
CARNICOM WARNS: Chemtrail pathogens could be inside all of us



Chemtrail researcher, Cliff Carnicom is emphatic that a sufficient link has been established to connect the environmental aerosol contaminants from Chemtrails to the subsequent manifestation of the biological," pathogens" he has isolated in human tissue.


Carnicom says sub-micron chemtrail pathogens may have already crossed into the tissues, blood and organs of millions of victims around the globe. He has isolated sub-micron fibrous networks packed inside 10 to 20 micron bounding filaments. A spherical form in the fibrous network already meets 8 criteria of the exotic bacteria; Chlamydia Pneumonia, according to Carnicom.  By comparison this 0.7 micron C.P. structure is much smaller than a typical 2 micron, carcinogenic asbestos fiber.


It must be considered that inhaled aerosol "pathogens" from non-stop aerial chemtrail operations has potential for a global public health epidemic.


Carnicom's finding is distinct from the alleged "Morgellon's" syndrome that has confused the more important issue of chemtrail toxicity for almost a decade.

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