
The Original "9/11" - The 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty

The Original 9/11: LBJ's botched False Flag attempt for control of the middle-east.

Striking similarities of the USS Liberty attack to the 9/11 murders mirror a basic strategy taken from the playbook of Operation Northwoods.


June 8, 2007, NSA declassified government documents and final review of the 1967 USS Liberty incident . LINK 


VIDEO:  False Flag terror including USS Liberty incident.



The USS Liberty incident was a coordinated attack on a U.S. Navy technical research ship, USS Liberty, in international waters north of the northern Sinai Peninsula coast, by Israeli fighter planes and torpedo boats on June 8, 1967, during the Six-Day War. 

The attack on the
Liberty marked the single greatest loss of life by the U.S. intelligence community, where evidence of the False Flag could be best enforced against leaks and "whistleblowers". 


President, LBJ had exclusive "commander-in-chief" control over the USS Liberty with knowledge and covert approval fore Israelis to attack and sink the ship including the murder of all personnel aboard.


Calls to the nearby 6th Fleet to intervene were personally called off by LBJ who had intended to have the Liberty attacked and sunk to the bottom.


LBJ's  government sponsored terrorist operation failed due to the surprise arrival of a Russian spy vessel whose crew and cameras witnessed the carnage and caused the Israeli attack on the Liberty to be terminated.



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