The United Nations' Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and "carbon tax" advocates don't want you to know that covert experiments like combining CHEMTRAILS and HAARP experiments can actually cause the atmosphere to heat bringing into question the honesty of listing rising atmospheric CO2 as the primary cause of Global Warming.
Chemtrail spraying is an enormous global operation that was addressed by Dennis Kucinch in HB 2977 where he specifically listed "Chemtrails" as an "exotic" weapon. This astounding secret goes on every day in plain sight with those milky white streks coming out of the jet tanker aircraft at high altitude. -- Concerns about CO2 and pollution vanish when we calculate the carbon footprint of hundreds of tanker aircraft fling all day to deliver an aerosol spray that is demonstrated to HEAT the atmosphere by trapping warm air at lower altitude. Chemtrails have nothing to do with preventing Global WArming and everything to do with the secret and criminal manipulation of the atmosphere.
Russia has complained that the 2010 Summer heat wave may be caused by US geo-engineering operations.(ie..HAARP/CHEMTRAILS)
May 10, 2010 -
Atmospheric Geoengineering: Weather Manipulation, Contrails and Chemtrails
A Review of the "Case Orange" report
Toxic Cabin Air Events "Aerotoxins" are Common in passenger jet Travel.
A published study by the Association of Flight Attendants’ lead safety officer, Judith Murawski, CIH, conservatively estimated that a bleed air fume event occurred approximately six times per week in the United States over the past four years. But since Chemtrails probably cause no immediate symptoms but gradually accumulate in frequent flyers to cause more insideous health problems.
Gainesville Chemtrails
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