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Bush v. Gore Decision Caused Justice Souter to Cry
9/11 Families Statement on Court's Denial to Bankrupt Terrorism
MARKET WATCH press release Jun 29, 2009, 2:24 p.m. EST In Response to the Supreme Court's Denial of The 9/11 Families' Petition for Writ of Certiorari. On Behalf of The 9/11 Families United to Bankrupt Terrorism --(In Re: Thomas E. Burnett, Sr., et al. v. Al Baraka Investment & Development Corp., et al., Case No. 03-CV-9849 (GBD); In Re: Terrorist Attacks on September 11, 2001, 03 MDL 1570)
WASHINGTON, June 29, 2009 /PRNewswire-USNewswire via COMTEX/ -- The following is a statement on behalf of the 9/11 Families United to Bankrupt Terrorism:
We are deeply disappointed that the U.S. Supreme Court has denied our petition for writ of certiorari, thus deciding not to hear our appeal of a lower court's decision to dismiss our charges against five Saudi defendants we allege provided material support for the September 11, 2001 attacks.
The High Court's decision only further denies us our day in court, while enabling members of the ruling family to evade accountability. We respect the Supreme Court as the ultimate arbiter of legal matters in our system of government; nevertheless, we find this result a travesty of justice and a betrayal of the 9/11 families and others whose lives are impacted by terrorism.
In a sad day for justice, the Saudi ruling class' interests have been advanced at the expense of the rights granted to civil litigants under our Constitution and the laws designed by Congress to deter terrorism such as the Anti-Terrorism Act, 18 USC 2331 et seq. We believe the High Court's decision sets a dangerous precedent that those who provide support to terrorism atrocities will now see themselves as beyond the reach of U.S. laws. The High Court's decision allows fundamental questions of law to go unresolved, and lets stand a decision by the Second Circuit that the Department of Justice itself believes to be wrong, potentially affording terrorism sponsors undeserved protection from accountability in ongoing and future cases. We will continue to do everything within our rights to stop the material support pipeline fueling al Qaeda and to press our remaining claims in the case.
SOURCE 9/11 Families/Burnett v. Al Baraka
Copyright (C) 2009 PR Newswire. All rights reserved
EPA gags their own dissenting scientist in deepening Cap and Trade Fraud
HEAT OF THE MOMENT EPA's own research expert 'shut up' on climate change Government analyst silenced after he critiques CO2 findings
Posted: June 24, 2009 11:05 pm Eastern
By Chelsea Schilling © 2009 WorldNetDaily
Environmental Protection Agency officials have silenced one of their own senior researchers after the 38-year employee issued an internal critique of the EPA's climate change position.
Alan Carlin, senior operations research analyst at the EPA's National Center for Environmental Economics, or NCEE, submitted his research on the agency's greenhouse gases endangerment findings and offered a fundamental critique on the EPA's approach to combating CO2 emissions. But officials refused to share his conclusion in an open internal discussion, claiming his research would have "a very negative impact on our office."
His study was barred from circulation within the EPA and was never disclosed to the public for political reasons, according to the Competitive Enterprise Institute, or CEI, a group that has accessed four internal e-mails on the subject.
CEI General Counsel Sam Kazman told WND, "His boss basically told him, 'No, I'm not going to send your study further up. It's going to stay within this bureau.'"
A March 12 e-mail to Carlin warned him not to have "any direct communication with anyone outside NCEE on endangerment."
Carlin, a researcher who earned his doctorate in economics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an undergraduate degree in physics from California Institute of Technology, informed officials that two-thirds of his references were from peer-reviewed publications and defended his inclusion of new research on the topic.
"It is also my view that the critical attribute of good science is its correspondence to observable data rather than where it appears in the technical literature," he wrote. "I believe my comments are valid, significant and contain references to significant new research … They are significant because they present information critical to justification (or lack thereof) for the proposed [greenhouse gas] endangerment finding."
After nearly one week of discussion, NCEE Director Al McGartland informed Carlin on March 17 that he would not include the research in the internal EPA discussion.
"Alan, I decided not to forward your comments," he wrote. "… The administrator and the administration has decided to move forward on endangerment, and your comments do not help the legal or policy case for this decision. … I can only see one impact of your comments given where we are in the process, and that would be a very negative impact on our office."
In yet another e-mail sent only minutes following the previous one, McGartland wrote, "With the endangerment findings nearly final, you need to move on to other issues and subjects. I don't want you to spend any additional EPA time on climate change. No papers, no research etc, at least until we see what EPA is going to do with Climate."
CEI charges that suppression of Carlin's study denied public access to important agency information, as court rulings have indicated that both "the evidence relied upon [by the agency] and the evidence discarded" must be included in the rulemaking record.
"They could come up with reasons to reject it, as I'm sure they're going to come up with reasons to reject the scientific objections that are coming in now from outside parties in the general public and from skeptical scientists," Kazman told WND. "But I'd say the real issue here is that this critique is coming from a career EPA insider, so it can't be dismissed as the work of someone in the pay of the coal-burning fossil-fuel industry. The fact that someone within the EPA was taking this approach is something that would be naturally embarrassing to the agency."
CEI also said the incident violated the EPA's commitment to transparency and scientific honesty.
Prior to taking office, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson declared, "As Administrator, I will ensure EPA's efforts to address the environmental crises of today are rooted in three fundamental values: science-based policies and programs, adherence to the rule of law, and overwhelming transparency."
Likewise, CEI reminds the EPA of President Obama's April 27 speech to the National Academy of Sciences in which he stated, "[U]nder my administration, the days of science taking a back seat to ideology are over."
In a memo to the EPA, Kazman wrote, "Because of ideology, however, it was this back seat to which Mr. Carlin's study was relegated; more precisely, it was booted out of the car entirely."
"The irony of the president and Administrator Jackson talking about EPA's new transparency and commitment to scientific integrity, that's really incredible," Kazman said.
CEI is asking the agency to make Carlin's study public, extend or reopen the comment period to allow public response to his research and publicly declare that there will be no reprisals against Carlin for his research.
Kazman said the issue is "coming to a head" because the EPA's internal commentary period just closed, and the 1,200-page Waxman-Markey climate bill to cap greenhouse gas emissions is scheduled to come to a vote Friday on the House floor.
He believes Carlin's study could have implications on how lawmakers feel about the allegedly solid research behind the climate bill – especially if objecting analysts within the agency are being silenced.
"Any right-minded administrator would have said, 'Fine, put it in and we'll give our reasons for why we reject his contentions," Kazman said. "But instead, they shut the guy up."
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Chelsea Schilling is a staff writer for WorldNetDailyVideo: 9/11 Press For Truth - a Quest by the Families of the victims
NO NEW TAXES! - Defeat Cap and Trade in the Senate
In one of the closest Congressional votes since Barack Obama took office, the Cap-and-Trade energy tax bill was approved by a very thin margin, thanks to the defections of 44 Democrats who voted against the President and the House leadership.
The final vote in the House was 219 for and 212 against. All but 8 Republicans stood firm for the American people and voted against this ghastly piece of legislation. All but 44 Democrats voted in favor of this onslaught on our money and our sources of income.
8 turncoat RINOS (Republicans-in-name-only) voted in favor of the Democrat-led battle to declare war on American jobs and income. Here are their names and phone numbers, via Michelle Malkin:
Bono Mack (CA) (202) 225-5330 Castle (DE) (202) 225-4165 Kirk (IL) (202) 225-4385 (And he’s seriously considering running for Senate!) Lance (NJ) (202) 225-5361 LoBiondo (NJ) (202) 225-6572 McHugh (NY) (202) 225-4611 Reichert (WA) (202) 225-7761 Smith (NJ) (202) 225-3765
Each one of these turncoats should be voted out of office the next time they run for reelection.
The 44 Democrats who broke ranks with their Party and voted against the bill are as follows:
Altmire, Arcuri, Barrow, Berry, Boren, Bright, Carney. Childers, Costa, Costello, Dahlkemper, Davis (AL), DavisTN), DeFazio, Donnelly (IN), Edwards (TX), Ellsworth, Foster, Griffith, Herseth Sandlin, Holden, Kirkpatrick (AZ), Kissell, Kucinich, Marshall, Massa, Matheson, McIntyre, Melancon, Minnick, Mitchell, Mollohan, Nye, Ortiz, Pomeroy, Rahall, Rodriguez, Ross, Salazar, Stark, Tanner, Taylor, Visclosky, Wilson (OH)
It would be a big mistake to assume that each of these Democrats who voted against the bill are friends of conservatives. For example, Dennis Kucinich voted against it. Kucinich is anything but a conservative. His reason for voting against the bill is that he did not think it was strong enough. Such is the case with many of the Democrats who voted no. It is essential, therefore, that you do your homework in researching the voting records of these Democrats before assuming they are to be congratulated.
The conservative 'blue dog' Democrats were split roughly 50-50 on cap and trade. According to Truth and Reason, out of the 52 so-called 'blue dog Dems, 22 voted YES on this monstrosity. Here are the names and phone numbers of these turncoat blue dogs:
Baca, Joe (CA-43) 225-6161 Bishop, Sanford (GA-02) 225-3631 Boswell, Leonard (IA-03) 225-3806 Boyd, Allen (FL-02) 225-5235 Cardoza, Dennis (CA-18) 225-6131 Chandler, Ben (KY-06) 225-4706 Cooper, Jim (TN-05) 225-4311 Cuellar, Henry (TX-28) 225-1640 Giffords, Gabrielle (AZ-08) 225-2542 Gordon, Bart (TN-06) 225-4231 Harman, Jane (CA-36) 225-8220 Hill, Baron (IN-09) 225-5315 Michaud, Mike (ME-02) 225-6306 Moore, Dennis (KS-03) 225-2865 Murphy, Patrick (PA-08) 225-4276 Peterson, Collin (MN-07) 225-2165 Sanchez, Loretta (CA-47) 225-2965 Schiff, Adam (CA-29) 225-4176 Scott, David (GA-13) 225-2939 Shuler, Heath (NC-11) 225-6401 Space, Zack (OH-18) 225-6265 Thompson, Mike (CA-01) 225-3311
Citizens believed they were getting conservative Democrats when they voted in good faith for these turncoats. Each one should be voted out of office in the next election.
The battle now turns to the Senate, where the bill is purported to have even more opposition. Some insiders claim that the bill has no chance of passing the Senate. But some Senators can be bought, just as some Representatives were in the House. For this reason citizens should bombard Senate offices with phone calls, emails, and faxes to protest this bill that will kill over a million jobs and cost households an extra $1300 to $3000 per year in energy costs.
Why bother to put forth such effort on cap and trade?
One thing is for sure, it is NOT a Republican or Democrat issue. It is a pocket book and jobs issue. And it is based upon an outright lie concerning 'climate change.'
Despite the outright lies of Al Gore, Barack Obama, Henry Waxman, and others on 'man-made carbon pollution' that supposedly leads to 'global warming,' hard science tells us otherwise. Gore and Obama claim that 'the science is settled.' Nothing could be further from the truth. The only thing settled in the environmentalist extremist wacko movement is the politics. The movement has nothing whatsoever to do with hard science.
The International Climate Science Coalition is a highly valuable source of current information on the hard science of the causes of fluctuating global temperatures. It's contributors are some of the world's most highly regarded scientists who vehemently deny Al Gore and Barack Obama's assertion that 'the science is settled.'
For anyone who cares to discover the facts, there is a wealth of information available, including studies, scientific papers, satellite data, etc. that show there is no such thing as man-made global warming. Temperature fluctuations are caused by a multiplicity of factors outside the control of human beings, such as activity on the sun.
In that particular report, Dr. Willie Soon of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics stated:
When you have a lot of sunspots, there is a lot more light energy coming from the Sun and that tends to warm the Earth," added Dr. Soon."When the Sun produces less sunspots, it essentially gives up less energy to the Earth's climate system." And less energy means a cooler planet. "There were very few sunspots in 2008 and by all measures, 2008 was a cold year," said Dr. Soon. And that link between temperatures on Earth and sunspot activity can be picked out many times from past history. "For example, from 1645 to 1715 there were no sunspots and it was a very, very cold period for our planet. Most call it the "Little Ice Age," said Dr. Soon. "Based on my research, I tend to be in support of a very, very strong role by the Sun's energy input as a climate driver. If you were to ask me about the role of CO2, I would say its very, very small," he added.
Indeed, the ICSC reports that satellite data indicate that 2008 temperatures were the coolest in 30 years. In addition, 2 investigative reporters from the Financial Post totally debunked a report from MIT that claimed without massive government intervention 'global warming' could be twice as bad as predicted. And then there is This Story , totally ignored by the mainstream media, that reports that 100 top scientists from around the world corrected Barack Obama's many misconceptions and misinformation about 'climate change.'
And for those inquiring minds that wish to dig deeper still into the real truth about the climate, there is this report, issued by Dr. Jay Lehr of the Heartland Institute, entitled, 'Mankind Has An Insignificant Impact on the Climate of Planet Earth.'
The point is that with cap-and-trade, the Obama Administration, the Democrat-controlled Congress, and the United Nations is attempting to shove an oppressive tax increase down the throats of Americans, forcing us to give up our choices, based upon a pack of lies concerning human impact on the climate.
This bill MUST be defeated in the Senate.
Mind Reading is No Longer Science Fiction
Congress Still Owes Us a 9/11 Investigation from 2002
Putting "Today" before tomorrow's security
Some Democratic senators are sabotaging plans for a 9/11 independent commission so that they can preen on TV.
Joe Conason - June 22, 2002
Within the past two weeks, Congress has quietly set aside legislation that would establish an independent commission to investigate the terrorist attack of Sept. 11, 2001. That important bill, already approved by the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee and supported by Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle -- along with most of his fellow Democrats and a handful of prominent Republicans, notably including Arizona's John McCain -- is dead, at least for the moment.
The critical probe will thus remain under the purview of the special House-Senate Joint Committee on Intelligence, whose deliberations are being held almost entirely behind closed doors.
It doesn't matter that the families of those murdered in the Sept. 11 assaults want an independent investigation. It doesn't matter that many intelligence and security experts believe an independent investigation is the wisest course for the country. It doesn't matter that the limited scope of the congressional investigation will fail to address important concerns such as transportation security and immigration, among others. It also doesn't matter that the congressional intelligence committees themselves, having failed to exercise adequate oversight in years past, are part of the problem that needs to be examined.
What apparently does matter is that certain members of Congress maintain control over the investigation -- and as a result, enjoy a vastly increased amount of face time in the national media.
That isn't the only motivation behind congressional resistance to an outside, nonpartisan investigation, of course. The Bush administration wants no part of such a probe, fearing public embarrassments even worse than it has already suffered. Both George W. Bush and Dick Cheney have warned portentously that an independent commission would hobble the war on terrorism, and settled only grudgingly for a congressional investigation. Their Republican allies in the House leadership have vowed to kill any legislation establishing an independent investigation.
But there was, until recently, a chance that the Senate would approve the independent commission bill sponsored by McCain and Sen. Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn. -- and bring public pressure on House Republicans to go along. Now that chance has passed, thanks to backroom opposition from Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee, according to a well-placed source in the Senate. Particularly opposed were Sens. Bob Graham of Florida, Evan Bayh of Indiana, Dianne Feinstein of California and John Edwards of North Carolina, Vanity Fair and the "Today" show.
Their angry protests in the party caucus have forced Daschle to back away from the independent commission bill he endorsed only a month ago. Knowing that he cannot depend on 50 votes, even with the support of principled Republicans like McCain and Iowa's Charles Grassley, the majority leader has lapsed into silence on the subject. He now plans to wield the independent commission as a threat in negotiations over intelligence reform with the White House and the Republicans.
A clue to how badly this stalemate serves the public was momentarily visible on May 19, when Feinstein and House Republican leader Dick Armey appeared together on CNN's "Late Edition." "We're in the middle of a war on terror. We need to be together. We don't need to get into some kind of open fire fight either between parties or between individuals," said the California Democrat, parroting the White House line against an independent commission. Besides, she added, an independent commission "wouldn't work."
Armey eagerly agreed, praising Feinstein's seriousness and patriotism. "It should be handled professionally, it should be handled carefully, and it should be handled quietly." Ah yes, very quietly -- just the way the Republicans handled accusations of Chinese espionage during the Clinton years. That Armey should prefer a coverup is no surprise; that Democrats would go along with him is a disgrace.
For Feinstein to claim that an independent commission "wouldn't work" is to suggest that the congressional committee is working well. But it has been plagued by leaks, poor cooperation from intelligence agencies, and staffing that worked so badly the director was abruptly fired. Graham is widely regarded in Washington as a well-meaning tool of the intelligence community, and there are few members who have sufficient experience, skills and stature for this demanding job. His Republican colleague Richard Shelby is believed to be pursuing a petty feud with CIA Director George Tenet. And those aren't the only reasons that the committee's work lacks weight.
It would be ridiculous to argue that such senators as Bayh or Edwards are more qualified to probe this massive intelligence fiasco than the veteran experts who served on the Hart-Rudman Commission. Yet Bayh has insisted that "the intelligence committees are the best place to handle this. They have a track record of handling discreet information in a confidential way. The expertise is there and I think that's the best place for the job to be done."
As for Edwards, always mindful of his presidential ambitions, the North Carolina freshman sensation has tried to straddle the issue. He told Katie Couric on "Today" recently, "I think there'll be substantial support for the possibility of an independent commission and that may be something that makes sense." He clearly wants the congressional investigation to take precedence, however, and he has indicated that no other panel ought to be appointed until his committee's report is completed. The painful truth is that Edwards knows little about this subject, but loves the attention that it brings him as a member of the joint committee.
This is not an ideological question, and shouldn't be a partisan issue. Politicians of both parties are as much a part of the problem as the agencies they failed to oversee. Who watches the watchdog? Not these toothless hounds and puppies. They ought to wrap up their effort as soon as possible and stop obstructing what the nation needs most: a wide-ranging, transparent, professional and unbiased investigation of the danger we now confront.
SOURCE: http://dir.salon.com/story/news/col/cona/2002/06/22/commission/index.html?x
# # #
Recalling the truck-load of explosives on 9/11
- JERUSALEM POST - 9/12/2001: American security services overnight stopped a car bomb on the George Washington Bridge. The van, packed with explosives, was stopped on an approach ramp to the bridge. Authorities suspect the terrorists intended to blow up the main crossing between New Jersey and New York, Army Radio reported. "...two suspects are in FBI custody after a truckload of explosives was discovered around the George Washington Bridge ... The FBI ... says enough explosives were in the truck to do great damage to the George Washington Bridge."