
Impeach Bush & Cheney: Use 9/11 Proof to make it happen

Impeach Bush & Cheney: Use 9/11 Proof to make it happen

We now have irrefutable evidence that the twin towers were demolished by deliberate and pre-meditated, controlled demolition yet, the media and even anti-war groups remain silent.

Activist groups say "Impeach Bush" for war crimes - but they seem to cut and run from taking on the Mother of all War Crimes... 9/11. 

Even groups whose members know 9/11 was an inside job would rather be accused as "9/11 Gatekeepers" than take advantage of the seismic evidence currently available to win their battle in court.

I frequently receive pleas from Veterans For Peace asking me to make an extra donation to support their effort to Impeach Bush.  But even this proud Peace group refuses to acknowledge the 9/11 lie as a tool in their costly goal to see Bush and Cheney in prison.  Although I support VFP's considerable good deeds, I simply can't support an impeachment effort that refuses to win. 

Unless we consolidate to act now, the truth about 9/11 will be delayed, only to re-surface after decades as part of the public record of de-classified government documents - just as they always have in the past.   Criminals who could have been found guilty of mass murder, genocide and war crimes will have long gone free or died. No justice will be served with the result that war will continue as the inevitable solution to executing America's "foreign policy". 

Anti-War groups and Veterans for Peace are invited to claim the proof of 9/11 to prosecute the criminals for their crimes and realize America's best chance to stop the False Flags of government sponsored terrorism that threaten to take us to war, again.

After all, 9/11 Truth is an Anti-war group too.


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