
CHEMTRAILS: Whistlblower Pilot Shows Tanker Weaponizing the Atmosphere

A commercial pilot captures a video of a KC-10 Tanker releasing visible chemical compounds into the atmosphere at high altitude over Canadian Air Space.

The aircraft type (KC-10), manner of release and characteristics of the aerosol spray is hard evidence that these are CHEMTRAILS - A phenomenon of long white lines in the sky described by the informed observers since circa 1997. CHEMTRAILS is a term used in a 2001 Congressional Draft Bill by Rep., Dennis Kucinich where he described CHEMTRAILS as an EXOTIC WEAPONS SYTEM. Since 1997, these "WEAPONS" have been witnessed around the planet over the skies of a dozen countries that hold membership in NATO.  Source: HB 2977 Text  Section 7,B,ii "Chemtrails".

The visible aerosol has a typical "Chemtrail" iridescence and is neither a fuel dump nor a normal contrail. This and other videos have long ago debunked the disinformation that CHEMTRAILS are somehow normal "Contrails"...or "Persistant Contrails" - a term used to obfuscate the reality that the atmosphere has been heavily "WEAPONIZED"...but against Who?

The Pilot jokes that they're lucky to be above the tanker, otherwise they would be "dead". This is not a joke since many commercial aircraft do not filter cabin air that is "imported" from the atmosphere immediately outside the aircraft. As a result, the cabin of most passenger aircraft can become a "gas chamber" of Chemical toxins.  Source: "Aerotoxic Syndrome" is the unofficial name now being used to identify symptoms caused by breathing air contaminated with oil fumes leaking into aircraft cabins...".
(Note: The reference is to "oil fumes" with no mention of  "CHEMTAIL" toxins.)
Source: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/news-by-industry/healthcare/biotech/pharmaceuticals/Beware-frequent-fliers-Aircraft-cabin-air-can-be-toxic/articleshow/6090456.cms

NOTE: Most commercial aircraft produce "breathable" cabin air for passengers and crew by drawing in a compressed supply of it from the plane's engines. Typically, this "bleed air" is mixed with existing cabin air and re-circulated throughout the flight. In other words, the air in the passenger cabin is a mixture of re-circulated cabin air and fresh air that is compressed in the airplane engine. The problem is that the engine housing from where this air is drawn is often contaminated with toxic fumes from the hot oil used to lubricate the various moving parts of the engine. Sometimes so much oil mixes with air being drawn into the cabin that passengers will literally be able to see fumes and smoke filling the cabin - what is commonly referred to as a "fume event".

CHEMTRAILS EXPLAINED: This short video introduces Chemtrails and how they are used in conjunction with other military weapons to weaponize the atmosphere, control the weather, induce atmospheric warming... like nothing you could imagine.
Source: http://gators911truth.org/MOV-WX-WARFARE.html

WHAT IS THE FUTURE FOR EARTH'S ATMOSPHERE as a WEAPON? From the 2006 Air Force Vision document that replaces the 1997 version: "Our Space Warfare Center now emphasizes how to leverage the combination of space and atmospheric capabilities, and we’ve added space training to the air combat training at our Weapons School. Our information capabilities support operations across the entire aerospace domain. And we’re putting air, space and information operators into all our key commands and training courses, focusing on expanding and cross-flowing knowledge to maximize effectiveness."
THE DOCUMENT: Source: http://www.army.mil/thewayahead/afvision.pdf
LINK BETWEEN HAARP and CHEMTRAILS ESTABLISHED: The HAARP patent includes a proposal to release large clouds of barium (CHEMTRAILS) in order to increase electron precipitation.
Source:  http://www.bariumblues.com/haarp_patent.htm

Source: http://www.bariumblues.com/
The History Channel documentary discusses Chemtrails and H.A.A.R.P. and how they may be used to weaponize Earth's atmosphere. So if you’ve ever wondered what chemtrails are and what they are for you need to see this video. -- This technology presents a serious challenge to those who support Al Gore’s version of Global Warming and the remedy of a CAP and TRADE tax. -- The documentary is a frank admission that chemtrails and Weather Warfare technology is causing or contributing to Global Warming: “The temperature of the sky is raised to over 100 deg. F. preventing the accumulation of water vapour that would otherwise form clouds and produce rainfall.” -- This stunning conclusion is not new, however Al Gore says the discussion is closed. All the while, Gore and the IPCC have consistently avoided discussion of Chemtrails, aerosols or any other alternate man-made causes of Global Warming, preferring to blame CO2 as the culprit by which to impose an involuntary, global tax.
Source: http://gators911truth.org/MOV-WX-WARFARE.html
Source:  http://justgetthere.us/blog/archives/History-Channel-Weather-Warfare.html


Anonymous said...

"The Pilot jokes that they're lucky to be above the tanker, otherwise they would be "dead"."

This is a presumption on your part, no? How do you know that this is the pilot's voice and not a voiceover and background noise added later?

Anonymous said...

You are correct. It could have been a voice-over but you go out of your way to miss the point..... The chemtrail compounds have access to the cabin through the "bleed air" system. Next time you board a passenger jet you will remember this and wonder.

Anonymous said...
"The Pilot jokes that they're lucky to be above the tanker, otherwise they would be "dead"."

This is a presumption on your part, no? How do you know that this is the pilot's voice and not a voiceover and background noise added later?