deal" which is at the heart of the current Everglades restoration project.  http://www.miamiherald.com/news/miami-dade/story/814516.html

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