9/11 BLOGGER "Gated" by Reprehensor - Lone "Decider"
"Your commenting abilities are in the moderation queue until further notice."
REPREHENSOR - Lone Censor...911 Blogger
REP decides to moderate (censor) my comments so I can't defend my accusation against him.
Source: http://911blogger.com/node/19370
REP posted: "That was uncalled for. It is newsworthy, as Leahy is one of the few Democrats asking for anything at all in the realm of Truth. Perhaps he's not sincere, perhaps "reconciliation" is the wrong way to go, perhaps it's the road to a cover-up." Insinuating that I'm a "rat", and that by posting Joe's blog to the front page I am "giving myself away" is wrong on so many levels I don't know where to begin.Your commenting abilities are in the moderation queue until further notice.
In support of my accusation I had previously submitted a post (with a poll) that REP saw fit not to publish except to my personal user's node where few would see it...however my reply was never posted when he flipped the moderation switch to shut me down:
Source: http://911blogger.com/node/19329
REP(rehensor) - who is the lone "decider" for 911Blogger - can't be proud of how he picks and chooses posts for 911 Blogger. It's pretty much a secret policy that reflects his personal bias in the direction of GATEKEEPER. My opinion is shared by numerous others who have confided their frustration with information that too often, fails to get posted on 9/11 Blogger.
REP essentially "trashes" a submitted post without so much as a complimentary email explaining why it was rejected. Instead, it just goes to a black hole without any explanation. This behavior is arrogant and un-civil.
There is more to tell I cannot print here.
I would say the problem is more the structure of blogs BEING moderated. You might be able to make the case that reprehensor could have a better procedure, but ultimately anyone can and will be unfair sometimes. Some people are more fair than others, except different evaluators will differ, too.
It saddens me to publicly disagree with Harold at all, since I admire your terrific organizing. The effort which generated the response from the FBI may be as significant as the determination that the FBI doesn't hold bin Laden accountable for 9/11.
This also gives me the opportunity to explain why I am horrified by the culture of the 911truth movement. The first thing 90 plus % of truthers do when they find themselves at odds with someone is to accuse them of acting in bad faith.
This is a form of asserting one can tell what is in someone ELSE’S mind. Most people consider that such claims should be considered acts of insanity. Since our claims of MIHOP are one of the few islands of sanity in our whole mass culture, it is particularly unfortunate when a form of insanity overwhelms the movement.
Part of the problem is that most truthers are completely new to political activism. It is wonderful when I meet people my age(58) who all of a sudden decided 911 means they have to start acting like they deserve to live in a free country. Unfortunately, such newfound activists often have zero background in social theory.
The theory that I consider relevant comes from nonviolence. Nonviolence is not only about how you treat your major adversaries like Kean or Silverstein. It’s also how you treat other truthers, like Reprehensor or Judy Wood or a recent volunteer. Gene Sharp, one of the foremost scholars of nonviolence addresses the problem of police agents. I paraphrase him thusly,” The danger of police agents is not their lying or their spying. It’s their ability to sew mistrust among genuine activists.”
Because we are primarily a movement of public education, there are no secrets needed. Compared to actually being at war, where secrets are crucial, our situation makes it EASIER to be fearless. However, almost no one in the movement agrees with me that courage is THE most important dimension.
I’ve been saying for a long time that Americans do NOT deserve to live in a free country because of our profound cowardice at asking the hardest questions about 9/11. I WANT this country to free, but ethically we need to be MORE concerned about EARNING that freedom.
ONLY the 911truth movement (and debunkers who remain polite) deserve to live in a free country. When we show signs of insanity, like I mentioned above, we still deserve to live in a free country, but we don’t deserve to achieve our goals. WE MUST be able to criticize each other without resentment. There ARE police agents in the movement. It’s just that we must confine ourselves to criticizing what they say and what they do because that’s how we criticize people who more obviously deserve our love.
It's important to expose those who consistently earn the right to be criticized on a matter so important.
Silence is complicity.
This is what 9/11 Truth movement is all about.
I regret that you disagree.
There is nothing wrong and a lot right with asserting your right to criticize what someone(Reprehensor) has said or done. That requires NO personally attacking tone. We are in agreement unless you insist the tone include resentment. I admit to sometimes speaking with resentment, but I certainly don't assert resentment is helpful.
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