San Bernardino Mountains - NBC 4 features what is commonly known as "CHEMTRAILS". Military operation names: Indirect-Semi-Direct-Direct Aerosol Campaign from the ARM program (Atmospheric Radiation Mesurement)...their real name are AEROSOL SCATTERINGS...or AEROSOL OBSCURATION. Also "OPERATION CLOVERLEAF"
Since CHEMTRAILS are a global operation, you will eventually notice them over your own skies. At leat now you know more about what they are - POISON....HWS
The Weather Modification Operations and Research Board was a proposed agency of the United States government, intended to promote research into weather control. A bill requiring the creation of the board was introduced in the U.S. Senate on two occasions by TexasSenatorKay Bailey Hutchinson, the first on March 4, 2004, and the second on March 3, 2005. However, the bill did not become law on either occasion, and the board was never created. Notwithstanding, the inter-operational geo-engineering, weather modification, and "global warming mitigation" efforts of corporations and institutions involved with the proposed board have been designative of a large-scale unofficial program, which has long involved such dictatorial entities as the Department of Commerce, and thereby, the Federal Reserve system and Federal Taxation monetary allocation. Furthermore, weather modification bills are being resubmitted in 2007, by Cong. Udall (H.R. 3445: Weather Mitigation Research and Technology Transfer Authorization Act of 2007) and Sen. Hutchinson (S. 1807: Weather Mitigation Research and Development Policy Authorization Act of 2007). Proposal information links are below.
S. 601: Weather Mitigation Research and Development Policy Authorization Act of 2009
The 111th Congress. This is a bill in the U.S. Congress originating in the Senate ("S."). A bill must be passed by both the Senate and House and then be signed by the President before it becomes law.Bill numbers restart from 1 every two years. Each two-year cycle is called a session of Congress.
This bill was created in the 111th Congress, in 2009-2010.The titles of bills are written by the bill's sponsor and are a part of the legislation itself. GovTrack does not editorialize bill summaries.2009-2010 Weather Mitigation Research and Development Policy Authorization Act of 2009.
The following summary was written by the Congressional Research Service, a well-respected nonpartisan arm of the Library of Congress. SOURCE
Weather Mitigation Research and Development Policy Authorization Act of 2009 - Establishes in the National Science Foundation (NSF) the Weather Mitigation Research Office to establish and coordinate the national research and development program on weather mitigation described in this Act. Requires the Office be headed by a Director, who shall be appointed by the NSF Director. Creates an associated Advisory Board.
Requires the Director of the Office, in consultation with the Advisory Board, to submit a plan for the establishment and coordination of the Program.
Requires the Office to promote and fund research and development (R&D), studies, and investigations with respect to: (1) improved forecast and decisionmaking technologies for weather mitigation operations, including tailored computer workstations and software and new observation systems with remote sensors; and (2) assessments and evaluations of the efficacy of weather mitigation.
Authorizes the Office to establish a grant program for the awarding of grants to eligible entities (state agencies, institutions of higher education, and nonprofits that have expertise in the field of weather mitigation and experience working with state agencies) for R&D projects that pertain to weather mitigation.
Requires the submission of annual reports to the President and specified congressional committees on the activities conducted pursuant to this Act.
Part 1 - NBC 4
Part 2 - NBC 4 - 10 Months Later
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