
Swine Flu Pandemic Hoax Exposed


Resources to combat swine flu hysteria

#1. Math. The greater Mexico City Metropolitan area has a population of 22 million people according to Wikipedia. Many millions of them live in crushing poverty, poor health and with poor sanitary conditions. 1,000 "cases" (which is higher than the so-far reported number) equals 0.005% of the population. 60 deaths equals 0.0003% of the population. #2 Deaths? Of the few deaths, no one has mentioned who these casualties are. Are they elderly or infirm people who could just as easily be killed by the common cold or a slip and fall? It makes a difference. #3 The long history of government/pharmaceutical industry scams These guys have tried to institute national flu vaccination programs before. The last time was 1976 (under Gerald Ford). The public recognized the foolishness and danger involved in accepting the government vaccine and rejected it. The much-threatened "pandemic" never happened.

Study the timeline

All the things discussed in the video were laid down during the pharmaceutical industry-friendly Bush administration. They're all still in place and Obama has shown no signs of dismantling or looking at the legal structures that make is possible for the US to: 1. Declare a pandemic 2. Use this declaration as grounds for arrest and imprisonment without charge, without representation and for an undetermined amount of time 3. Compel vaccination 4. Remove any liability from the drug companies involved if their products kill and maim Study the timeline and see how an administration that could not get anything of value accomplished was a model of efficiency and speed in creating the infrastructures to make this happen. Note that in a previous video, local law enforcement are already being commanded by FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security to submit plans and run practice drills for vaccinating the entire US population in 48 hours or less. Fortunately, this is a logistic impossibility if people are informed and don't cooperate. Unfortunately, few are informed and a combination of draconian laws, garbage science, and a corrupt/incompetent media are working together to make "voluntary" acceptance a real possibility. http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/609.html

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