9/11 Truth and the "Big Tent" Approach - A short essay by John Bursill
9/11 Truth and the "Big Tent" Approach
A short essay by John Bursill
If you haven't heard of the "Big Tent" approach before then I will give you a quick explanation of why it is an ongoing problem for the 9/11 Truth Movement. The "Big Tent" approach is all inclusive approach, that believes all people professing to be "truth seekers" should be welcomed and supported by us and we should allow them a platform to push their ideas and theories regardless of their merits. By merits I mean; are those ideas and theories supported by evidence based rational arguments that are peer reviewed and accepted as credible? The great majority of the 9/11 Truth Community reject ideas or theories that are without merit as they believe this will marginalise, dilute, confuse and isolate us as a movement. They "the Big Tenter's" feel that we "the people" can figure out what is garbage and what is not and they should be able to present their ideas and theories on an equal footing to us in the name of free speech, regardless of their quality. On the other hand do I "hope" that these people publish our proven arguments, yes and am I thankful for this service, absolutely!
In recent times a few new groups have formed that support the "Big Tent" populist approach, such as "Truth Movement Australia" for one and I would ask all of you to be careful not to get to caught up with any group that might be getting off track with ideas that lack merit! Direct involvement and advertisement of these groups will only slow our progress to achieve their and our proclaimed aim: "the truth"! We must continue to be disciplined with our approach to "the truth" and maintain our push for a re-investigation of 9/11, which is simply the best chance for real change and peace in this world today. I know it seems like an impossible task sometimes but the formation of these "Big Tent" groups may be an indicator that we are closer than we think, as general interest and awareness that there is a "truth" problem increases? I fully accept these groups' right to exist, but I feel it is my duty to point out their flaws, and I know that many in these groups understand my point of view on this matter. They simply hold another view, primarily being that we need numbers and popular subjects and issues to get interest and that is simply more important than perfect credibility, as they feel exposure to the greatest number is the "key".
We as "9/11 Truth Advocates" are part of their "Big Tent" because our "9/11 Truth" issue interests them, that's great but it does not follow that we need to be involved with issues or causes that hurt our aim by discrediting us. As with all successful social movements we must keep our campaign sharp and it must have a clear direction and focus.
Truth is not ENTERTAINMENT, for entertainment and titillation are the enemies of truth, as they distract the mind and blur it's focus. I love to be entertained and distracted from time to time especially in this war torn world, that is normal and healthy. But just as I do not "drink and drive" I will not allow myself to be intoxicated with wild ideas or theories while pursuing "the truth" that we know is proven and concise.
While socializing with like minded truth seeking people is important, we must be on the look out for those marginalising influences, associations and half baked attempts to populise "free thinking" for entertainment or for profit purposes. We are currently at war for our reality, more confused thoughts and ideas will not bring answers, only more questions. Clarity is the key to our ongoing success! Just because some one is a great speaker and is correct 99% of the time, that does not mean that the 1% rubbish that is spoken will not become 100% of the news story when they are talked about on TV that evening! We do not need 99% right people as we have 100's of 100% right people who only profess what they know to be true, we must support these people!
There are some groups like WeAreChange for example that aim to broaden the 9/11 Truth Movement in a logical and relevant way. I fully support WAC's formation in Australia and I hope the founder and spokesman Luke Rudkowski's attendance at the November Sydney Event(The Hard Evidence - 9/11 was an Inside Job) put on by 9/11 Truther's will boost the goals and numbers of that group. WAC has always supported evidence based arguments and has stayed away from unneeded speculation. Their main goal is the pursuit of truth and justice for victims of the 9/11 Attacks while exposing the fraud of the "War on Terror", it's consequences and the Globalist NWO agenda. This is a highly practical and logical approach indeed.
Any chink in our 9/11 Truth armour will be exposed and as in any battle these holes must be kept to the absolute minimum or possibly fatal wounds will be incurred!
The millions dead and dying due to the "War on Terror" born from the 9/11 attacks should remain strong in peoples' thoughts! While I know some are compelled to carry on researching the "Illuminati" or speculating about "Alien Invader's" I would suggest that "that" may be best left to more peaceful times in the future, that will come with the exposure of the 9/11 lies!
Recently I have been asking myself and others what is the best approach to take with these "Big Tent" populist groups? After much thought and talk I believe maintaining communications and doing our best to make argument directly or indirectly with them is simply the best way. We all "9/11 Truth Advocates" realize that "9/11 Truth is the key" to unlocking the door to the real "reality" and we must use any opportunity to convince others this is the case whilst staying keenly focussed on our aim of 9/11 Truth and Justice.
Scientists, Politicians, Peace Activists and the average Jill or Joe will not have their reality challenged by a broad, unbalanced and lost movement of "free thinkers", that will simply supply an excuse to go back to sleep!
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