
Real Reason Invading Pakistan

U.S. troops may soon be used to protect the Trans-Afghan Pipeline in Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Construction on the pipeline will begin in 2010 when the region is secured and continue through 2015 and beyond. Since the U.S. interfered with the original contracts awarded to the Bridas Corp of Argentina Pashtun and Taliban tribal forces are not so interested in Unocal's counter-offer, extended by president and former Unocal lobbyist, Hamid Karzai. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Unocal proposed building the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline to congress in 1998 to provide oil and natural gas to several Asian markets. But the ruling Taliban had already contracted with Bridas Corp. of Argentina . Bridas complicated plans for Unocal when they finally won a long court case and were awarded $500 million in settlement.



IRAN's huge natural gas reserves were sitting idle until 2008 when they offered to cooperate on constrution of an eastward pipeline to Pakistan India and ultmately Bangledesh. The US and NATO are interested in protecting BIG OIL's interests (Chevron and Halliburton) interests by sending US troops to protect construction of the Trans-Afghan Pipeline to Pakistan's sea port at Gwadar. China has since joined the Iran Pakistan and India for access to natural gas from that same Iranian pipeline. Also, Iran's President Ahmedinejad has opened up Iranian markets to the west. I've been informed that foreign entrepreneurs can now buy and own businesses in Iranian territory provided they don't try to gain a monopoly in an given business. In fact, Israel and Iran are ding business in oil transport.



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