Did Goldman Sachs Greed Trump Global Warming Emergency to Cause BP's "Spill Baby Spill" ?
Why did Obama encourage BIG OIL to continue to Drill Baby Drill at a time when the Global Warming Climate Emergency has gone way past deadline? Why are we still fighting a trillion dollar war in Afghanistan in conquest of Gas and Oil reserves instead of constructing windmills? Where are the Solar panel and alternative energy manufacturing jobs that could put Americans back to work? WTF?
Chief Global Warming Scientist James Hansen decided to boycott the 2009 UN/IPCC conference. Hansen maintined the Kyoto style "Cap and Trade"on CO2 production was already a demonstrated failure that had actually increased, rather than decreased anthropomorphic CO2 emissions in Japan. The fundamental problem is that fossil fuels are still the cheapest form of energy. "As long as they are, they are going to be used," he said,
Hansen dismisses government announcements of national targets for greenhouse gas emissions as promises that will not be kept, noting that even Japan missed its goals under the Kyoto Protocol. In 2008, Hansen said that it would be better for the summit to fail rather than reach the type of cap and trade-based system envisaged.
GAMING in the CARBON TRADING market is another Commoditees Market Casino Racket.
So-called "carousel fraud" can be committed on any goods, but carbon allowances are particularly susceptible because they are high value, intangible and easily traded between different countries.
Isn’t it odd that Goldman Sachs, an investment bank on Wall Street would care about climate change? Indeed why should they even care about it? The answer would be more apparent if one considers Goldman Sachs’ involvement in cap and trade.
Also known as "missing trader" fraud, it has previously involved goods such as mobile phones and computer chips imported VAT-free from EU member states. These are then sold in the UK, including a VAT (Value Added Tax) charge, but the trader then typically goes missing without paying the taxman. The Treasury removed VAT from carbon credits on July 31, 2009 as a temporary measure until the European Union works out a common policy to tackle fraudsters. Companies now need permits to emit carbon dioxide as part of the global fight against climate change and polluters are granted a certain number of emissions allowances that can be traded.
Instead of targeting CO2, the Carbon trading schemes are engineered by the likes of Goldman Sachs to produce market "bubbles" as a virtual repeat of the commodities-market casino except for a New World Order twist: If the plan goes forward as expected, the rise in prices will be government-mandated. Goldman won't even have to rig the game. It will be rigged in advance.
Carbon Trading Fraud: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BEPUxE2uIw
Storms of My Grandchildren: The Truth About the Coming Climate Catastrophe and Our Last Chance to Save Humanity by James Hansen
Volatility of Derivitive Markets
Carbon Fraud Links:
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