Sometimes the truth is so terrifying that people will not let it register no matter how conclusively the evidence and demonstrations add up.
The following article showing once again the pattern of covert economic warfare by powerful international money interests against us, is just one more drop in the scales of public opinion that, for all the weight on the side of truth, still refuses to tip.
So let me state it for you.
Jewish bankers -- the biggest ones -- and all who have been attracted by their money and power and status -- are waging, so far successfully, a war to the death against us -- only we don't know it because it is a kind of war we have never been taught about in our history books, which is full of attacked ships (Maine, Pearl Harbor battleships, Gulf of Tonkin and the USS Liberty and the USS Cole -- all involving massive deception by our government as to the true nature of the attacks, by the way. But real war is conducted by economic agents infiltrated or disguised as ordinary businessmen and bankers and money policy bureaucrats. And such a war is being waged against the American people right now.
And it is a race war. The Jewish bankers -- the Money Power -- have committed so many crimes and they have to pay so many billions of dollars to control intellectuals and media and education to cover their crimes -- that they know they cannot cover forever. These are the people that take a certain stance against "terrorists" and "potential terrorists." They do a "profile" on people likely to find them out and resist them -- and they they go about destroying those people and everyone who carries the "virus" of the truth that may eventually lead a day of retribution for the Money Power criminals. You have been exposed to the truth and therefore you are a potential "enemy of the Jews" -- even though their propaganda may have been completely successful with you to the point that you regard all criticism of Zionist doings as racism and fascism and pure blind hateful evil -- but it doesn't matter to them and it isn't personal -- you have been exposed to the truth about vast crimes against humanity conducted by these bankers and so you and your country must perish with great upheaval and mass death by starvation and chaos as they sabotage our economy.
So it is, as H.G. Wells put it, our civilizations race between education and destruction and so far, destruction (the success of the war of the Money Power against us) is winning. We will survive if we can trust our intelligence over mere herd instinct and overcome our fear of personal retaliation if we speak up to others about what is happening and what is at stake -- breaking the artificial taboos about criticizing the doings of powerful Jews that the Jews have instilled in this culture.
Now isn't that a heck of a thing for me to ask you to accept in exchange for your much more comfortable (but wrong) view of the world. I wouldn't put this choice on you if I was not convinced that your life and the lives of all you care about are at stake.
The thing to do, of course, is learn the truth about this war for yourself and then spread the alarm to everyone you can.
One more point for my argument -- consider the experts on economics you trust -- Lew Rockwell or William Grieder etc. Are they telling you the whole truth or are they keeping from you the truth of the Money Power's eonomic war against you. Consider this -- if they really believed that the populist interpretation of current events was false -- would they not rush to expose it and get the credit for refuting it. But they never do this. They pretend they do not hear -- which is deception, because they do hear. They don't want to talk about it -- they hope others will be the "mice" to "bell the cat" Their silence shows you that they are comfortable and while they know the truth and know the extreme importance of addressing the question -- either pro or con -- and unwilling to speak up under intimidation, cowed into silence by their fear of reprisal and punishment if they tell you what will save your lives.
p.s. You will also notice that the world populist is banned from all talk radio and from all mainstream news -- unless they are referring to the Democratic Party's many banker minions in populist drag. (The Democrats steal the word, as they stole the world liberal early in the last centruy).
p.p.p. Let me know if you want out of my address book.
Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
Every man is responsible to every other man.
Is the IMF engineering an Argentina style collapse in America?
April 6th, 2009
By: George @ 4:49 PM - EST
Documentary on the events that led to the economic collapse of Argentina in 2001 which wiped out the middle class and raised the level of poverty to 57.5%.
Central to the collapse was the implementation of neo-liberal policies which enabled the swindle of billions of dollars by foreign banks and corporations. Many of Argentina’s assets and resources were shamefully plundered. Its financial system was even used for money laundering by Citibank, Credit Suisse, and JP Morgan.
The net result was massive wealth transfers and the impoverishment of society which culminated in many deaths due to oppression and malnutrition.
Click on Link Above to View Video: Engineered and orchestrated by the IMF, Argentina’s government and economy collapses
Times of India
IMF is chief troubleshooter in global crisis
What is the International Monetary Fund?
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was one of the institutions to emerge as a result of
the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference held at Bretton Woods, United States in July 1944. The widespread devastation of the Second World War had made the need felt for an international organization that could regulate international payments and exchange rates. The Fund today has 185 member countries.
Does it control international exchange rates?
Not any longer. Member countries that joined the Fund between 1945 and 1971 agreed to maintain fixed exchange rates between their currencies and the US dollar. This Bretton Woods system fell apart when a high inflation rate in the US and the growing trade deficit prompted the Americans to allow the dollar to float. Since then, IMF members have been free to choose any form of exchange arrangement they wish (except pegging their currency to gold): allowing the currency to float freely; pegging it to another currency or a basket of currencies; adopting the currency of another country; or participating in a currency bloc.
What then are its objectives?
According to the IMF’s website, its main objective is to promote international monetary cooperation and facilitate the expansion and balanced growth of international trade. More importantly, it aims to promote exchange stability and assisting in the establishment of a multilateral system of payments. Apart from this, the Fund is also responsible for promotion of economic stability, preventing crises and helping to resolve them when they occur.
What exactly does it do?
Its three main activities are surveillance, technical assistance, and lending. As part of surveillance role, IMF provides periodic assessments of global and regional developments as well as policy advice to mem-bers. It provides technical assistance to member countries in fiscal policy, monetary and exchange rate policies, banking and financial system supervision, and statistics. Its financial assistance, unlike that of the World Bank, is provided not for specific projects but to help countries tide over balance of payments problems or for structural adjustments to their economies. It also gives concessional loans to the low income countries.
Where does the IMF get its money?
The IMF’s resources come mainly from quotas that countries deposit when they join the IMF. Quotas reflect size of each member’s economy. Larger economies have larger quotas, while smaller economies have smaller ones. Quotas are reviewed every five years. Quotas, together with equal number of basic votes each member has, determines a country’s voting power.
In that sense, they are akin to the shareholding in a company. Quotas also help to determine the amount countries can borrow from the IMF, and their share in allocations of special drawing rights (SDR). Most IMF loans are financed out of members’ quotas. The exceptions are loans under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility, which are paid out of trust funds administered by the IMF and financed by contributions from the IMF itself and member countries.
What are SDRs?
Countries deposit 25% of their quota subscriptions in major currencies, such as US dollars or Japanese yen, or in Special Drawing Rights, which were created as an international unit in 1969 to support fixed exchange rate system. IMF can call on the remainder, payable in member’s own currency. The SDRs so formed are an international reserve, but since they belong to depositing countries, they can account for it in their external reserves along with foreign currency and gold reserves. The value of an SDR is set daily using a basket of four major currencies — the Euro, Japanese yen, pound sterling, and US dollar. The SDR also serves as the unit of account of the IMF and some other international organizations.
What are the NAB and the GAB?
While quota subscriptions of member countries are its main source of financing, the IMF can supplement its resources through borrowing if it believes that resources might fall short of members’ needs. Through General Arrangements to Borrow and New Arrangements to Borrow, a number of member countries stand ready to lend additional funds to the IMF.
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