
Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Physicist David Chandler

Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Physicist David Chandler, ae911truth.org

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Visibility 9-11 welcomes David Chandler, American Association of Physics Teachers and member of Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth.

David has a BS from Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA (IPS major–independent program of studies with emphasis in physics and engineering); MA in education from Claremont Graduate University; MS in mathematics from Cal Poly, Pomona and has taught Physics/Mathematics/Astronomy at K-12 and Jr. college levels. He is also and author and served formerly on the editorial board of The Physics Teacher, an AAPT journal. David is also an active designer and inventor of educational materials emphasizing quantitative visualization.

David's recent article, WTC7: NIST Admits Freefall focuses on some of the significant errors and descepancies in the final NIST report on the collapse of tower 7 and includes exerpts from a tehnical briefing held by NIST on August 26, 2008. During this briefing, questions were put to the panel by David Chandler as well as Dr. Steven Jones.

Intermission music by Libra Project.

Ending music by Prymal Rhythm.

Direct download: visibility911_chandler.mp3



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