
Blackwater's Secret War in Pakistan and Uzbechistan

Scahill's Interview on Democracy Now: Nov. 24, 2009 - Video Interview, Transcript and link to THE NATION article ++++++++++++++++++ Xe Services exposé by Jeremy Scahill for The Nation Magazine, Blackwaters Secret War in Pakistan, might have provoked a formidable tempest in a teapot among the righteous human rights fighters, the indignant lawyers and duplicitous politicians. For the diplomatic, intelligence and military communities, which are motivated by callous pragmatism rather than heart-breaking emotions, the latest revelations about Blackwaters not-so-secret ops provide bitter food for thought. JSOC Overview: The Joint Special Operations Command has been used as a covert military action force similar to the CIA except that Congress is NOT allowed any oversight of JSOC operations. The full text of PDD-25 is reported to exempt the JSOC from the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 18USC Sec.1385, PL86-70, Sec. 17[d]. which makes it illegal for military and law enforcement to exercise jointly. This exemption from Constitutional law makes it possible for the President to order JSOC operations inside the US with no requirement to inform Congress. FULL EXPLANATION: Click Here

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