H. Saive
ISRAEL HAS a NATIONAL HEALTH PLAN - WHY NOT AMERICA?Why is Israel so far ahead of the US in providing National Healthcare to their citizens?Did you watch Bill Moyers this weekend? Make sure you do. Are you a little nervous that anyone paying premiums can be denied treatment when they get sick? Pre-existing conditions are a license to kill for profit...a Medical Mafia.
What is it about the annual $3 Billion in US foreign aid that allows Israel to provide healthcare to all their citizens?
Why arn't Obama and Congress promoting a healthcare system they already help subsidize?
Why is this "hot button" disparity NOT being used by advocates of a national health plan? Are they afraid to be labeled as antisemitic?
Why is mainstream media shielding this inequity from public healthcare debate?
Israel, long since the US' top recipient of foreign aid, will receive USD 2.4 billion. Since 1979 and the Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty, Israel has annually received up to USD 3 billion in aid.
Source: National Healthcare System Overview
On the First of January 1995, the National Health Insurance Law (NHI) went into effect in Israel. The NHI is the principal component of the structural reform in the health care system, undertaken during the 1990's.
It secures the right to health insurance for each and every resident of Israel and defines a basic basket of health services. Residents are given greater choice of health care providers, since the law provides the right to transfer between the four health funds. Health funds may no longer discriminate among insurees according to age, state of health or other potential risk factors.
The four health funds, which are the providers of health care services are: Clalit (60% market share), Maccabi (20%), Meuchedet (10%) and Leumit (10%). At the time of enactment of the new law, 5.2 million Israelis were covered by these health funds, some 25,000 of which were insured by more than one fund. More problematic, almost 200,000 residents had no health insurance at all. The law directed those who were double-insured to resign from one of their memberships and the uninsured were distributed among the four health funds.
Provisions of Israel's National Health Insurance law
Every resident must register as a member with one of the health-care organizations.
The health-care organizations may not bar applicants on any ground, including age or state of health.
Residents who had been insured with one of these organizations before the law came into effect, will continue to be members of that organization.
who had not been insured prior to the law taking effect, are assigned to a health-care organization by the Ministry of Health. After a period of six months they may transfer to another organization of their choice.
Spouses may each register in a different organization. Children under 18 belong to the organization of the parent who is receiving child benefits from the National Insurance Institute.
Israeli citizens who have been living abroad for more than five years and have not spent more than 90 days in Israel must renew registration with a health-care organization upon their return to Israel.
New immigrants must register with a health-care organization upon arrival in the country. They will be exempt from payment during their first year in Israel.
Any person registered for at least one year with one of the health-care organizations, may transfer to another organization.
The law accords equal status to all four health-care organizations.
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