
Tea Party Grass Roots Organizers Tell 9/11 Truth Grass Roots to get out.

Tea Party Grass Roots Organizers Tell 9/11 Truth Grass Roots to get out.

Tea Party Rally for Free Speech and Grass Roots is revealed to be an organized and secretly funded Media Campaign.

Tea Party Express staff censored We Are Change Utah's big blue 9/11 truth banner with audience members, and won't disclose the true source of their financing. The event signified nothing in terms of political action. No messages were sent to the government. No politicians heard the cries of citizens. Tea Party organizers told the bused-in sheeple to obscure the 9/11 Truth signs but only a few yielded to pseudo-authority of the Tea Party oganizing staff.  It was clear that the event was not funded by the mass of those who attended. Utah State police upheld WAC Utah right to assemble anywhere on site and made it clear that they had no authority to force them out.



wacutah — April 01, 2010
By Clint,  We Are Change Utah

Video Descrition from YouTube Channel:  http://www.youtube.com/user/wacutah
As much as we wanted to set it up behind the podium, we were respectful despite the numerous attempted bluffs to make us move, including having a government worker and the Utah Highway Patrol ask us on their behalf to move. The Tea Party Express wanted us to take down our sign, and alluded to the fact that we were not one of them, that we were a hate group, and suggested that we werent there for the same reasons as them. If they meant that we werent there to subvert and destroy the effectiveness and relevance of the Tea Party movement as they were then they were correct in their assumption.

On a side note, the Utah Highway Patrol Troopers are to be commended on refusing to be bullied into violating our rights, and were well aware of the fraudulent actions being perpetrated by this usurped Tea Party Express group. They were extremely respectful, as we were to them. They were a shining example of the correctness of law enforcement action. The lady in black who came and talked to us said that the Tea Party was only comprised four people, in which she was one of. She claimed to be a business woman with children, doing this for her children and in hopes of some day running for office. When I asked her who sponsored and paid for all of this, including four totally decked out tour buses, a couple 4×4 trucks, a tricked out Mercedes, (all of these vehicles had an expensive painted mural on the whole of their exteriors telling me that they probably werent rentals, including the buses) and several cameras, equiptment, tens of empolyees setting up and manipulating the crowd to dance and fill out raffle cards, which were either marketing tools or tracking tools, microphones and p.a. systems, and the actual speakers and performers (who were no doubt getting paid for their performances), she told me that she personally spent some days opening envelopes stuffed with 10-15 dollar donations from people just like me.

I assure you that the people there were not just like me, and heres why After she let us know how she supported our efforts and claimed that she supported our free-speech she had a couple of her goons go out into the audience (the people that were supposedly just like me) specifically the ones with American and Dont tread on me flags (of which most were made in China), and have them stand in front of our big blue banner, which simply stated Question 9/11 Demand Answers. In other words, this supposed grass-roots organization arranged for some of their supporters to attempt to squash our right to free speech. And so, for the last hour and a half of the Tea Party, we had about 7 people standing in front of our banner holding up flags. This was the most contradictory effort that a person attending a rally promoting free speech could have possibly made. And in between those people and our banner stood the two goons, at least one of which we thought was carrying a concealed weapon. But we stood our ground and didnt complain, turning the other cheek as our mission statement proclaims peaceful action and dissent, being the change we want to see in the world. A few moments before the end of the event, as we rolled up our big blue banner up and began walking toward the CNN Express bus which was part of the Tea Party Express caravan, one of the goons stated that it was about time you guys left. Before we walked away, I walked up to the woman in black well call her the black widow and thanked her for arranging the group of flag waivers to block our banner. She first looked surprised that I knew she had arranged it, and then, looking at me with a knowing smile, said you are very welcome and walked away. At least she knew that we knew she was full of crap, and that made me feel better. Now, while this type of abuse is common place towards us as we try and expose the truth about 9/11 to the public, I must say that the most painful part of this day was the corny and often times obviously contrived performances and speeches that we had to listen to as we stood there for the Tea Party (with the exception of a great rap group that rapped about the New World Order, and actually made the crowd of uncoordinated white people cheer and clap along, though not quite to the beat). Im not sure if they were actually a part of the tour, but kudos to them for their performance, the one highlight of the Tea Party Express. The Tea Party should be boycotted by anyone serious about change. Vote Them Out was the theme, while Republican candidates made speeches about how they would be somehow different. Perhaps Use Paper Ballots or No Computerized, Fixable Voting Machines might have been a better theme or how about HANG EM HIGH.

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