


Homes Not War!

Green Jobs Not War!

Health Care Not War!

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On Saturday, March 28 Patriots for Peace and Humanists for Peace will lead a mass march calling for a transformation of America's pro-war foreign policy away from militarism. The statewide mass march, endorsed by a number of Florida groups, is being held in solidarity with national protests on March 21 in Washington DC (ANSWER Coalition) and April 4 in New York City (United for Peace and Justice).

The march starts at 2pm. Protestors will march from Front Street Park (2205 Front Street) in Melbourne to Melbourne City Hall to hear a variety of speakers and artists from around the state.

On August 30, 2008 half-a-thousand took to the streets of Melbourne to say no to war on Iran. (Video here). The march received significant media coverage and, as a result, contributed to the defeat of H.Con.Res. 362 which many believed would have escalated tensions with Iran.


The March 28 protest will bring together a variety of activists and their peace and social justice issues. Protestors demand that the Obama administration and Florida's Senators and Congresspersons:

1.     Bring an end to U.S. foreign wars in Afghanistan and Iraq

2.     Stope attacks inside Pakistan – diplomacy not warfare

3.     Close all U.S. operated military prisons around the world

4.     Utilize diplomacy to relieve tension with Iran and Latin American nations including Cuba, Bolivia, and Venezuela

5.     Pressure Israel to end its occupation of Palestinian territory

6.     And reduce military spending in favor of domestic spending on health, infrastructure, education and jobs.

For more info contact Jeff Nall at 321-368-5093, sablietde@yahoo.com or Bill Burton at 321-727-1083, wburton444@aol.com Go to www.HumanistsforPeace.com for up to the minute information on the march including info on area accommodations, speakers, post-march party, and new endorsers.

Organizers insist that the U.S. renounce the use of militarism as a response to the world's current tumult. Only diplomacy, the rectification of injustice, and a commitment to ethical universality can bring peace to the world.

In 2008, U.S. forces conducted almost 30 airstrikes in Pakistan killing more than 220 people, including many civilians. In July 2008, U.S. airstrikes in Afghanistan killed 47 civilians attending a wedding, including the bride; another 90 civilians including 60 children in August; and another 40 civilians and wounding 28 others attending a wedding party in November.

Most recently, Israel backed with U.S. support and weaponry has killed more than 1,400 people including a large percentage of civilians in its assault on Gaza. While organizers mourn the deaths of the 13 Israelis killed, 10 of which were soldiers, the killing and injury of hundreds of civilians in retaliation is not justified.

As declared in a recent Letter to Barack Obama written by Voters for Peace and signed by leaders of the anti-war movement including Patriots for Peace spokesperson Jeff Nall, "The anti-war movement believes the time is now to end the emphasis on militarism in U.S. relations with other nations and to get a goal of ending war in the 21st century."

It is not enough to drawdown U.S. forces in Iraq, where more than 4,200 U.S. service personnel and as many as 600,000 civilians have been killed. Peace activists demand that the U.S. withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan, and end its subversion of democratic governments around the world including Latin America. In short, the time has come for the U.S. government to renounce militarism and turn to its citizens' basic needs.

"[To] be militant merely means to be demanding and to be persistent, and in this sense I think the non-violent movement has demonstrated great militancy. It is possible to be militantly nonviolent" -- Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, March 25, 1968, ten days before he was killed.

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