
9/11: Evidence of "Targeting Laser" to guide jet to strike South Tower

Evidence of "Targeting Laser" to guide jet to strike South Tower

See the "Targeting Laser" dot on the building as it tracks from left to right, continues across the fireball and extinguishes only after appearing on the building next to it. It is turned off when it reaches midpoint of building to the right. This targeting laser was one of the systems that was used to guide the large Boeing plane into the tower. The Boeing was not a real passenger plane with passengers aboard. It is more likely that it was remote controlled and full of explosives. The flash seen just before impact at the nose of the plane was likely some type of proximity device that initiated the explosives upon impact. Later in this video you will see a small jet powered aircraft that was likely used to project the "IR Beam" on the tower that the Boeing used as a homing signal to focus on the target (the South Tower) and make final approach adjustments. It is called a UAV (with laser designation). If you study this and other footage, you will notice that the plane appears to bank 16% port just as the IR Laser homing image appears on the tower. The timing is perfect.

Some have commented on the appearance of "flickering" of the laser image. This is part of the "coding" of the laser so that targeting sensors do not mistake some other image when seeking a target.

The "dot" is not paper or a reflection. This projection does not react to wind or the explosion... it continues undisturbed. Also, if it were a solid object or reflection, it would have appeared on numerous other videos. IR is invisible to human eye, but not to the camera that got the shot of the dot.

It must be noted that the small UAV in this footage is NOT a Global Hawk. It is something else, and I am doing further research (links posted below). *Camera Planet* footage. TURN UP THE VOLUME ON YOUR PC TO HEAR THE HIGH PITCH SOUND OF THE JET ENGINE OF THE 9/11 DRONE! If the audio is too low to hear the UAV jet, check my first upload as I really cranked the audio on that one:

Follow up video/research links:

Download the entire video collection (watch time stamps to fast forward to clips):
If you have full version of "Quicktime" you can right click on link and download (save target as) video and watch it full screen.

Possible *first* shot of UAV after S. Tower attack
From the CameraPlanetArchive, same video w/full 3sec of audio of UAV jet engine:
Interesting UAV video:
Declassified UAV report 1996 describing targeting systems on Global Hawk:
911 Commission / Richard Clarke testifies:
Posted on Google, same high pitch jet sound (no visual) at 6:38
And on YT (same time stamp 6:38)
"Weapon's sensors, utilizing SAL to detect a coded laser spot which is created by a target designator illuminating the target. The laser spot clearly marks the target to an aerial attacker or guided weapon."
"...UAV designation provide(s) effective support for laser targeting."

"Predators, equipped with electro-optical sensors and infrared video cameras, flew 50 targeting sorties in Kosovo, defense officials say. The UAVs also carried laser designators to illuminate targets for combat aircraft."

"...after recent combat action in Ko-sovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq, UAVs have come closer to proving their utility."
"...DOD's FY04 budget includes around $1 billion for all UAV spending...up from only $360 million in FY01..."
"As more UAVs gain laser designators..."

"...the USAF decided to develop a smaller "Tier 3-" UAV designated the "Darkstar"... powered by a Williams Research FJ-44-1A turbofan engine." "...a redesigned Darkstar, now formally designated "RQ-3A", flew in the early summer of 1998."; length 15ft, wingspan 69ft, cruise speed 345mph

More research links for Laser Guidance Systems:

Watch the end of this video. The last part he points out is "another" piece of paper that looks like the laser dot. This is in fact a REFLECTION of the same laser dot:

More to come! I am updating this description with more links as I find them (time permitting for research!).

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