
Anti-War Groups Stop the First Amendment at 9/11

Anti-War Groups Stop the First Amendment at 9/11 Protesting the government cover-up of 9/11 appears to be the least protected free speech topic of the new millineum. Not even anti-war groups can muster the courage to use the hard evidence of controlled demolition to fuel the necessary public outrage needed to indict Bush and Cheney for mass murder and war crimes. The holocaust of 9/11 remains the most infamous, unsolved and systematically un-investigated crime of mass murder in American History. When Congress was well underway to a full investigation in 2002, Bush and Cheney halted the proceedings when they alleged it would "interfere with the war on terror." Salon, 2002 The anti-war model of the 60's has proved to be too comfortable and too ineffective in swaying a congress turned even more corrupt in the years since the Tonkin Resolution - a previous government lie that led to the death of 68,000 troops and 1 million civilians. It was Daniel Ellsberg who began the end of the Viet Nam war when he exposed the numerous black lies of the Pentagon. In one case, The "Pentagon Papers" revealed that President Lyndon Johnson had planned to bomb North Vietnam well before the 1964 Election. Compare that to the mounting evidence in 2009 that GW Bush was determined to invade IRAQ, even before the 2000 election and the "surprise" 9/11 mass murders. In 2009 it will take nothing less than the courage of a "Daniel Ellsberg" to expose the 9/11 lies and the continueing government cover-up. This may be the only hope to create the necessary firestorm of public outrage to end the war-crimes, murder and illegal occupations in the middle-east. "If Free Speech has consequences...it's not free" -- Ward Churchill, Ph.D.

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