
Progressive breakfast club headlines 12/17/08 23456


Progressive breakfast club headlines  12/17/08
U.S. COMMANDERS NOW SAY FORCES WILL BE OUT OF IRAQI CITIES BY JUNE 30, AS SOFA REQUIRES (EXCEPT IN MOSUL).  In this city near the Syrian border, al Qaeda Iraq is putting up fierce resistance as it claims to be the government in exile of Iraq and coalition and Iraqi forces have shown little success in countering their claims.  http://www.csmonitor.com/2008/1217/p01s01-wome.html 
MADOFF DOTH MAKE PAUPERS OF ALL US MILLIONAIRES.  David Glenn Cox imagines a group counseling session for the victims of Bernard Madoff's fraudulent investment scheme, and shows us how it may feel when the well-heeled become the down at the heels. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article21483.htm
BLACK HOMOPHOBIA DID NOT CAUSE THE PASSAGE OF PROP 8 AGAINST GAY MARRIAGE IN CALIFORNIA.  So argues Margaret Kimberley, noting that news media grossly over-estimated the percentage by which blacks voted for the proposition, and many white gays acted like whites by scapegoating blacks for a result which could not have been brought about by a mere 6% of the California population.  If you want to place blame, says Kimberley, place it on the white gays who failed to organize, especially in the black community, and blame as well the marginalization of black political thinking and its focus on "family and religion" issues as matters such as black poverty and incarceration have been taken "off the table" of the national discourse.   http://www.blackagendareport.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=934&Itemid=1
"THE LESSON FOR LABOR, NOW AND THEN, IS: DON'T GET INTO BED WITH CROOKED POLITICIANS, BECAUSE THEY MAY END UP MAKING YOU LOOK AS BAD AS THEM."  Steve Early draws this "lesson" between the "then and now" of a Massachusetts politico who took union bribes in the last century and the Illinois Governor who became involved in a similar but bigger scale way with today's Service Employee's International Union.  The SEIU has done valuable work in advancing working conditions for its members, but loses that advantage when it gets too flagrantly "in bed" with pay-to-play systems like that operated by Blagojevich. http://www.zmag.org/znet/viewArticle/19971
MRS. C: "HONEY, PLEASE COME TO BED!"  MR. C: "HOLD ON, I'M ON THE PHONE WITH THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT."   Newly-wed Florida Governor takes time out from his honeymoon to do some lobbying for completion of the "deal" with U.S. Sugar that keynotes the Everglades restoration project.  By 4-3 vote, Board approves the deal, but with a big "out": that the deal is off if the state finds it can't come up with the necessary financing. "Now, where we?" (with the deal that is.) http://www.miamiherald.com/news/florida/story/815979.html
These headlines and following additional posted on website today.  To read them, click http://www.sunstateactivist.org/ scroll below headlines and click on any article you want to read.
ooo  Natives in B.C. may get a new human rights treaty.
ooo  New kids' book: Santa Goes Green.
ooo  Mom, we can't really afford to inherit your condo.
ooo  Palm Beach strippers: higher county fees to display
           their wares.
ooo  And more.

Quote of the day:
"I am a retired business man living in Florida. Just about all my money is invested with Madoff Securities. I have been using that money to live on. Based on what is known so far, can you tell me how badly I have been hurt and if there is anything I should be doing to possibly protect myself or preserve my assets. I appreciate any advice you can give me. Please email me or call me . . ."

That's an easy one; you are screwed, blued and tattooed. You were retired, now you're just broke-ass poor. Your new hobbies are yard sales, flea markets, and for a big day, hanging out at the public library" 
DAVID GLEN COX, describing a fictitious but realistic advice column for formerly "wealthy" people whose wealth disappears through the machinations of Bernard Madoff.  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article21483.htm

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