"The Great Global Warming Swindle"
Runtime = 76 Minutes
_____________________________________________________________REVIEWS from AMAZON:
Product Description: The Great Global Warming Swindle (DVD)
In the first ten minutes of this video, the whole premise of "man-made" global warming is not only refuted, but the whole theory is proven to be BACKWARDS from the science. The ONLY piece of real scientific evidence in "Inconvenient Truth" was misinterpreted and misused by Al Gore (the rest is political diatribe, scare stories and religious sermonizing), and actually proves the opposite of what he claims! The best part of this film, though, is the way it talks about the gross immorality of adopting the alarmists' recommendations and unnecessarily condemning the Third World to more poverty, disease and death.
I know this DVD has only recently been released, so I will warn everyone now that some of the following reviews will be highly negative, posted by Al Gore's True Believers determined not to allow any other viewpoint to be expressed. Whatever they say should not necessarily be believed. View this film, verify the sources, and you can make up your own mind. I expect you will find yourself convinced, and a bit angry at the swindlers and their high-handed tactics. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews
The Debate is...Just Beginning!, February 4, 2008
By Bernard Chapin "Ora Et Labora!" (CHICAGO! USA)
And thank God for that! One of the scientists here describes the furor surrounding global warming skepticism as being "a story of anger and intimidation." Absolutely, that's the way the left fights its battles and his words will resonate loudly with conservatives. Whenever one questions politically correct isms or sacred causes it automatically results in attacks on your person and character. This documentary was absolutely outstanding though and I heartily recommend it. I got my copy from the Heartland Institute and will be passing it on to my friends.
I bought into global warming for 20 years (no joke) and I'm sorry to admit it. Of course, like the scientists here I believe in global warming as a phenomenon but believe that most of what humans do has no impact upon it. These 70 minutes are chock full of valid and excellent points; one of which is that climate is never stable. That's obvious on its face but global warming proponents rely on the notion that fluctuations evidence abnormality, but the earth's temperature is constantly moving in one direction or another.
The Great Global Warming Swindle lacks the production values of An Inconvenient Truth, but it offers an abundance of logical arguments--all of which are more convincing and powerful than what you'll find in the Al Gore flick. The ideas the scientists proffer here directly clash with conventional thinking, and that's a very good thing. Unlike what you'll hear from the mainstream media we discover that temperature changes produce carbon dioxide fluctuations as opposed to it being the other way around. We also find that solar activity, and not CO2, is the principal predictor of the earth's temperature. Therefore, what humans do is largely irrelevant given the force and size of the sun.
The film succeeds in illuminating the ways in which this topic has become entirely politicized over the course of the last two decades. That the Bush administration ended a long line of American resistance to this dogma is a regrettable. To our misfortune, with a Democrat or John McCain taking office in November the future promises carbon taxes and the purposeful derailing of our economy. My only hope is that more people read the contrarian books out there on the subject and see this film. Maybe we can mitigate some of the damage the government will inflict by, yet again, attempting to "solve" a problem that is not a problem at all. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews
Truth can only be politically incorrect, October 15, 2007
By Jacques COULARDEAU "A soul doctor, so to say" (OLLIERGUES France) - See all my reviews
This review is from: The Great Global Warming Swindle (DVD) (DVD)
This documentary is essential if you want to get to some light in the global warming "debate" led (meaning guided but not Light-Emitting-Debate) by the new Nobel prize winner Al Gore. Al Gore's film is not a documentary because it does not take into account any alternative hypothesis or model that could in any way jeopardize his own approach. This here film is a documentary because it does take into account several approaches and it is always referring to the CO2 hypothesis and the IPCC process. This documentary brings forward a whole set of scientific research that question the CO2 hypothesis and bring forward other hypotheses. It is thus essential if we want to know more than what we are allowed to absorb from the standard point of view that has become politically correct. Then it is also essential because it acknowledges the fact that all climatologists work on models and that models are not reality but only a tool for us to analyze and interpret reality, but a tool that tends to project onto reality the a priori vision that the model contains.
The third important contribution of this documentary is the historical dimension it takes and develops. It connects several historical events and political motivations and shows how these had to bring forward the present CO2 approach. Margaret Thatcher's distrust of the Mine Workers' Union, hence coal, and of the Middle East, hence oil, made her invest in nuclear power. The miracle of North Sea oil exploited by the English intensively and wastefully. The fall of the Berlin Wall and the recycling of left-wing militants from communism to anti-capitalistic ecology or whatever. It also insists on the fact that the West's desire to limit development is particularly egocentric and selfish because it means to maintain the undeveloped areas of the planet in un-development: the documentary gives examples of the deadly consequences of the lack of electricity in Africa. It also rebukes the pretension that malaria is a southern, hence tropical disease, what's more only at low altitudes. Yet it is not complete. One thing is missing at least. It is BP who is selling solar panels in ex-English colonies and Total is said to detain the similar license in France. This means the present campaign against CO2 corresponds to the change in strategy of these enormous corporations that have worked essentially in oil and now are preparing the after-oil future. At the same time the documentary is slightly short. There is no reason whatsoever to pollute when we can be clean, and that for two main reasons, first if pollution can be avoided it is ethical to avoid it, and it is also economical to do so because we can thus save on the cost of post-pollution cleaning up. But yet this documentary is essential for us to start seeing some light in the total darkness of the anti-CO2 faith-requiring religious campaign.
Dr Jacques COULARDEAU, University Paris Dauphine, University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne & University Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines
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