
SF Truth Action with Richard Gage

Eleventh Day action report:

Twelve dedicated activists made it out to the action in downtown San Francisco this March 11. We were delighted and inspired to have Richard Gage, AIA (founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth) join us on the streets to enlighten the passers-by.


Richard Gage exposing the lies within the official 9/11 conspiracy theory, specifically regarding the "collapses" of the three WTC buildings that disintegrated that day:

We passed out information for about 7 hours, distributing 400+ fliers and 150 DVDs to interested, enthusiastic, or simply curious people. One SF local noticed us and exclaimed "Where have you been my whole life!?" (Or something to that extent). She then proceeded to pull out David Ray Griffin's 9/11 Contradictions and Debunking 9/11 Debunking from her backpack. We gave her a business card and will hopefully gain another dedicated activist. Every action counts!

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