
NYCCAN and 9/11 Families Update

Dear Friends! As you know, NYC CAN, the New York City Coalition for Accountability Now has been collecting petition signatures to get a referendum on the ballot in NYC for nearly two years. By this means, New York City voters can use their power to legally mandate the creation of a new 9/11 investigation with subpoena power.. If the voters of NYC approve this referendum on the ballot in the November 2009 General Elections, it would establish the guidelines and make available the funding to carry out an independent investigation and produce an independent report of the events of 9/11/01. Thousands if not millions worldwide share this dream of seeking truth and justice with the New Yorkers. Read the Petition http://nyccan.org/petition.php Petition to Create a NYC Independent Commission with Subpoena Power to Conduct a Comprehensive and Fact-Driven Investigation of All Relevant Aspects of the Tragic Events of September 11, 2001 And Issue a Report. WHEREAS, many New York City voters believe that there remain many unanswered questions critical to establishing the truth about all relevant events leading up to, during and subsequent to the tragic attacks occurring on September 11, 2001 (“9/11”), and WHEREAS, no prior investigation by any New York City agency or any other governmental entity has resulted in the citizens being provided with those critical answers or information necessary to establish the truth about those tragic events, and WHEREAS, New York City and its citizens, residents, workers, homeowners and businesses have been injured far greater than any other city or area in the United States. THE FOLLOWING IS HEREBY DESIRED AND APPROVED AS AN INITIATIVE FOR ADOPTION OF A LOCAL LAW TO AMEND THE NEW YORK CITY CHARTER, TO BE PRESENTED TO VOTERS OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK AT A GENERAL ELECTION OF VOTERS NYC CAN Milestones In September 2008, our petition collection efforts reached a milestone of 30,000 signatures, the minimum number required to submit the petition to New York City Council for its approval. In June 2009, NYCCAN surpassed the 45,000 signatures required to bypass City Council, ensuring its placement on the ballot. On Wednesday, June 24, 2009, NYC CAN filed the petition with 52,000 signatures! A path towards justice is being brought into reality through the combined efforts of many dedicated citizens! New York City Council now has until August 24 to approve the placement of the referendum on the November 3 ballot. Success is at hand but we still need your help to provide the initiative with a margin of safety by August 24, 2009. Help NYC CAN collect more signatures! In the unlikely event City Council does not approve the placement of the referendum on the ballot, we intend to be prepared to deliver an additional 30,000 signatures on August 24 to guarantee it gets on the ballot. With this number we can override their possible objections.. What can YOU do to help? Now more than ever is the moment to stand up for what we believe in and convert to reality what we have been working towards for so long. This is how you can help: DONATIONS FOR PETITIONERS. Your contribution will help pay our amazing petitioners who are now collecting 4,000 to 5,000 signatures per week, at a cost of about $1 per signature. A full-scale informational campaign is in the works for after the referendum is securely on the ballot to ensure its passage. Go to http://NYCCAN.org/donate.php right now! If only 2,000 of us each donate the membership amount of $25, NYC CAN will raise enough funds to see through the rest of its petitioning effort and guarantee that the referendum will be on the ballot, November 3, 2009. TELL FAMILY MEMBERS, FIRST RESPONDERS and SURVIVORS TO SIGN ON AT THE WEBSITE. We have a Statement of Support at NYCCAN.ORG that every family member, first responder, and survivor is welcome to sign. We have already accumulated over 60 signatories in the last week - THANK YOU to those of you who joined us in calling for a new, impartial investigation. Help us reach our goal of 1,000 signatories by September 11, 2009. If you know someone who was directly affected and wants accountability, send them to http://nyccan.org/signon-support.php The more New York-based family members, first responders and survivors who sign on, the more impact we will have on the City Council. TELL YOUR FRIENDS EVERYWHERE. Even our friends from outside of New York can be a part of this moment as we turn the tide of history. Forward this email far and wide to increase awareness and encourage broad participation. We deserve to be proud of how far we have come and where we are going. Over eighteen months of hard work and selfless dedication from hundreds of individuals, and the generosity and faith shown by thousands of you across the globe, have brought us here. And now the final push to August 24th. Thank you for taking a stand with us for truth and accountability! Who is NYC CAN? NYC CAN is non-partisan organization comprised of 9/11 Families, First Responders, Survivors and proud, concerned citizens committed to bringing about an independent, impartial investigation into the events of September 11. The NYC Truthers have worked incredibly hard to make this happen. With the federal government failing to deliver an impartial investigation, the 9/11 Families, First Responders and residents of New York City are moving ahead with the conviction that NYC CAN. 9/11 Family Members Maureen Hunt and Manny Badillo, and First Responders Charlie Giles of the Feal Good Foundation and Foundation and Bill Gleason of the World Trade Center Rescuers Foundation, arrived at the City Clerk’s office to deliver the petition and speak in behalf of all the proud and concerned citizens who deserve an unbiased, nonpolitical investigation of the tragedy that has affected us so deeply. (see video clip at http://nyccan.org) Sincerely, Ted Walter

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