
EPA Response to Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001

Response to Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001


Homeland Security

Immediately after the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the Criminal Enforcement Program was mobilized to assist with emergency response activities, evidence recovery and body recovery duties.

World Trade Center:
Within minutes of the first attack in New York on September 11, the EPAs Criminal Investigation Division's Special Agent-in-Charge began to coordinate, as the law enforcement liaison, with the FBI and the New York City Police Department, through the Joint Terrorism Task Force, to provide crisis management support to the FBI. Over the next five days, EPA Criminal Enforcement personnel were on site at the World Trade Center, assisting in decontamination, helping to gather crime scene evidence (photography, videotaping, evidence gathering, etc.) and supplying other investigative and technical support to the FBI, NYPD, U.S. Attorney's Office and the U.S. Secret Service. EPA Special Agents have assisted at the Fresh Kills Landfill to process debris from the WTC for personal remains and effects, as well as obtaining evidence of the crime.

The Pentagon:
By noon on September 11, an EPA Criminal Investigation Division Special Agent was on the scene at the Pentagon, providing emergency response investigative support and facilitating site safety for EPA Region 3 Emergency Response personnel and the FBI. On September 12, the FBI declared the Pentagon a crime scene, and EPA Special Agents were on the scene assisting in decontamination, gathering crime scene evidence (photography, videotaping, evidence gathering, etc.) and supplying other investigative and technical support to the FBI. In addition, EPA Special Agents assisted with body recovery and site safety until September 27, when the agents departed after the FBI returned the site to the control of the Department of Defense and FEMA.

Shanksville, Pennsylvania Crash Site:
From September 12 through the 14th, the EPA's Special Agents were on the Somerset County, Pennsylvania airplane crash site assisting the FBI's Pittsburgh Field Office. The agents facilitated the law enforcement liaison to establish EPA Region 2 for air monitoring for the safety of persons at the crash scene, as well as assisting in the investigation of the crash itsel


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