
Gators 9/11 Truth Speaks to Gainesville Government about Burning the Qur'an

Activists Speak to Gainesville Government about Burning the Qur'an
The Dove Outreach Church and Rev. Terry Jones should know the government has not charged, and there is no reason to believe that Islam or the Qur'an was involved with the crime of murder by terror on 9/11/2001.

This point was made to the Gainesville City Commission and citizens viewing in the TV audience at the August 19th  public meeting.

The commission and viewers were directed to the Gators911Truth.org website to review two independant bodies of evidence that conclude explosives were used in the ultimate "collapse" of the Twin Towers and Building 7 despite the spectacular fireball created by the impact of jet aircraft on the Towers and the weak fires that burned randomly in WTC-7.

EXHIBIT A:  Conclusive Evidence the FBI Can Not Debunk

In 2008 Architect Richard Gage, AIA produced a 2 hour DVD that examined the destruction of the Twin Towers and WTC-7 in detail. Using the rigors of the scientific method the conclusion for deliberate demolition was beyond a reasonable doubt in every aspect. The DVD was sent to the FBI for review anticipating the evidence would initiate a new investigation by the convening of a Grand Jury.

We were initially encouraged when the FBI's Michael Heimbach replied in writing and essentially said his office could not debunk Gage's evidence and conclusions. In fact, Heimbach said Gage's presentation was, "based on thorough research and analysis." Additional evidence has been submitted to the FBI since then but no action or word of pending actions has yet resulted.

Gage's large non-profit organization has assembled over 1,200 scientists and building professionals to lobby Congress to re-open the 9/11 investigation; particularly since most members of the 9/11 Commission have admitted they were "set-up to fail".

Then, in 2009 Senior Counsel to the 9/11 Commission, John Farmer confirmed in his 2009 book THE GROUND TRUTH that the Pentagon lied to the 9/11 Commission. But not even Farmer's revelation succeeded to prompt AG, Eric Holder or Congress to initiate criminal proceedings.

CLICK HERE  to see the FBI shows no indictment for Osama Bin Laden in the events of 9/11, only the African Embassy.


EXHIBIT B:  Scientists Find Explosives Used to Destroy Twin Towers.
An international team of scientists found and analyzed samples of the "dust" from ground zero. What they found were red/grey chips of unreacted "nano-thermite", a military grade binary explosive employing advanced nano-technology developed in the mid- 90's. This exotic compound has the ability to instantly melt steel beams while simultaneously acting as a powerful explosive. Nano-thermite- (aka Super-thermite) is stable when "wet" and could have been sprayed onto the surface of the steel beams during the many instances of maintenance and repair work performed by various outside contractors. This peer-reviewed publication is available online. CLICK HERE  then download the 25 page PDF file.

The science that concludes deliberate demolition in two seperate forensic studies points to a monstrous act of treason so large that government security agencies have apparently enforced a Media black-out to suppress discussion that could expose the Bush administration's cover-up of the true events of 9/11. Even C-Span program hosts shamefully participate in discrediting informed callers as "conspiracy theorists" when they ask legitimate and patriotic questions about the events of 9/11.

It is not speculation to assert that the 9/11 murders were never investigated by Congress or in a Court of law. In this clip, the Chairman of the 9/11 Commission, Thomas Keane admits they were "set-up to fail". Nine years after the event it's clear that Justice for the 9/11 families continues to be denied.

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