
3/22/2009: London Chemtrail Assault Video

CHEMTRAILS: A PLANETARY PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY! Chemtrails are the product of a covert government/military experiment on the human race that has remained "In Plane Sight" for 12 years for almost anyone to witness by simply looking up at the sky. Two Chemtrail Videos originally uploaded by "EVPMAN" from his neighborhood in London: Dagenham, Essex are edited in this clip. Each video has better than average resolution and reveals important information that clearly distinguishes a Vapour Trail (or Contrail) from what millions now refer to as "Chemtrails" ....known by millions to be toxic, artificial clouds of metals, elements and pathogenic biological agents that have rained down on planet earth since about 1997. Each day for the past 12 years, huge fleets of Tanker aircraft have blanketed millions of square miles with chemical and biological emissions that trap heat in earth's lower atmosphere on their way to infect life on planet earth. One good place to start learning about Chemtrails is Cliff Carnicom's website: http://carnicom.com

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