
Chemtrail/HAARP Documentary Reveals Global Warming Hoax.

Chemtrail/HAARP Documentary Reveals Global Warming Hoax. A covert military geo-engineering operation is using Chemtrails and HAARP to weaponize the ionosphere using millions of watts of low frequency radiation (ELF) to heat the ionosphere into a "bubble" that can change the direction of jet-streams to alter the weather around the earth. Why have Al Gore and the IPCC declared there will be no further debate on Global Warming ? Could it be that a Cap and Trade tax would be revealed as international extortion?. Who would be most reluctant to face questions from 30,000 climate scientists united against the IPCC's faulty conclusion that singles-out CO2 as the identified cause for global warming? Now the IPCC has come under public indictment with new evidence that three (3) HAARP, ionospheric heater installations have been using megawatts of ELF radiation to deliberately heat the atmosphere to distort global weather patterns in a mission of global Weather Warfare. For the IPCC to cover-up the enormous Global Warming impact from a massive geo-engineering project involving directed energy weapons and Chemtrails amounts to less than full disclosure on the "science" of climate change. ________________________________________________________________________ This 10 minute "trailer" distills the major points from the 45 minute presentation. TRAILER _____________________________________________________________________ RELATED DOCUMENTS: NASA: Aerosols May Drive a Significant Portion of Arctic Warming Nothing in this article eliminates Chemtrail aerosols as a multiplier of Global Warming CARNICOM INST: Chemtrails as a multiplier of Global Warming USAF Weather as a Force Multipier: Owning the Weather in 2025 This document implies the military may already own Global Warming. HAARP Public Website: High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program " Facility for the Study of Ionospheric Physics and Radio Science" MAINSTREAM MEDIA: Analysis measures high levels of Toxic Barium in Chemtrails Barium Toxins implicated in neuro-degenerative diseases: MS, ALS and TSE HR 2977 - Space Preservation Act of 2001 is revised to delete Chemtrails and mind-control in final HR 3616. HISTORY and APPLICATION of HAARP TECHNOLOGIES: Planned Power increase from Millions to Billions of Watts NAVAL RESEARCH: HAARP Animations WILL THOMAS: Excellent 2003 essay on status of Chemtrails and HAARP. Exotic ELF Schemes: Brainwave resonance Environmental Research and US Foreign Policy

The Pentagon's Mysterious HAARP Project


COMPLETE History Channel Documentary in 4 parts: Part 1 of 4 ________________________________________________________________________ Part 2 of 4 ________________________________________________________________________ Part 3 of 4 ________________________________________________________________________ Part 4 of 4 ________________________________________________________________________

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