
Chemtrail issues slowly achieve media exposure.

Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 12:02 AM Subject: Chemtrail issues slowly achieve media exposure. While New World Order taxing schemes are planned as a fix for Global Warming, the public is becoming aware that the Intergovernmental Aerosol Operations, coined as Chemtrails has been a significant CAUSE of atmospheric heating since 1996. It's documented that the military has been illegally experimenting with weather modification for decades - and the global aerosol operation (Chemtrails) has been central to these experiments. Chemtrails have been visible for years and appear frankly abnormal to any reasonable person willing to look up to make a critical observation. But despite the overwhelming evidence, personal observations and complaints to government agencies, the media has largely ignored the Chemtrail issue for more than a decade....apparently at all costs to their corporate & shareholders' "bottom line". Government documents confirm that our military has conducted numerous and illegal bio-warfare and toxic-chemical experiments on unwitting and unsuspecting populations in the USA and elsewhere.

Researchers have substantiated the presence of toxins and pathogens in the fallout from Chemtrails. The coincidental intensification of Chemtrail activity and the current Swine Flu Pandemic hysteria should not be necessarily considered a mere "coincidence" of two seperate events - one overtly clandestine "in plane sight" and another that seems suspiciously contrived as a rush job to create a "Public Health Emergency". The evidence for illegal aerosol Ops is so compelling as to reveal the "conspiracy of silence" by the mainstream media even while they go bankrupt over revenue challenges that could benefit from reporting the sensational truth about Chemtrails and other covert Ops.

German News Reveals Chemtrail Ops by their own military defense.

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